Check out din Kos

Check out din Kos

Navigați spre Kos pentru a pleca din Grecia. Dacă vă plac videoclipurile și doriți să-mi cumpărați o băutură, link-urile pentru venmo, patreon sau paypal sunt mai jos:$SamHolmesSailing Bitcoin: bc1q23xsnagqat94tcu6tr40zcj504njlzqq2hg39c Urmărește-mă pe instagram @SamHolmesSailing


46 thoughts on “Check out din Kos

  1. I ran my slab reefing lines set to the correct length for each reef point along the boom with a small block fixed to the boom. So when the main was at full hoist the reefing lines were also at full hoist. When the sail was reefed or when the sail was put away for the day I just tucked the excess lines into the folded sail. Hope that makes sense. Love your videos. Love from Rhode Island, Heidi

  2. Do they make a main sail that wraps up on a pole at the bottom, like the jib but at the bottom of the sail. So you unfurl or wrap up (bring down) the main sail. It would take place of the bag and you could winch it up or down.

  3. Sam, the views may be dropping because YouTube is getting a lot more insistent on ads actually being watched rather than getting skipped. They have also introduced anti-adblocker software. I suspect advertisers have been seeing bad results for their money and are cutting YouTube adrift. Other than that, as I am sure you know, viewing figures will go down if there is not a female figure onboard.

  4. I sail out of St. Martin. . .and every island is a check in check out. Soul crushing is exactly true, not to mention a huge time suck for people on vacation. . . .I have an electric bike and always wondered if one of those super powerful car charging/ Jumping boxes (very light and small), might be a good solution for inconsistent power readings on your Scooter. . .Might be worth a jury rig. . .

  5. Confusas said ( I heard), “Every person has 88 worries “. The hardest part of sailing is not the sailing … choose your worry. You decide.

  6. Im not your mother but i play one online. If you ever find your way sailing the Mississippi River stop by , say hello

  7. Between you and I… You may wish to contact ‘pelagic’ auto pilots. They hooked up white spot Pirates with a auto helm, in order to help their promotion. Seeing that auto helm with Nike inspired me to look them up. Looks like a fantastic product and they may work a deal with you for the promotional opp.

  8. Yes Sam. I figured that going to sea would make little difference, because there is no place to get away from mankind ON EARTH. At least not right now.

  9. You should consider Junk rigged sails. No hassles with reefing, changing sails, balancing, steering – even in storms. Reef from dry cockpit.Chinese use them for millenia.

  10. During the same cruise my ship visited Corfu, or Korfu, we also traversed the Dardanelles, known as the Hellespont in ancient Greece, and pulled into Istanbul. On one side Europe, the other Asia. I thought that was pretty cool and made sure to visit both sides of the Bosphorus Bridge.

    While we were there one of our sailors went out and got schnockered then decided to urinate on a statue of the father of modern Turkey, the very highly revered Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. 😒 He was promptly jailed and it caused an international incident, though I'm sure not one still talked of today. 😅

    When out on liberty in international ports it was common to eat at restaurants. We were highly cultured sailors and so invariably if the port had a McDonalds it would be the top choice. 🙄 Istanbul had one and it was patronized by many of the worldly crew. 😂

    Anyway, Istanbul is a very interesting city due to its history and architecture. The Hagia Sophia and Blue Mosque are must-sees.

  11. Why not thread some small stuff through your lee cloth below that grommet, up thru the grommet, and back around. Maybe a three inch spread across the cloth under the grommet to distribute the load. A stitch in time saves nine.

  12. I have Greece on my list but, honestly, "soul crushing bureaucracy" is exactly why I am tired of Italy.. and so will probably skip Greece – "soul crushing bureaucracy" and the environment/scenery just not being my thing; I prefer lush Northern latitudes (e.g. Alaska).

  13. Would it be hard to simultaneously upload to rumble? I prefer to watch over there when possible. They are constantly improving their site and I just don't like YT's big brother tactics.

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