Boating Bigots lovit cu INSTANT Karma

Boating Bigots lovit cu INSTANT Karma

*ATENȚIE DE DECLENCARE* – Discuții despre hărțuire și sinucidere (3:30-5:14) Uneori intervine universul… dar acești bigoți de pe o barcă și-au creat propria karma. Lasă un comentariu cu gândurile tale mai jos! #RebelHQ #Știri #Politică


41 thoughts on “Boating Bigots lovit cu INSTANT Karma

  1. To all the people saying they should have left them in the water, this is not what real sailors do. Aid is always rendered by those who are nearby no matter who is in need. Even during wartime enemies are given aid if at all possible.

  2. Gosh, this reminds me of an old, old episode of “The Jeffersons” where George saved this Klansman’s life by doing CPR. The bigot’s young son was so grateful until the dad said, “son, you should have let me die.” It was a heartbreaking episode. 😢

  3. Fuck your alphabet gang. You are the true biggots. You wanna make a video name calling well we can do that. You liberals are what’s wrong with this country. Your nothing but evil commie scumbags. Go to China. You have no respect. You protect kid touching. So fuck off

  4. No. One of the customary "rules of the sea" is that, even if it's an enemy sailor, you stop and pick them up.

    Glad to see these people adhered to that custom. Even though they probably wouldn't have drowned, or suffered serious injury, it's respecting life that shames them the most.

  5. I notice that among the commenters on this video are some people who would have done better to keep their fool mouths shut.
    Oh, well, there are always some who can't be reached, even by the most clear and direct lesson. Neither the amusing first clip, nor the heart-touching second one.
    Oh, well . . . .

  6. Ahhhhh. The leftists love attacking those that disagree with them, but when some lqghjdgsyt++ sheep get picked on its time for respecting others opinions and treating people nicely. You have done NOTHING but attack and direct hate towards anybody that has the nerve to think outside your perceived lines. Your hypocrisy will be your downfall. The world is finally starting to see through your useful idiot BS. We will not be turning the other cheek when the time comes.

  7. -Folks, it is a proven fact that the vast majority of Karens/Kevins are indeed, registered republicans.

    These people are all ENTITLED, they are all insecure, they all have persecution complexes, and they all feel the world owes them everything. Of course they grew up privileged. And they feel that THEY are the only people "working for a living", and perceive everyone with darker skin than them to be living off the government not paying taxes. Oh and they have a screaming need to impose THEIR personal religious beliefs on YOU.

    And if they cannot do these nefarious things? They EXPLODE in a childlike temper tantrum and invoke their disgusting orange-haired hero, Corporal Bone Spurs himself Donald Trump!

  8. the only race that matters is the human race, and we are doomed until we realize that. God didn't ask for hall monitors, he gave us free will, and asked us through His son to love others. So, try that.

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