Navigați cu Orca… și explozibili

Navigați cu Orca... și explozibili

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46 thoughts on “Navigați cu Orca… și explozibili

  1. Well contunue watching Boat or no boat 😀 Im sure you will find Glory Stories to tell us in next adventures 😀 Looking forward to this month and what comes next! 🙂

  2. Good story teller and good stuff. Are you still editing zatara videos, still working for the Whitaker's and when you leave will you still be editing for them?

  3. Renee cut your hair beautifully. She’s such a gem 💎, so are you Glory 💎. I’m going to miss you on the boat. You seem to be such an intrical part of Zatara. ❤

  4. I think you have confused the term visa and green card. A green card is not a visa. A green card gives a foreign national permanent residency in the US. It is reasonable that you as a green card applicant has to be in the US (even if temporary travel is tolerated) because you are essentially asking the US government to allow you to live in the US for the rest of you life. If a green card applicant is not even in the country when they are asking the government for this permission, it raises the question of whether their presence in the US is essential. Do they have a job (or offer) in the US or will they require social security benefits? Can they go back to their country of citizenship? Is it in the country's interest to grant the applicant residency? Most important to recognize is that any application for a visa or a green card is not a requisition. It is not a just a matter of filling out forms, but rather showing that they should be entitled to the privilege of living in the US, given that the applicant is a foreign national. It is not to be taken lightly and certainly 1.5 years of waiting is not excessively long. Even married couples often have to live apart for a year, if an American citizen wants to sponsor their foreign spouse.

  5. Sorry to see you go from the boat.. you are a real welcome addition to the boat and the videos. also you are a very good story teller and seem to be a natural at it.

  6. Glory, thank you for such a great video. I absolutely love your ability to be vulnerable and share from your heart. >>> This is what continues to bring me back to watching your videos. I know this isn’t easy – but from one viewer: Thank you! Keep up the good work and I am hoping your visa comes in before you have to leave: I’m not ready to see you off the boat. I swear you are like another child of The Whittaker’s. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Remember to trust God for your path. When he closes one door, another door will open. Most of the time, when the door closes, God is trying to teach you something. I have lived a lot longer than you. There are many more adventures out there for you. Get your visa taken care of and then look for the next adventure.

  8. So there is a SMALL chance that your green card will come in the mail? Is that what you said?
    So let's say that does actually happen. Will you choose to stay on Zatara for the crossing? Or will you fly back to the US and pursue that other opportunity? Or will you fly home and spend Christmas with your family and then rejoin the Whitakers later – I'm assuming they will "park" the boat and head to TX to spend time with family and then up to their mountain home for a while, so after that?
    So, yeah, IF you get your papers what will you do?

  9. Loved these vlogs. It will be a shame when you have to fly back to the US but the nexr adventure is always around. Cannot wait to keep following along.

  10. Please inform your self correct how to react wenn there’s an orca because it is not ok to use explosives! An there’s no 50% chance that you the an orca it’s more like 10%

  11. I like the detail and background you give in your feed of places and things that catch your interest. Too bad you’re leaving the boat. Seems the journey just started for you though, what journey is the question, right? For Jack and Jayden as well, I hope you kids will keep it classy, and do great things. Cheers. Safe Travels.

  12. I’m thinking you’re the crew member joining Z.
    Also, if you don’t come back I really enjoyed your perspective and your great personality!

  13. If you came in from the Southern border this government would have never messed with you. They would have even funded your illegal stay here. They can't have people like you coming in to America legally. It will give this Government a bad name. I hope someone in the Green Card Dept that has some pull is watching and can speed this up 🙏🏻.
    Good Luck

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