Drumul către cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii continuă cu ziua 1 a celei de-a doua regate preliminare de la Jeddah. ABONAȚI-vă la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: https://www.youtube.com/c/americascup Apreciați Cupa Americii Pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Twitter: https://www. twitter.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/americascup Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: https://www.americascup.com/en/newsletter Cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii va fi să fie apărat la Barcelona de patru ori câștigător al Cupei Americii, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron reprezentat de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand. #AmericasCup #AC37 #Barcelona2024
Regata preliminară Jeddah – Ziua 1 LIVE

41 thoughts on “Regata preliminară Jeddah – Ziua 1 LIVE”
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That was painfully boring to watch..
What a shitshow. This is the Everest of not cool
Maybe ads literally every 5mn for 2 hours is a bit too much no? Almost 1 ad per leg, crushes the whole experience of watching. And considering the audience/views it’s definitely not worth it for the channel in terms of revenue compared to the budgets in AC. Just making the online experience for fans terrible.
Compared to the Star Sailors League in Gran Canaria, in my opinion this racing is boring and one dimensional. But it's early days…..
Seems harsh giving a dsq when they still had to come all the way back and cross the start line. It's not like they would have had any chance in the race anyway.
please show the racing – not bobbling heads and on-board close ups. We know you have a camera on every boat.
These boats are fascinating and impressive, but the racing is so dull compared to the old monohulls.
They've mostly all had their boats for a lengthy time. Teams should have caught up by now.
The choices of camera angles were always really bad. Clearly, there is no understanding of regattas by whoever is in charge of them. The continuos close up to the single boat are in general useless, you get no information from them: how is the boat positioning itself compared to the close ones? What choices is each team doing regarding their positioning in the regatta field? Are there right hand shifts/ left hand shifts and who is benefitting from them?
Some zoom in are fine, but the continuos choice of them makes the regatta unfollowable.
Most of all, during the starting procedure!!!!!! That's clearly the most exciting part of the race, where the strategy of positioning yourself compared to the other is a game of chess! But if you do those zooms, it is impossible to grasp them!
Please please put an experienced sailor in charge of this task
Watching four helmets pressing buttons = Snooze fest
I thought the conditions on the water would be more "Choppy"
I miss sail changes!
Awesome racing, thanks for showing us . The comments from the commentators professional and accurate, thanks guys
. Greetings from NZ
Like watching 4 bobble heads trapped uncomfortably below a deck. Are they even really sailing? Thank God for Sail GP!
Cool tech, zero style period. Give me a 12m any day!
Lashhhgoo NZ!!!
Pretty boring compared to SailGP, why does these boats exist? The only people who care are in NZ.
"Saudi Arabia, a remarkable country…" WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT??????????????
Hard to watch. Boring. Everything is automated. Bring back boats/crews that have to manually manage/change sails. Test the crew, not computers. Foiling is cool, I guess, but technology has ruined America's Cup racing.
Direction is terrible, focusing on someone way out in front instead of the close racing and place changing elsewhere….we want to see the racing, not the winner crossing the line, nor his support team….and graphics are terrible, overlays even worse and no co-ordination of information, penalty shown on top of mast yet cleared in position graphic bottom left in previous shot….a billion dollar sport, poorly presented….can I offer my help?
OMG, they have the onboard cameras pointing the wrong direction!
The biggest problem is the commentary, video strategy, and graphic choices.
As it stands, you cannot follow a race the same way you can follow other sports. The promoters must aim the production at people who can follow the action. Dumbing it down, or making it a social event, will only drive your core viewers away. Casual viewers will either figure it out, and love it, or not. Development will be slow, it's a very complex sport, but only by making that complexity available will you get regular adherents. Yes, it will always be a niche sport, but that doesn't mean it can't be viable.
The onboard sailor's talk is generally unintelligible, and even if it were it would not convey understandable information to viewers, besides commentators talk over it as often as not. Get rid of onboard chat, and unnecessary mechanical noises, unless there is something really special. The mechanical noises are really annoying.
With rare exceptions, commentators should talk about what's happening in front of them. Less color please.
No static views of boat or crews, such as 32:14, We are here for the racing, which means mostly overhead shots.
In order for viewers to understand what is happening we need certain data:
Real time wind direction and velocity over the whole course That's strategy, one of the four legs of dinghy racing. Yes, this is dinghy racing.
Current, if it's an issue, and possible.
Ladders must shift with wind direction.
Closer examination of crossings and covering. That's tactics, another leg
More data in the individual boat data window, at least VMG. That's the technique leg.
What do you think the fourth leg is? All sport has four legs, not all sports use all four.
These two point foilers are amazing, please bring to the coverage up to their level. What's amazing about them? Well, their speed will bring in viewers, but it's their ability to tack and jibe fast enough to bring tactics back into play, after being eliminated by four point foilers, gives me hope that they will be fun to watch.
Raise the minimum wind velocity, and cancel races when more than half the fleet cannot maintain foiling at any given time. No one wants to watch these beasts off foil. You should only schedule regattas in known good wind locations. Perhaps you might try Corpus Christi in the summer.
Just a joke, you can't race these boats In Corpus Christi bay.
“Bravi raga!”
Can we PLEASE not cover the start line with graphics so you can't see the boats on final approach!
God Defend NZ, pure grace setting a pace for the regatta, with a magnifisant opening round. awesome
This ‘racing’ is painful to watch.
Sorry to whinge … but the commentary ain't great. Just talking about if they are on the plane or not, not much depth about the tactical close battles and constant choices that happening and no start tactics proper analysis. Great racing though.
Ac has no business in Saudi. Hate to generalize but this regime is completely a antithetical to our value of individual rights and self determination. Ac is cosigning tyranny
Where the hell is Jeddah ?
Really ?!
The cameras seem to be concentrating on the wrong part of the field at times (eg: the cross between the swiss and the brits towards the end of race 3)
The britts put in 3 protests, but we didn't get to see why, because the cameras were watching the Italians, who had already crossed the finish line.
Arguably the worst sailing I have seen by an AC event. I’m going to pass on watching days 2 and 3. I can watch my own paint dry.
Use the SailGP to determine the contenders for the AC, much better.
I really don’t like having the chat from on board, the boat playing and behind the commentators
Just pick one or the other don’t do both at the same time.
That’s good hearing the chat on board the boat, but if the commentators are talking over it, you can’t really understand it
And I really enjoyed having close-ups of the boats but not in the pre-start of the race wide angle shots are much better so you can see how the boats are positioning themselves for the start close-ups in this stage of the race an absolute negative for the viewer because you cannot understand what has actually happened and who is won the pre-start tech decks properly
no grinders anymore?
no arrows on the screen showing wind direction and speed.
why are NZ faster? explain please.
are all these boats the same? do they have different foils? sails identical? how can you tell where the wind is by looking at the sea?
explain the penalties at race 2 leg 1 please.
wanted to get all three days down so i can binge watch. looking forward to some great sailing… water is water… let's have some fun.
This is very dull.
Be nice to see the race (rather than be looking at the bow or crew of boats). The helicopter view is best as you can see the positions and courses of the boats, particularly at marks rather than watching individual boats round. Clueless Director in picture choices.