Am decis să construim un hambar URIAș pentru barca noastră cu pânze cu experiență în construcție absolut zero. Este… nebun? Pot fi. Educational? Mai bine decât școala. Eficient din punct de vedere al costurilor? Juriul este afară. Captivant? Niciodată un moment plictisitor ;D Vino și vezi-ne cum pregătim fundația hambarului nostru de 36 de picioare pe 64 de picioare! Există 25 de găuri uriașe care trebuie săpate și umplute cu beton. ȘI, Kirk navighează cu un F18 (un Hobie Cat pe steroizi) într-o regata de barca cu pânze și recoltăm primul nostru fruct de copac din pădurea noastră alimentară de permacultură. Sper sa iti placa! Lauren, Kirk & Renata Filmat: septembrie 2023 *SOCIALE + BLOG* Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: https://www.facebook .com/sailingsoulianis/ Site-ul web: Instagram-ul lui Kirk: *MUSIC* Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Muzică lansată de Argofox Muzică promovată de Audio Library MkNeIUgNPQ8 Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUITE de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la *CAMERA GEAR* *CREDITE* https://www.freepik .com/free-vector/speedboat-crashing-rock-ocean_23818246.htm #barnbuild #sailing #postframe
Merge la mare cu ZERO Experience | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 131

45 thoughts on “Merge la mare cu ZERO Experience | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 131”
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Can't wait to see the final barn results question though, 30+ years as a builder in Southern California this is not how we would construct this barn foundation but being 2500 miles away you folks know best. Why is there no rebar (Rebar = structural strength, concrete protects rebar from not rusting) within the concrete and why not pour once vs. twice within each footing? That soil was too soft never finding hardbottom. Concrete requires a hard and compact soil for a foundation to hold it in place, didn't see either, and no way you compact that soil due to not finding hard soil. All the best
I don't think you understand how dangerous excavations are.
100% Vine Ripened…. 3 fold better than store bought… which is picked early to protect bruising from shipping…. that can be delicious…. but Vine Ripened… a Whole Diff Level of DELICIOUS!!!!!
Where's the REBAR??????????????
Great Episode!!! Your Beautiful Daughter is "Recalibrating THE CUTE METER!!!"
So awesome realizing your dreams,I remember getting my first peach,what an exciting time.I still get excited eating the things I am able to grow.
Best wishes always
Beach cats are a blast. Started out my sailing career on my Prindle 16 back in 1981, which I still own and keep in our storage locker in Charlevoix. Have a few single-handed pitch-poles while in the trapeze under my belt. We volunteer every year to help run the Red Fox Regatta, so we'll look for you guys next year.
Just realized y’all are in northern Michigan based on the Elmer’s truck, they’ve done work for us in the past. We have a house in Harbor Springs where I spend about a month every summer. Best area in the country coming from a California guy!
What a beautiful family you have started!
The best time to pick the peaches is the day before the raccoons get them!
Elmers rocks, they did some stuff with the students at the Construction Trades program that I taught in TC.
The way your daughter said “I don’t know that song pick another one”

I'm pretty sure it's too late but I think you will regret having only one, sort of, big door. With a big enough header you could have made the whole front a door/doors. But I am very impressed that you are doing it yourself. You will save big.
Looks like you have some sandy clay loam goin' on there! Lucky for you.
I don't see how a deer fence can inhibit the plants. We've been totally heart broken with things they've done to our garden. We lost tomatoes, peppers, squash, herbs… you name it, they ate it.
Look forward to seeing more of your adventure
For about 5 years I have been using fishing line here in South Central Virginia to protect our blueberry plants from deer. It works great. I use 3 strands per fence post. I do use 30 pound test line to keep the deer from breaking it easily when they bump into it. I usually have to replace a line once or twice a year but the deer have not eaten our plants.
When I purchased my current home It had a 25 x 60 metal shop building which initially I was very pleased with it until I realized: it was insulated in name only and was porous to air movement. To make it heatable I would have to plug a big bunch of openings to stop air invasion but to insulate it in a meaningful way I need to frame a wood building inside the metal building so I have something to hang batting to. Your building is much better.
Sailing F18s is awesome fun, very physical boats to sail BUT the movement of the apparent wind to forward of the beam is one of the key learnings. They are very capable of sailing more than wind speed.
Don't get rid of the T-poles if the fishing line doesn't work
-and it won't-just use them for a REAL fence. Use 6' high chicken wire, or two 3' sections if that's easier for you do deal with. Then add two more feet of rope or wire above that. Deer can jump 6 feet no problem.What a good looking family. Your daughter is the cutest little girl. I know y’all are proud as parents and for the great job you are doing on your homestead. Happy Holidays!
I wouldn't hurt those electrical wires, np there.
congrats to sea and land adventure life with your kids . in country life ,covered space and even more when lockable, is a premium asset ,therefore consider extending your roof for the barn to about normal water tank level ( water tanks can be buried as well ) on 3 sides . the sides can later be closed at your time convenience ,provide good, easy cleaning of water collecting gutters and will extend your storage space considerable, could even include guest accommodations ,keeping the main barn space more free of clutter .wishing you the very best !
My personal preference for the deer problem is I would eat the deer. Just my personal response. I am Southern
here in nz we jump into the hole or long shovel to remove ALL loose dirt. gotta get to riginal hard. youll get some movment the way youv done it.
Thanks very much
Galagher electric fence and a bright orange synthetic code with a metal conductive fibre. Highly visible by day, and let those deer walk into THAT at night. You will never have a garden unless you do either this or have a permanent tall fence enclosing your vegetables and shrubs. Deer are every bit as destructive as goats.
I live in Michigan and the deer are like rats in my garden. Over feeding and the reduction of hunting has made it a real problem. One thing which has worked for me is motion sensitive sprinklers. It does a good job of scaring them away. You may also want to allow hunters on your property during deer season to help cull the population.
Venison jerky will last you throughout the winter months….just saying!
You don't wait for the peach to get soft. Once a peach gets soft, you only have about 2 days before it goes bad
Wow, going big with zero experience is truly inspiring! You guys are doing an incredible job on your sailing journey. Your little one is absolutely adorable and her manners are impressive. It's amazing that you're exploring the beautiful NW Michigan area and sharing it with us. Best wishes from the far North, where deer can be quite a challenge! Can't wait to see the trimaran in action next season! Keep living the dream, Sailing Soulianis!

2:20 2 feet off??
Next season, plant ghost peppers habanero peppers around the perimeter of the garden. Make a spray with the peppers. Boil peppers, strain, put in sprayer. Wear gloves!!! Keep little one away!! Unless they have eye protection. Good luck!! Thanks for sharing the journey.
Renata is amazing! So bright and articulate! Great job on the beginning of the build. I've always liked the way you plan, organize and implement projects.
No no Kirk…..get a dog. A dog will keep the deer out.
Another great video!! We've struggled with deer around our apple trees, may try the fishing line, eager to hear how it works.
What research or advice did you use in design? Seems like too many end posts. The weight of a pole barn is all borne on the sides where the trusses rest. The end posts mainly serve to provide a square side. You could have had a larger door. Mine of similar size is completely a pair of doors on the end with a single center post. Sailboat on one side and camper on the other
Great content, guys. Awesome little family and I love what you're doing up there. Modern day homesteading. I might be using your goals as a road map. Cheers, fellow Great Lakes sailors!
great job, well done.
I'm really enjoying watching your journey. Keep them coming.
About 17 min in was the true ‘gem’. You’re building the dream debt free…THAT will build your legacy. Love yur channel.
Ah no – peaches are picked on colour – and you can get a better sense of the ripeness by checking if they have a firm base ( bottom) a little bit of softness there will make sure the sugar content is properly developed.
ps . one of the fire hazards are leaves and such in untended roof gutters (flying sparks, burning debris, can ignite big fires ), therefore to have rain water collecting gutters on eye level ,with easy cleaning during just strolling by ,including by small kids , is of great significance against fire hazards and for cleaner water collection . sometimes smallish water tanks are cheaper, easier to organize and exchanged. water tanks in series can even provide a side protection for barns and other buildings (all tanks with lids ! ). partly buried water tanks, along the building sides, might be better in some cases . if interconnected in series ,use flexible hose with slack ,not hard connections ,to avoid breakage from any movements .
one factor, that many forget to design against ,even building professionals ,is the problem of rats and mice . have at least the barn rat and mice proof and include a small ,well fitted door for entry-exit to avoid moving the big barn door (needed for boat movements ). if you do that properly ,avoiding entry points for rats/mice ,you will avoid lot's of extra problems ,including nesting in your boat and nibbling at your cables . remember that an existing wall of house ,or barn ,or other structure ,depending on sun orientation , is especially good for an easy to make greenhouse . in areas with cold seasons ,a house wall is preferable ,because of ease of access ,extended green living space and heating exchange .overheating can be mitigated by (oil-) pressure hinges ,functioning by temperature change ( include mosquito/mice netting in all openings ! )
another thing many forget and most do not know the old wisdom of how to do ,is a (partly) buried food storage ,again mice and rat proof ,but not having cement in inner surface .
cement stained air reduces storage of food considerably ,sometimes counting months in difference .
certain food groups should not breath the same air ,hence 2 chambers are better !!!
enjoy your journey and teach your kids by joyful doing ,meaningful research/implementation and relaxed being .wishing you the very best !!!
The adventure continues to grow! So exciting! Catamaran racing, deer invasion, your first harvest, heavy machinery, a new building starts growing out of the ground … and still Renata continues to steal the show!
Groovy episode.
Awesome video, guys. I sure will have boat barn envy. Quite a large structure you're building. You're not going to regret going big with it.
Please don't take as judgment or negative, I just have to say it for anyone watching: an unshored trench or hole is deadly. It collapses so quickly and is so dangerous. Please be careful. On a more positive note, thank you very much for the entertainment. Great content!