Jeff Bezos acostează iahtul la Port Everglades

Jeff Bezos acostează iahtul la Port Everglades

Bezos acostează „Koru” la Port Everglades


32 thoughts on “Jeff Bezos acostează iahtul la Port Everglades

  1. the sun is shining on jeff bezo's 500 million yatch
    the sun is shining on my small condo in orlando

    no matter what the sun will keep shining
    so no matter what i will keep repeating thoughts for hours

  2. Meanwhile you're living in your tiny home, borrowing money to buy an EV and worried about your "carbon footprint" (hint: you exhale carbon dioxide). Think about how retarded that is.

  3. Born to a single teen mom, he worked for everything he owns. Unlike the Kennedys, Duponts, Rockefellers he had no silver spoon. Stay amazing Jeff.

  4. There should have been another boat with it, his sailing boat has a 275 yard long support vessel, because his fiance's helo can't be launched from a sailing yacht. The boat is called Abeona

  5. While Amazon workers fight to obtain raises whether due to performance reviews or just not able to obtain any kind of raise. We seriously need to stand up and stop letting these companies who care more about shareholders than employees run the world.

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