Portavionul Junk din China se teme să navigheze? O glumă mare din cauza eșecului Copycat

Portavionul Junk din China se teme să navigheze?  O glumă mare din cauza eșecului Copycat

După o lungă așteptare de peste 500 de zile, gigantul naval foarte mediatizat al Chinei, portavionul Fujian (003), încă nu a pornit în testele sale pe mare. Datele cheie care au fost odată prezise ca repere semnificative, inclusiv Ziua Armatei și Ziua Națională, au venit și au trecut fără debutul transportatorului. Mai mult, detaliile despre data de lansare a efortului ulterioar al Chinei, portavionul „004”, rămân învăluite în incertitudine. Tehnologia de catapultă electromagnetică folosită de transportatorul Fujian este complet diferită de omologul său american, făcând imposibilă orice formă de imitație. Partidul Comunist Chinez (PCC) are o capacitate limitată de inovare tehnologică. Transformarea conceptelor în realitate de la sine este asemănătoare cu jocurile de noroc. Portaavionele 004 trebuie să potrivească tehnologia de ejecție electromagnetică cu centralele nucleare, care este, de asemenea, un teritoriu neexplorat în care CCP nu are experiență. #fujiancarrier #chinacarrier #aircraftcarrier #chinaobserver Toate drepturile rezervate.


27 thoughts on “Portavionul Junk din China se teme să navigheze? O glumă mare din cauza eșecului Copycat

  1. People underestimate what it takes to build a carrier force. It's more than just building a carrier, though that is certainly part of it. It's building all of the personnel, systems, support and logistics, training of crews, etc. At this stage, I think what we are really seeing here is China confronting all of those challenges that the US makes look so easy…after nearly a century of carrier service. You also need to toss in the CCP, the massive corruption that implies, their tendency to divorce everything from reality, their lack of actual military experience and training for their core officers and key personnel, and…well, just saying the CCP was in charge is enough really. Screwups screwing up, to put it more gently than the traditional way to say that.

  2. Okay to intimidate the sea life in the SCS China has resort to trying to use its warplanes as submersibles calling themselves as being well ahead of the USA. Then a tuna beat the hell out of the pilot and warplane. It is said that the pilot will fight cans of tuna now. 🇮🇹

  3. The Chinese didn’t buy all the Kuznetsov technocrap for their aircraft carrier did they, school boy error trusted Russia and its stealth craft burns tyres as fuel and will probably sink before too long.

  4. Well let us just say Chinese carrier is just good enough for China's purpose and I am sure they are all happy that they had built this 003 type. But what they don't realize is there is no comparison to U.S. made carriers, especially with Ford Class carrier in overall quality. Someday China will come to realize this fact and they might regret what they ended up with a piece of a junk. It's like comparing between sirloin steak to cheap hamburger.

  5. ChinComms are Wannabes. Nobody cares if they build these things. They won’t last long in a conflict. The only Navy the whole World respects including the ChinComms is the US Navy.

  6. This report is total fabricated nonsense. If you believe any of this video then I have a awesome deal for you on some ocean front property for sale in Arizona, A real good bargain for the right person. lmfao what a joke this channel is. So Lame 👎👎👎

  7. When China uses giant rubber bands to launch it's aircraft then you know it's a fail. Tofu-dreg boats are designed to sail on one direction and that is down to the ocean floor

  8. in this video it is mentioned that the carriers have had leaks due to poor quality steel just wondering if anyone has a good source for that i would love to know more.

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