Ne-am demolat interiorul iahtului! De ce?

Ne-am demolat interiorul iahtului!  De ce?

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39 thoughts on “Ne-am demolat interiorul iahtului! De ce?

  1. Great video and wow that's looking like a lot of work. Will be very interested in your accomplishment of putting time management into the work you have given yourself for this couple of weeks. Plus you have to video edit all at the same time. Good luck Andy

  2. Andy, you need a better lighting for filming. Another way to do it is to shield the windows – this will allow to the even out the light and the camera to adjust and not to be blinded by the bright windows

  3. Any insulation would be worth it. It might not make much of a difference in thermal comfort, but it may be enough to prevent condensation on a cold day. Condensation where you can't see it is a recepe for mold growth.

  4. I realised when working on my old Westerly Konsort that the motto 'don't pick at it' was something I should have learned early on. Still as long as you stop befor removing the keel bolts then you should be ok. Unfortunately everythin came to a halt as we also had an old house that took priority so I got what I could for the boat and moved on. retirement and age also played a part in the descision. At least the toe rail bolts were found and not glassed in after being croped under the deck as per Westerly standard.

  5. Dear Melissa, Andy, Oliver and captain Jack,
    Willeke and I think there’s no other choice than to seal any dripping spot in Ocean Melody no matter what the consequences are. With a baby on board every tiny dripping area can cause mold what’s not healthy at all. So it was wise to start this overall check and to repair very dripping area in a way that the whole boat will be watertight. We wish you lots of success with this project and look forward to your next vlog plus we send you love from the Netherlands

  6. My goodness, good find.. is it possible to reach out to get some local help from those with higher skill levels to stop the leaks, actually fix deck leaks, and recover your interior. Your family deserves the best for safety and comfort. You’re a master of so much, ask for help.. you never know.. there could be some experts waiting and ready..

  7. Brilliant as usual Andy. You get so much done and you do it properly. I look forward to seeing everything back together. It will be done and finished beautifully keeping to your usual high standards. It is worth getting to all possible leaks to keep the boat free from mould and other water damage. The Teak should be fine when treated as it is virtualy indestructable. Really enjoyed this video. Keep well and safe. James.

  8. Hi Andy would you consider using sticky backed insulation i have used it to good effect 5/10 mil great job 2refits a young family your definitely not work shy 👏👏👍

  9. Major projects under way! I was hoping to see more work on the cockpit enclosure, installation even, but seeing the generally impressive condition of the interior fittings as you rip them out isn't a bad substitute.

  10. Dear Sailing Melody family.
    👍👌👏 2) Andy, please kindly allow me to suggest something: Next time maybe better take out the bottom parts afterwards respectively last. 😁 😉 😝👅😇😘 3) I always shiver and become angry when I see bad done work. Not screwed down and therefore leaking toe rails for instance. I wonder what is going on in the heads of people doing such things. Not much I guess. 4) If I remember correctly, Maya and Aladino started their massive refitting by finding a lot of little things that rotted and leaked. 😁🙈 5) I'm happy to hear that you are currently living in a house (while housesitting it) and that you have a place to work in.
    As always: Thanks a lot for making teaching explaining recording editing uploading and sharing.
    Best regards luck and especially health to all of you.

  11. Great job finding the loose bolts and fantastic to see the details of the work ahead. Not the time of year for outside work but was wondering on the cockpit roof progress.

  12. Andy, there is an automotive "foil" like material that is fairly thin and just might fit ybehind your teak paneling. It's great at insulating and might see you to a permanent repair. Best wished from Albion IL USA.

  13. Ahoy there!!
    As for the loose nuts,aren't they kinda small? Almost the size of da nuts. So,while ye crawlin arund,mebbe put some larger washers and maybe add nuts or/ and put some of dis locking acid on da threads…
    Anyway, Cumry am beth and allda bestest from mikke in sweden..🤓☃️🎶⚓

  14. Try that foil bubble insulation in the "ceiling". We had some old spring mattresses and topped them with a 2inch (50mm) memory foam pad. They were more comfortable than our expensive mattresses.

  15. Hi there, Andy! Good strategy it is by making the most of every opportunity to get the job in the can, so to speak.
    I have a couple of little ideas to help make your day go a little easier: the first thing is only a theory that could it be the case that those toenail nuts came loose because of hull vibrations induced by the rigging harmonics at certain points of sail? For example, let's assume for this exercise that the yacht is sailing hard – pressed on a tack, causing the taut shrouds on that side to drum and vibrate….get the picture? Fortunately, the solution is ready to hand with the thread locker LocTite.

    My last comment is about tools dropped into the bilge. Know it well! But maybe I can help! The last time I had to crawl thru the grease and oil in search of yet another dropped tool did it, I needed a solution! I found it on Ebay. Search terms are; magnetic, telescopic wand/rod/stick or any others that describe an extendible 'wand' with a strongly magnetised tip! I've just bought another one with a powerful light built in
    to the tip for AUD6.00

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