Atlantic OCEAN Passage Jacksonville to Ft Lauderdale EP 29

Atlantic OCEAN Passage Jacksonville to Ft Lauderdale EP 29

Părăsim Jacksonville pe 16 octombrie 2023 și ne îndreptăm spre sud, spre Ft. Lauderdale pentru a ne instala litiu și a conecta solar de către Just Catamarans. Încercarea eșuată de a ridica pânzele în mare agitată. Shannon își depășește răul de mare, iar echipajul are una dintre cele mai epice zile cu un spectacol după cină de la delfini și lansarea SpaceX în spatele bărcii. Urmărește călătoria familiilor noastre în timp ce intenționăm să ocolim Globul în 3-4 ani, cu un buget de 4.300 USD/lună. Intenționăm să părăsim SUA în octombrie 2023 și să vizităm 26 de țări și 6 continente. Vrei să știi ce echipament IUBIM? Verifică-l pe Muzică: Epidemic Sound și abonamente Musicbed


35 thoughts on “Atlantic OCEAN Passage Jacksonville to Ft Lauderdale EP 29

  1. I am trying to find a solution for my wife and other sailors (most of whom are woman btw) that suffer from seasickness. And although we have some solutions they are not for every ine. Would you mind to share with me whether you have dizziness rom small movements of the boat and whether the wristband you have has any effect on that? (headache, dizziness, full head, central pain between the eyes etc) I do understand how this wristband works but fear that this is only half of the solution for seasickness. Thanks upfront. We'll keep following. Those battens and the lazy jacks is why we have an in mast furling sail.

  2. Good video, yea, sea sickness is no bueno, as a NP, can you prescribe yourself Scopolamine? Having fished offshore a lot, and dived, I won't go offshore without that patch, little Jesus lives in there and keeps me safe from sea sickness. Of course, it has to be taken prior to getting sea sick. At any rate, love the fact your vids show every day life and challenges of this new adventure you guys are on. Good luck, and the first rocket launch I saw when we moved to Orlando was a night time one, so cool, even living in Jax now, I can see the launch and still watch it.

  3. Great video! You all are about a year ahead of us as we also have 3 kids two kids in college one at home and we are headed into a Cat! Love to see you guys finally getting out there and that H20 maker is working! Keep smiling!

  4. LOVE your videos – honest reactions to all the problems you encounter and by the the way solve – it does reflect a more true sense of life at sea for new comings to the life – and sea sickness will pass with each ruff sea you encounter your tolerance will build up – only advice i can see i would give – its kind of a rule with long timers is keep a empty sink and clean table / house everything has a place -before you go off watch everytime – makes life a lot easier for the next chap on duty sick or not sick – good luck the space shot was amazing glad you could witness it at sea – not many do – keep up the good work and keep truckin it all gets easier – well not really – just different days different problems – but you stared with a boat load of prbblems they left you with when you took over and now you have alot less – god bless

  5. Dolphins and SpaceX launch – that would be a great day – I can't wait until the Starship is launching as regularly as the starlink missions. I'm sure as you settle into the day to day of traveling the world, these days will get easier as it becomes the new normal.
    Donate for a Dream

  6. I'm going to be where you are hopefully in 3 to 6 months and I am so looking forward to it. The reason for my comment is that I hope you have Davis actively logging his sea time. He will apply for his captain's license as soon as he's old enough I'm sure. Safe travels, we'll run into each other down the road I'm sure.

  7. Bless Davis's lil heart.. what a great kid. You can tell he is wanting to love this.. rough lil start but these growin pains will soon disappear into the beautiful sunsets that are sure to come.. can't wait for next week..

  8. Use autopilot and engines to hold boat directly into wind. Helps with sails going up. I've also seen people not loosen boom until past the lazy Jack's.

  9. ..when you pass the ships…have your son look up the ship….name + tracking ship

    You can see all about them and where they go and what they carry…fun to see

  10. It’s fun watching people figure out a new boat. You’ll figure it all out just in time to buy a new boat.

    We’ve spent a lot of time on the dock at Just Cats. It’s kind of fun the number of YouTubers who have been through there. We enjoy our time there. Well everything but the no-seeums.

  11. We are laughing and enjoying your videos and just saw the Jax to FLL cruise. You need to charge the marriage savers! We are leaving later this week from St Simons Is to Ft. Pierce along your route. We will be in the Bahamas by mid- Jan. Rob is such a positive motivator – that’s a great skill to have on the sailing team. Keep the videos coming😎. SV Little Mermaid

  12. Love the honesty and reality. As a mere armchair sailor still chartering and aspiring to do what you're doing, every episode is encouraging.
    On the lazy jacks sheets, is it possible to loosen them and temporarily pull them out of the way? I've seen other YouTubers show doing that (on monohulls), and having struggled with what you went through, can't believe there isn't a better system.

  13. Guys you are all doing a great job, better to get sick now as your body and system will accustomed to the movement of the sea. So great to see the First Mate Davis is coming of age, just the start of a wonderful lifestyle 👍🎣⛵️👌😎💋❤️🚣

  14. So great that the adventure is started. Hope you caught lots of lobsters. The Leopard 42 (brand new just taking the plastic off) we were on had to pretty dead into the wind to get up past the lazy jacks at first. Once you got past the 2nd reef (first one up) it cleared easy

  15. One of the unique things about your channel is the ability to watch the absolute wonderment and excitement of Davis. So sweet and innocent and watching him get excited about dolphins and stars makes this a truly special channel.

  16. Great video guys! It totally takes us back to four years ago! 😊 Let us know if we could help you out in anyway and we hope to see you on the water somewhere. I love when you said “well that seemed too easy.” We’ve suspiciously said that many times too. Happy sailing!

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