Acest lift din Lagos, Portugalia a fost ultimul nostru lift înainte de a traversa Atlanticul și trebuia să fie o treabă directă de jos. Dar monitorizasem o posibilă problemă cu catargul în care suportul traversei părea să alunece. A fost o mișcare mică și foarte lentă, dar unele măsurători pe care le-am făcut înainte de călătoria noastră la Annapolis au demonstrat că până ne-am întors ceva se întâmpla. Așa că s-a luat decizia de a trage catargul și de a vedea bine ce pândea de fapt în santina noastră. Ceea ce am găsit a fost o mare surpriză. Nu în visele mele cele mai sălbatice am crezut că voi găsi o construcție atât de nesăbuită pe o barcă precum Fair Isle. Suntem la bord navigând cu normă întreagă de șapte ani și nu am găsit niciodată un detaliu despre ambarcațiune care să nu fi fost gândit cu atenție și metodic. Puteți vedea doar grija și atenția din fiecare componentă și puterea este doar o dată pe o barcă ca aceasta. Deci ce naiba sa întâmplat? Ei bine, este doar o presupunere, desigur, deoarece nu avem dovezi despre ceea ce sa făcut unde. Dar pare clar că acesta nu poate fi doar un „design prost”, deoarece nu este deloc un design. Un copil de doisprezece ani ar arunca o privire la un desen care avea un rezervor de apă ca suport pentru o structură capabilă să exercite tone de greutate de două cifre și ar spune că nu cred că este o idee bună! Așadar, teoria mea este o întrerupere completă a comunicării dintre Thailanda, unde este construită structura și Țările de Jos, unde sunt montate tachelaj, catarg, electricitate etc. Blocurile de tec, evident, provin din Thailanda, acesta este motivul pentru care barca este făcută în Orientul îndepărtat, nu îți puteai permite cantitatea de tec pe care o au aceste bărci nicăieri altundeva. Dar pentru mine este destul de evident că tăieturile făcute în acele blocuri de tec s-au făcut în Olanda, nu în Thailanda. Fiecare bucată de tâmplărie de la bordul Fair Isle este frumos făcută. Precizie ca tine nu ai crede nici măcar în lucruri care sunt complet ascunse vederii. Dacă acele blocuri ar fi fost tăiate pentru a accepta conducte în Thailanda, ar fi avut găuri perfecte de dimensiunea unei conducte în ele, nu tăieturi brute de ferăstrău! Așadar, cred că blocurile de tec au fost livrate împreună cu barca cu intenția ca acestea să fie folosite ca suporturi care să facă parte dintr-o structură proiectată corespunzător, în conformitate cu cea pe care tocmai am făcut-o. Fair Isle a fost probabil primul HC48T care a fost trimis cu tancurile pline și, prin urmare, nicio conexiune directă cu plumbul din chilă și se pare că curtea a pus catargul cumva, deși plăcuțele de tec urmau să fie virate pe margini peste tancuri. Pare de necrezut că cineva ar fi suficient de prost pentru a continua cu strălucirea acelei blocuri știind ce se întâmplă deasupra. Doar atingerea suprafeței unde montau blocurile dă golul „arh, acesta este cu siguranță un rezervor!” zgomot care este destul de inconfundabil, dar alternativa este că cineva chiar a pus pixul pe hârtie și a proiectat această piesă jalnică de inginerie și pur și simplu nu cred că este posibil! Totuși, așa cum spun, doar presupuneri. Ce crezi că s-a întâmplat? Îl puteți urmări pe Adam și Clare aici: @sailing_aquila și au un tur cu barca prin Moody lor aici: ––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– – Vă rugăm să vă abonați – NU COSTA NIMIC ȘI NE AJUTĂ CU ALGORITMUL YOUTUBE ––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––- PATREON: Nu am putea face aceste videoclipuri fără sprijinul tău, al nostru patroni. Sunteți prima noastră linie de feedback, echipa noastră, sprijinul nostru și prietenii noștri. Suntem cu adevărat recunoscători și înseamnă că putem continua să vină videoclipurile! Dacă doriți să ni se alăture, puteți vedea (și comenta, ceea ce ne ajută cu adevărat) videoclipurile actuale fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate publicului. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. Intreaba-ne orice! Avem sesiuni ZOOM regulate și un grup WhatsApp unde vorbim despre bărci, pasaje și viața la bord. Alăturaţi-ne!
Remedierea unei defecțiuni periculoase de rupere a bărcii | Ep103
46 thoughts on “Remedierea unei defecțiuni periculoase de rupere a bărcii | Ep103”
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Wow, you’re brave taking on this project! I’m never sure about my mast, compression post and keel! I tend to think I need to haul out, pull the mast, remove the compression post, inspect, reinforce, upgrade the electronics but this is more than I can visualize (until watching your video) so maybe I’ll go sailing and sleep on it! Subscribing!
That sure is a job well done Steve! Now get things ready and enjoy the passage to Madeira! And as ever, I wish you both all the best, beam reach winds and following seas!
Fantastic work Steve..always best to do those really important jobs yourself so you're completely sure it's done right especially before making an Atlantic crossing…you'll certainly sleep better.
Bloody lucky to spot that botched-up job before things went south there Steve! Recent Zingaro episodes ref rescuing a dismasted yacht mid Pacific , spring to mind!
I think you did an excellent job there with what you had available. For future reference, there are non-compressible hard plastic shims available in various shapes and thicknesses from 1mm upwards. They would have made installing the last pieces of G10 a lot simpler.
I love watching your problem solving routine and really enjoyed this vid!
Fair winds, Fair Isle, Madeira awaits!
Very impressive detail, and brave to take it on yourself.
Well done 👍
Ps may be an idea not to video your Credit Card 😊
Yikes, you may want to censor your credit card number next time….
What a job well done both. Respect. AWB has it's advantages.
Have seen some smaller boats that had no compression post at all, just strong arch/ bulkhead structure in that center section.
Hi, a great programme,and a result for the mast.I think the new name transfers look very impressive therefore suitable.Cheers Roly 🇬🇧.
One of your best episodes. You treated us to a smart fix to a big problem, and then smartly documented corroboration by the surveyor that it was a job well done. I had to laugh and felt a kinship when you admitted making daily visits to the chandlery. I was likewise addicted during seven years of owning (or being owned) by a 40-foot wooden yawl.
Amazing video guys. Steve – your knowledge, skills and insane determination are so incredibly impressive. A true inspiration for all sailors
Yikes. If you do close-up shots of hands, clean the finger nails! Urgh
You do an excellent job drawing out the couple from the UK. You’re able to relate so well. Good View
Wow! What a brilliant video documenting, and curing, the mast problem. I thought I was quite clever fitting a new loft ladder recently. What you've just done I found really interesting and I'm sure you really deserve all the positive comments you've received. I think you'll enjoy looking back at your achievement too. Thank you from a very cold Kent.
difficult job even without filming it all.,WD
Wow guys what a job to have to do.
A question, is a plumb line going to be accurate to have the compression post vertical? As the boat would have to be level port to starboard and fore and aft. 😢
Just a thought, a laser level held against the flat section on the underside of the deck may be better
Despite that set back and great fix, I think the boat makes the video series and stands out from all the other white boat lookalikes
Nice de-cals. Where did you source them?
Not that I know much about this stuff but I was thinking you might have had to shorten the compression post. Also wondering about the compressibility of thickened epoxy, especially as you had multiple layers in the sandwich. Safe sailing. Have some Madeira m'dear!
Absolutely amazing. Didn’t understand what the heck was going on but you could tell this was a master at work. Bravo
I might recommend getting a new credit card. I did not take the time to see if all the numbers were shown… Or if it is even still a valid card, but I'm sure someone will.
Kudos for your remarkable engineering ability. Your experience and of so many other sailers make wanting to sail be poignant. I feel I have salt water in my veins but knowing the constant maintenance of even a new boat is daunting. A friend bought a new boat and said he never got to the end of the to-do list. Love your vids.
Absolutely amazing what you have accomplished. Great job and done superbly and also very fast. You even managed to change lettering and so many other things you added to the list. Well done. Fair winds and hope to see you some time again.
Excellent work, better that the factory!
Great episode, Steve could you blur out your credit card details please!
That blokes hair looks stupid, he’s way too old for that style
Nice engineering. Well done.
Good work Steve, we particularly enjoyed "Spicy Steve" some great colourful metaphors!!!
You had better change your credit card as you just shared its full details. Just to be safe.
Shame on Hans Christian Yachts! I would send them a letter and complain. If they have any honor they should reimburse you for the costs to fix this issue despite being out of warranty. Further, if HC yachts are serious, they should disclose all builds with this issue and provide a technical bulletin on how they think it should be fixed and/or offer all owners to bring their boats to the HC yard to get this fixed. This is a serious liability that I think HC yachts should own up to!
Amazing save guys. No fun to find that issue but what a great sense of relief it must be now. Looks bullet proof. Very well done.
That bloke with the hair knob is , well, a knob head .
May I ask…how much did this repair cost?
From the lift out, time on the hard… back in the water?
Quite an amazing job! Congratulations!
Love a well stocked chandlery!!
Geez well done Steve excellent work -much kudos to you..
It's amazing how many problems one finds in hidden areas, fingers crossed it works out. Is there a best time to be heading west out of the Med? I hope to be following in your footsteps next year.
Do they tap your balance every time you swipe the card?
Or do they require you to re-enter your pin?
You should blur out your credit card details!
Good work
Watching your expertise over the years with high tech (most of which goes over my head), your abilities to conquer almost any job, your skills at sailing and your excellently produced videos you both never fail to impress massively.
I am never going to sail around the World, never going to need to muck around with fibreglass or feel the need to understand electronic wizardry but ho hum it's never too late to learn summat especially when it is produced in such a wonderful and informative fashion. Thank you for all your videos (and I've seen them all) they are a joy.
I find modern boats are not made to last or be repaired . You are lucky yours is not too bad . Ask the guys on Parley Revival about the mast support breaking . Took a year to repair .
Steve: why does the compression post have such a considerable interference fit? The hull and deck are oversize so aren't going to get distorted by the rig loads perhaps seen on lighter builds, so why introduce such a load into the compression post itself? The post has no option but to either push the deckhead up or the floor down (or both). With the rig loads on and the over strength deck making the former unlikely, it seems to me you have unnecessary pressure on the floor structure. Could this have caused the problem in the first place (and could do again?)?
Steve usually is so calm. It was a shame to edit out his cussing, I for one would have liked to have heard it. Round out his persona, and all.
Loved this episode and congrats on getting the mast back up. Boat looks great. Smart move to get the surveyor to double check your work. Never knew about G10 material until today! Thank you!