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JAKE & NICOLLE EXPOSED- Coacerea pâinii în cuptorul de cărămidă | SAILING & SPEARPESHING | VIAȚA REALĂ OFF GRID-Ep.178

44 thoughts on “JAKE & NICOLLE EXPOSED- Coacerea pâinii în cuptorul de cărămidă | SAILING & SPEARPESHING | VIAȚA REALĂ OFF GRID-Ep.178”
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I think they will have YouTube soon but for now you can say hi to Kiki and Leon here on IG: http://www.Instagram.com/chiara.tmbr
Thank you guys!
Fox is growing up to be the Tarzan of the Pacific Northwest

Awww, such an innocent family.

I wanted to be a Chinese farmer but I’m Irish.
Zdravím všechny celou rodinu krásne jste upekly chléb Málej JeK roste jako z vody a de do všeho mějte se tam krásně dejte pozor na medvědy …

Really love the videos – Very informative and education. No one seems to say it though, so I will. No need for clickbait thumbnails and/or video titles. You have a solid fanbase who enjoy watching your videos without that kind of stuff.
Ty si frajer jak bez kisliku pod vodu .
Hey have you guys smoked any of your salt yet? Or even smoked peppers for paprika?
Where is your little boy going to learn to work when his father doesn't have a job.?
freedom of Palestinian
Israel go back
You rock

So glad I am not the only one whose ovegloves look like that
I haven't felt well lately..just a question…did you ever finish the stairs to the top of the new house?
Little Tarzan is getting big. GO FOX
Good luck! with that tent with a snow load and high winds. I didn't have any. Even with solid anchors and a reinforced tensioned frame.
I do like the look and ideas for the house!
The Bears
are so cute 
is Adorable 
Please Please keep tight with Fox around the water

The Dogs
are Gray now 
What’s kekes social media??
Gosh your little bubba is growing so big he's so tall now! You guys have any American knives?
May God bless you both with a big family and good behaviours! Jesus Christ bless. <3
There's too many Asians, not enough White people.
1.5B Whites need to go up to about 3 Billion and 6.5 Billion blacks need to go down to about 2 Billion, Christian only non Abrahamic because the world is over the cannibalism and lack of compassion and instead people worshipping the devil and all it's works, enough of that now, too many people with herpes. You give that to your kids it's gross people need some sanitation.
Medical Medium Anthony William.
It would be super awesome to see fox wearing a life jacket all the time while on the boat. Heaven forbid something should ever happen…ugh I just don't want to even think about that. Life jackets save lives
That “what!?” was classic
Respecting the nature & habitat and cutting lots of trees down !!! Respect yourselves fist ..
more videos thank youp! I agree with the guy that was talking about the industrial having a kind of natural exterior instead. Also, how in the world did you manage the funds to buy such a huge lot out in the wilderness? How did you start? All us Whites want to get out there away from the Asians.
Wow!!! Those bears were incredible. Shame what an ordeal for the young ones, 3 days up a tree. Poor little guys. Glad they made their way down eventually. Such cool footage you guys got
Wow he sure has grown up so quickly must be all that good wholesome food your giving him glad you lot are all good and living your best lives you know I used too look a lot like him when I was young it sure is the best place he could be
I truly love watching your channel. Fox is definitely getting bigger.
My question is, what language are you speaking when you are speaking to Fox?
Greeting!I watch this channel from Hungary and I like the yurt and how they lived there!Congratulations on the sourdough bread, they look very nice and probably very tasty. We also bake something similar in my home.I think the GuanYin statue is well placed and faces the front door, that is, the yurt.I'll be curious when and how the house will be finished, although if you go sailing, i don't know when it will be finished!In any case, I hope that it will not be a House equipped with all the luxury, with a smart TV, dishwasher, Netflix, etc. ! good luck, and now I'm going to watch the other episodes !
FANTASTICO VIDEO, saludos desde España
Nicolle you are so good at bread baking it looks delicious. You live in such a beautiful place and the wildlife is incredible, wonderful to see and hear the story of the bears. Puma and Kai are so gorgeous and very obedient. The colour of the hemlock was amazing x
Homemade bread and blackberry preserves, what a delicious memory. My wife and I still know how, we just don't do it anymore. Always too busy.
I thought the most important subject of the video was the sharing of knowledge. Nicole showing Kiki, and all the rest of us about the finer points of bread making was wonderful. It all goes back to "show a person how to fish, and they will never starve". Simply brilliant!! Thank You!!!
Hey Nicole Hey Jake, I think you are doing a great job. The little one is getting so big I am watching you from Germany. It’s nice to see two Germans who stays with you and help you!