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Donație o dată prin Paypal: http://bit.ly/one-time-donation -bb Asigurați-vă că sunteți abonat: https://www.youtube.com/c/sailingsaoirse Lista de dorințe Amazon: https://bit.ly/beauandbrandywishlist
Cadouri pentru marinari Ghidul Amazon: https://amzn.to/47MXvri Like bimini-ul nostru? Vedeți pânza BIG DUCK: https://lddy.no/1giia Bucurați-vă de spectacol! Xoxo B+B Oricât de repede am intrat în Okracoke pentru a evita o furtună urâtă, ne mutăm. Mai avem încă 450 de mile marine din vele din florida până la insula Rhode și o mulțime de ocean deschis de acoperit, așa că tragem o ancoră foarte noroioasă și lăsăm în urmă această mică insulă ciudată.

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I probably missed a video but why are you leaving the most beautiful weather months in Florida for cold rainy Rhode Island? Love from South Florida.
I've chewed my fingernails back to my knuckles thank you.
2:30 birdsht island?
watching in the night, bcause the heater broke. (stuff breaks in houses too
Loved the video and drone shots. The ending had me on the edge of my seat. It is dark I can't see and all I hear is "I'm not going anywhere! " I guess it is time to break out the oars.

F you need a generator to get you out of trouble , safety first , and no solar in that cloud , just have a engine , just use it in the same emergency , more power , alot more efficient, and safety first , yourvgoing to use fossil fuel to stay warm up north .
Hi Brandy and Beau even over here in Australia in Navionics charts even put me into 40 cm of water at low tide instead of where it said 2 m you’re a very smart person Beau and so is your Brandy have a look at open Plotter
And also open CPN and O/Charts I use a TV screen or laptop and I use a raspberry pi and I also have the program on another raspberry pi as back up when you get a chance, have a look at all that and let me know what you think it is marvelous you get the base Mabs of the U.S. Navy and other bass maps. Just have a look into it love your videos all the best and good luck.
Thanks a million B & B for another great video. Be safe out there.
Wow!! What a beautiful sunrise!!
Just in time for the Snow….should have went South, back to the Caribe….Wrong time of the year to go North in the Atlantic, I think tripping up the ICC would have been a better choice going North….
If you guys are so far behind “real time” why are you showing content of making breakfast? Seems off that you’re sailing north in November.
Love the 'suspense' music as you entered Ocean City port. LOL
Oh man- so sorry for the problems! Sometimes it feels you can’t catch a break- in my thoughts!
So much for saying you would never harm a fly.
Mid-Atlantic inlets can all be tricky, depending on weather conditions and current. Opposing winds and current situations are the worst, and that can happen at any of them. Looks like AC was pretty benign during your passage through.
Oh dear hope your both ok. Greg

Beau you look so handsome! With hair!
Im a Christian
, you look Fantastic
Awesome Video's! You Guys
Exciting ending to the video.
When’s the next installment ?
spent my summer in Hatteras after high school…surfing, fishing and living in a campground…still love it there…great video!
The sunrise and sunsets were absolutely gorgeous!! What a tricky sail, you got this Brandy

Do you recall a restaurant chain… Bob’s Big Boy… would be wild image on a sail. Beautiful sunset and drone shots at the bridge.
Right where you said you had to cross the channel to avoid running aground, I ran aground one time. Heh. Good times.
Espectacular. Lindas imagens e vídeos com drone. Aprecio muito a vossa coragem e paciência. Um grande abraço
e beijinhos
para todos vós e que Deus vos abençoe e vos protega.
3:25: I was going to comment about how much I like that Ryobi spotlight on my boat but thought it would be just a random trivial comment, and then BAM – 24:25! When you need it, you need it.
Whoever chose the background music that is about halfway through this episode did a great job.
What a nail biter! You guys rock. Oregon Inlet scares me to death, but going into Ocean City…at night? You’ve far more confidence and courage than I do. LOVE you guys!

Getting pretty sick of all the commercials !!! Almost unsubscribing !!!!!
At 41minutes, you are pushing my limits of what
I will click k on.
For a dose of sunshine on a cold winder day I dial Beau and Brandy and the blues is gone!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventures
I wonder if ye really appreciate the enjoyment ye bring to peoples lives just by allowing us to follow what ye do on a weekly basis. Ye do what a lot of us would dearly love to do but ye had the courage … Stay Safe & Fair Winds!!
As a backup you might consider TOW BOAT US, helping out in extreme situations like rigging failures.
I hope you can get that fixed quick and get back after it.