În acest episod, ne străduim să ne regăsim încrederea după salvarea noastră PAN-PAN din A Coruna. După ce am remediat problema cu motorul și propul, decidem să părăsim în sfârșit A Coruna și să navigăm mai departe de-a lungul coastei Galice a Spaniei. Ne trezim la 5 dimineața sperând să plecăm, dar A Coruna avea alte idei pentru noi. Avem ceață intensă și vizibilitate zero a trebuit să așteptăm să se limpezească vremea. Cu puțin vânt ne-am hotărât să navigam cu motor, făcându-ne și mai nervoși… În sfârșit, ne-am îndreptat spre Corme și am ancorat într-un ancoraj frumos de lângă orășelul. Vântul s-a ridicat la sosirea noastră, așa că, urmăriți cum navigăm pentru prima dată când ancoram în apele spaniole. Corme, a fost minunat. Un oraș mic și pitoresc, cu câteva magazine și restaurante bune. Există și o frumoasă plajă retrasă, pe care ne-am plimbat dimineața. În sfârșit puțin calm după furtună. LINK-URI UTILE: SAVVY NAVVY: https://www.savvy-navvy.com/ EXPLORAȚI CU IMRAY: https://www.explorewithimray.com/ SPRIJĂ-NE… CUMPĂRĂ MARFURI: https://sailing-indiana.teemill .com/ DEVENI UN PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/sailingindiana CUMPARĂ-NE O CAFEA: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sailingindiana URMEAZĂ CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRA PE INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/ sailing_indiana URMĂȚI CĂLĂTORIA NOASTRĂ PE FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sailingindiana #SailingIndiana #LostAtSea #SailingCouple
PIERDUT LA MARE… Încrederea noastră! SAILING SPANIA I Ep. 80

22 thoughts on “PIERDUT LA MARE… Încrederea noastră! SAILING SPANIA I Ep. 80”
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Stay with it! You are making good decisions on the water. I've been where you are (towed to a marina by the Dutch volunteers) and remember this happens to boaters every single day. There's a difference between not trusting your skills and not trusting your boat.
Bearing sound?
Hi guys, sounds like an alternator or water pump jammed up and the belt was slipping , my advice is to go and get an exhilarate motor that you can bolt on the back of your yacht. You can flip them up all lower them down and you can use exhilarate motor. You can also use it for motor for the tender anyway just a bit advice. Keep up the good work. Love your Videos , Cliff
from Logan City, Queensland, Australia 
It sounded to me like a fan belt. You can use fan belt lubricant – NOT WD40 – as a temporary fix. A squeaky fan belt squeaks for a reason. I’d try and find out why it’s doing that.
Here’s another thought: when anchoring you need a transit abeam rather than just a bearing on something. Line up TWO features on land like a tree and a church or a chimney with a building and make sure these two things stay lined up.
A few appropriate sayings: “better safe than sorry”, “believe in yourself”, “it’s the journey not the destination”, “ if your lucky everyday is a learning experience “. All of that said, boats break. I remember our maiden run on a new boat loaded with family and friends that resulted in a tow back in due to a destroyed impeller and overheating. It’s always something but for us it’s is so worth it. We’re not as adventurous as you two just cruising our local California waters but we still have our challenges. Keep at it. The sun will keep rising (unless it’s foggy because your not in the Caribbean yet). Get to warmer waters.
I think lots of people have been here, I fully understand your feeling. When you haven’t really bottomed out the original issue and you’ll be listening to every squeak and knock.
It sounded like belt squeal to me but I can’t tell.
Removing the gearbox is not a big job and may be worth having it checked out if you feel it’s emanating from there.
Stick with it you’ll be fine I’d prefer your cautious approach any day.
Lovely couple I wish you the best.
I have a 37' Tayana and mounted an 'Emergency-Transom-Outboard-Mount' for my Honda BF20hp Dinghy Motor… in the event my 40hp Diesel fails.
I've used it TWICE- and saved me from a tow! I do check my Water-Pump Impeller every 2 weeks, fan belt tension and oil level before every motor start!
I've been in same situation left uk no problems, got near Portugal and heat exchanger blow from the side of engine I had spares and repaired it after getting towed in, but beware if you get towed in by Portuguese you will need to get boat inspected by maritime police, it wasn't as bad as some horror stories I read. I made it to malta after engine deteriorated along the way, I've just done a rebuild and I'm anxious about taking the boat out for the first test sail/motor. That's normal and don't stress after all its a sail boat and no engine will improve your sailing skills
. Good luck fairwinds
Yeah, it's horrible when you can't trust your gear. So sorry to hear of your troubles … go fund me for a new engine?
Following seas, Lauren & Chris.
Well done for chasing the dream guys.
Despite what some you tube channels suggest good seamanship is putting safety 1st every time all the time
Sounds like alternator belt.
Hey I happy to see that deck bucket being used yea we leave Thursday from Mexico on the Pacific side to head out thru the canal then the Caribbean hope to see you somewhere on the planet
I would have to say a belt was slipping ! If it gets hot, it’ll do it again
Sorry, I'm a first time viewer, so maybe there is some logic that I am overlooking. but… the diesel engine is your auxiliary propulsion. You are leaving the marina after being towed in…and leaving with the dodgy engine. But, I see no sails (primary propulsion) up in your rigging. and no tender being towed with an outboard (emergency propulsion) at the ready. leaving with three redundant systems ready to go would do a lot to alleviate your stress.
Well done for going out! I guess this is how you gain experience. Our engine overheated last year and we also had to call for help. Because of this, when the same thing happened earlier this year, we were able to fix it in 10min! However, every time something beeps on the boat, our hearts start to beat faster!
I guess that is the way. It also keeps you more alert and stay in a healthy balance, so routine does not take over everything. Stay safe and fair winds!
Engines never fail at a good time, but you guys did a great job managing the post-scare nerves and carrying on safely. Smashed it!
We all know the uneasy feeling! Sucks! Well done getting back out there and making a safe passage.
If it's any consolation…Brighton marina is cold, damp, occasional high waves crashing over the sea wall. Absolutely right to have chosen a Pan Pan tow when you did.
Your plan looks sensibly cautious under the circumstances. Yours is a journey worth doing and if it was easy you wouldn't be moored off the coast of Corme.
Marina Porto Atlantico off Oporto will be the place to consolidate, regroup and get someone to look at the gears. Then back on track with the bigger plan. Wishing you well.
Hi from Australia over 50 years on the water been towed 4 times in the last 10 years been broken down on the water and fixed issues and many times not left the dock/ boat ramp. Life is about learning you're doing great