Adevărul șocant despre propulsia electrică | Pasul 371

Adevărul șocant despre propulsia electrică |  Pasul 371

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25 thoughts on “Adevărul șocant despre propulsia electrică | Pasul 371

  1. Great video. I've always thought electric sailboats made sense as was one of the early ones who had a diy ev outboard, but I also thought hybrid motorhomes would be a big thing. But it turns out the people that can afford these things are more interested in luxury features than economical features.

  2. Now that was certainly educational and interesting documentary. Way above any other technical written or produced stuff found on the web. Once again an awesome job done by you both!!

  3. Thank you so much for this video.
    The industry has made some progress in approaching the average sailor, but they go a long way to offer a good product that can regenerate power when sailing.

  4. Definitely a lot easier to go into reverse with an all electric which rumor has it kind of matters when you're trying to park your boat. Very much following Aptera now moving beyond the whole Tesla thing as integration of solar power with all electric starts to finally "gain currency" literally and figuratively. Hopefully that finds it way into the Sailing Community as well.

  5. I really like the sound of the potential performance of Oceanvolt's servoprop saildrive (particularly regen) but I checked prices and found their 10 KW option costs about $10,000 more than the equivalent Electric Yacht option with a fixed prop. Given my budget the lower performance option will serve well enough, in fact very well for my purposes I suspect. My little inverter generator will pick up the slack when needed.

  6. I loved when you said to the guy at Epropulsion that the 1KW engine isn't going to bring the dingy on plane and he answered "no, definitely not!" and then he made a nonsensical statement saying "it's all about moving the boat efficiently" when in fact bringing the boat on plane IS the most efficient way of using propulsion energy! From this alone one can deduce that this whole circus is a lot of marketing BS.
    P.S. Electric motors ARE more efficient than ICE motors, that's also a fact, but you'll need to add a lot of weight to a small boat from a huge heavy battery to get a motor powerful enough to get you on plane. Someone needs to calculate a golden ratio for his/her application. In other words…it depends on what your application is.

  7. De-carbonizing the marine industry while producing immense emissions to produce batteries is not exactly "de-carbonizing"! It's actually "emissions elsewhere business" (and I have nothing against CO2 emissions, the gas of life, which is actually greening the planet).

  8. I recognised nearly every part on the Bellmarine stand… even the mfd is a rebadged penta unit. Not an issue, so long as its a lot cheaper to purchase. But it does show you need to be careful of buying in to tech that is new, but actually based on very old designs.

  9. Whao, there is some much stuff that I was not aware off. Fantastic! Thanks for bringing those to my attention.C'est manifique!!!!

  10. RE: the Remigo 1Kw (3hp equiv.) outboard is 2200 Euros ($2393 USD) compared to the Suzuki 2.5hp @ $895, the 4hp @ $1440 U.S, the 6hp @ $1690 USD. Electric will cost more at the outset, but again, no maintenance, easier usage on a sailboat (i.e. no fuel to purchase or store onboard) and no fuel costs if you generate your own. So do your own math, but it might be a better value.

  11. I have a trawler with a single Cummins diesel + a Northern Lights 12 Kw Genset. I’m always conserned about loosing the engine way off shore and have looked at hydraulic get home setups running off the generator engine. They are nearly impossible to retrofit.

    The combi system might be an easier system but it probably couldn’t run on my 24v system.

  12. If you had a false mizzian mast with a large pulley on the top and bottom of the mast you could grow veggies in containers on a line every 2 feet and to water or harvest veggies just rotate the line down so you can reach containers.

  13. This is an awesome video- thanks! I think it is worth noting that the need for regen seems more compelling for a monohull with limited space for solar panels. Most catamarans have room for significant solar, eg approximately 1800-2400 watts, are pretty self sufficient 95% of the time and can supplement with a backup, eg high output alternator, when there are several cloudy days in a row or if in very northern latitudes/winter with less light. But again, a really great video!

  14. I'm impressed with these reps. Very friendly, straightforward, and willing to back their products and science. Oceanvolt is great, but very specific. Thanks for exploring all of these options. Everyone's needs are different and specific.

  15. Great episode! I had no idea so many companies were building what I built in my garage.
    Unfortunately your question about regen is a matter of physics. In order to create a useful amount of regeneration requires an unacceptable amount of drag. So in light wind conditions, the extra drag slows the boat and the slower boat speed reduces regeneration so it just doesn’t work. In high wind conditions the extra power from the sails can overcome the extra drag created but in a mono hull your speed will only translate into nominal regeneration. But you must also take into consideration the stress you are putting on your rigging and creating an uncomfortable sail rather than reefing the sales.
    Catamarans do a bit better as do longer boats just because the higher speeds through water.
    Bottom line, there are better ways to generate energy without adversely affecting your boat speed or stress on rigging.

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