*Episodul special de Ziua Recunoștinței care vă va face să râdeți! Alăturați-vă echipajului pentru CELE MAI DIUSTRAȚI ÎMPĂRĂRI din ultimele două săptămâni, în care Mario vă va avea în cusături! Comanda-ți pânzele Precision: https://www.precisionsailloft.com/ Vino să navighezi cu noi! https://sailingzingaro.com/ Susține acest canal: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/svzingaro T-shirts: https://www.bonfire.com/store/zingaro/
Social Media: Website: https://sailingzingaro.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/svzingaro Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailing_zingaro/
Companii pe care le iubim: OC Tenders: https ://octenders.co.nz/ Seawater Pro Watermakers: https://seawaterpro.com/ Etanșare pentru arbore fără picurare Lasdrop: https://lasdrop.com/ Cutter arbore Spurs: https://spursmarine.com/shaft-cutters/ Sonar orientat spre viitor: https://echopilot.com/
: Epidemic Sound
CELE MAI DIUSTRAȚII PRINCIPII noastre la bordul noii barci cu pânze!

36 thoughts on “CELE MAI DIUSTRAȚII PRINCIPII noastre la bordul noii barci cu pânze!”
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Families looking good James, ..all of you!
my god.mario is something else.Have you had enough of those guys guys.thanx for sporting my shirt.mario is such a Winer.tell Anna and Luna Tim and Cindy said much Love.
You are a great guy! but sleep with one eye open on that boat
Congratulations on your new baby!
While watching this I kept thinking of the S. S. Minnow. Thanks for the video.
I have never seen that much gay in one person. This man's calling is comedy. Some people try to be funny, and others can do it without effort
what the hell you guys been smoking ?
I could not stop laughing
. Thank you for making ribs hurt from laughing so hard and the tears. I volunteered to work today the evening shift at an old folks home. Joyful Thanksgiving.
Mario is a winner! Lot of bitching and moaning, but he still works. Good job all around

Happy blessing Thanksgiving

God bless family 
Watching from Ontario Canada, this episode made me LOL, too funny, and baby girl is so adorable, safe adventures everyone.
Hands down the funniest Sailing Zíngaro ever!! Happy thanksgiving to you all!
Brilllllliant James – thanks for sharing

"Poppies will make you sleeeeeepy!", Lol Mario…
Happy Thanksgiving crew!
OMG. Thank you for the giggles!

They could paint it all orange like Odd Life Crafting did.
Maybe paint the keel orange too, so you can find it under water.
These guys are hilarious, thanks for the laughs.

James your daughter is adorable.
You lost me at the bald cat
Happy Thanks Giving everybody. Hilarious, another great bleeping video

. OMG the body language got me cracking up dude .

“Everything got a cover “ “I got in the wrong hole “ 

Just Hilarious.
They should have their own YouTube channel… Sailing Queens… Would be very funny
What a great looking familiy !
Very beautiful
James you must have the patients of a saint!
With those orange sail covers you gotta sail that ship to the Arctic or down under to the antarctic, the contrast will be epic.
Hay, James and family, you are going to have a hoot of a trip to Panama.
Cheers from NZ down under.
Absolutely hilarious loved every minute
dude is trying a little bit too hard to be who he’s trying to be.
Too funny. These guys should start their own channel.
Imagine Mario's youtube channel.
Tippy toe describing tools…… james stop it…. happy thanksgiving
Awesome.. love these guys
Outtakes were a riot!! Thanks for sharing!!
Gotta Say your friends buy good tools those milwaukee battery's last well great vid captain.
Love these videos, literally laughing out loud. Mario and John are amazing. Another fantastic episode. Way to go James.
This one was absolutely hilarious,the girls were beautiful,so good to see your family.