Navigați departe de tot: O poveste somnoroasă pentru a lăsa plecarea

Navigați departe de tot: O poveste somnoroasă pentru a lăsa plecarea

În această seară, vă invit la o poveste de somn pentru a elibera de poveri și stres. Vom folosi imaginile propriului iaht personalizat, unde veți fi în siguranță și veți naviga departe de viața de zi cu zi – cu propriul personal personalizat și tot în modul care este cel mai bun pentru dvs…. 😴 Această poveste confortabilă vă invită să vă lăsați deoparte poverile, stresul și grijile, astfel încât să puteți dormi cu o minte liniștită… oh, și conține sunete oceanice 😴 CAPITOLUL: 00:00:00 – Introducere 00:00:40 – Relaxare 00:07 :20 – Sailing Away from it all 00:32:00 – Sounds & Music Website: Sleep Story Playlist: Abonare: https ://… O poveste adormită pentru eliberarea drumului: navigarea departe de toate – Scenariul original, narațiunea, muzică și design sonor de Stephen Dalton – Toate drepturile sunt rezervate lui Stephen Dalton Meditation & Sleep Channel (2023).


24 thoughts on “Navigați departe de tot: O poveste somnoroasă pentru a lăsa plecarea

  1. Stephen, my mom passed away in 2014 and one of my most favorite memories of my childhood was how my mother loved to grow roses. She ordered her rose bushes via catalog. (In the 70s and 80s, before the Internet) She specifically grew patented roses, like the JFK (it was pure white), the Gold Medal (that was dedicated to the 1984 olympics I think), and the Double Delight (my very favorite) just to name a few.
    She planted the Double Delight rose bush right outside my bedroom window. Her rose garden was quite impressive.
    I would so love it if you made a story about walking through her rose garden. ❤

  2. Thank you for the great sleep stories, my favorite have rain at the end for a few hours. Maybe also rain & thunder, or other nature sounds like a babbling brook or nighttime summer noises like crickets, cicadas… or sounds of the woods like frogs and owls for a few hours after would be great too. Ty good night! 🛌🌙

  3. Perfect, love boats, love to sail away from everything. Would love to have heard more but I fell asleep 😂 I just love listening to you at the end of the day. Thank you so much. 😊

  4. Hi Stephen, this was a wonderful story. I have been fortunate to sail on boats around Malta, to Capri, and over to Stradbroke Island off the east coast of Australia. I chose the “True Love” from High Society as my yacht, and pictured myself in an ordinary cabin bunk. Don’t know where or what happened after that, as I had another blissful nights sleep 🥰 I can honestly say you are the best storyteller I’ve ever heard, so thank you for putting these out for us to enjoy ❤️

  5. I am a single mom to my nine month old daughter and live with my mother who has Alzheimer’s—I truly can not remember the last time I was able to relax or sleep for more than an hour or two—these sleep stories have become SO important for my mental/emotional/physical well-being and I feel incredibly blessed to have found this channel and community ❤

  6. Love these sleep stories! It has changed my nights of restless sleep. I can never like them at the end because I always fall asleep! Keep making new stories, and thank you!

  7. Oh, my goodness!!! Stephen, I am completely blown away by this story. ❤ I believe Sicily is doing you some good, my friend. This story was so luxurious and relaxing. 😮 just wow!!! Thank you so much. Please give hugs to your wonderful wife and sweet Timmy for all the ways they support you so you can help us in all the beautiful ways you do. 💗 💗 ❤

  8. I feel so blessed to have found your channel. Thank you Stephen – I found this one sooo relaxing, so much so I've listened to it 3 times already…unable to say how far I got each time though, land of nod beckoned way before the end. Another added to my most favourites ☺️💜

  9. Another great story! Great relaxation session too! Well done. 👍 P. S. I love the thumbnail art for this story video, it looks like a picture straight from heaven. Caught myself staring at it for awhile now.

  10. I've come back tonight to listen again. I didn't get even make it on the boat last night. I fell asleep during the relaxation exercise. 😂

  11. This one is very imaginative, and I love how cozy we could create our lovely yacht. It reminds me of my first cruise, sailing off for the first time on my birthday this year. It was so much fun, though not as cozy as I'd like.

    For other ideas…I do love the train stories. It brings so much joy and peace to listen to any of the collection. I would love to listen to a train story where we travel through the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.

    I live in Washington State, and I have been up Mt. Rainier, though not by train. The view was so beautiful, and the tourist spot is full of information. I don't know if any trains go around the mountain, but I sure hope some do.

    Thank you for the wide variety of sleep time stories. They help me relax and sleep for another day of work each week. They make me excited to sleep too, as I look forward to each one.

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