Drumul către cea de-a 37-a Cupă Americii continuă cu ziua a 3-a a celei de-a doua regate preliminare de la Jeddah. ABONAȚI-vă la canalul oficial al Cupei Americii: https://www.youtube.com/c/americascup Apreciați Cupa Americii Pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Twitter: https://www. twitter.com/americascup Urmărește Cupa Americii pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/americascup Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ al Cupei Americii: https://www.americascup.com/en/newsletter Cea de-a 37-a Cupă a Americii va fi să fie apărat la Barcelona de patru ori câștigător al Cupei Americii, Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron reprezentat de echipa lor, Emirates Team New Zealand. #AmericasCup #AC37 #Barcelona2024
Regata preliminară Jeddah – Ziua 3 LIVE

49 thoughts on “Regata preliminară Jeddah – Ziua 3 LIVE”
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Awesome boys proud of you guys

Awesome .. Go ETNZ !! Where's Anslie ?? lol
Good thing the AC40 had all that testing in Auckland, and the big crash that led to the bow strengthening.
I love progress, but ….YAWN
Shots from the bowsprit & those of the “bobbing heads” are completely irrelevant & of no value whatsoever to viewers, especially to knowledgeable yachties!
Overhead shots that allow the viewers to assess relative angles & boat speed are the most value to viewers!
Come on the Kiwi's, you're amazing!!
Perhaps the greatest sailing racing of all time, with the dumbest thing in all of sporting history continuing non-stop…
Team names with ten syllables of company names, and commentators saying every single syllable. Every single time.
Amazing a country of 5+ million at the bottom of the world just keep doing it . Seriously amazing , Well done .
Congratulations to the NZ team. Merry Christmas and have a successful new year.
Sweat as
1:51:25 commentator's curse all through the regatta
Fundamentals must be wrong on board GBR . Ainsley and co are slow and generally old school match racing lead back at the start leaves them slow .
The real time editing and direction. Is appalling.
seemed to me the Italians had the best setup for upwind speed out of all of them?
No spectators………..wtf
So tired of the car analogies
Sadly, there shouldn't be a shorting due to wind speed. Come on, you're supposed to sail the weather, no matter what mother nature throws at you. Bummer
6 wins from 9 is an outstanding win. Give the Kiwis credit. Congratulations from New Zealand

Very well done, that was awesome sailing, congrats NZ and Forza Italia, what a final !!!
Unbelievable, perfect coverage. Nice job New Zealand and a big congratulations to Italy.
Ineos team uk need a younger helmsman ..Ben Ainslie n Giles shouldn't b driving the ac40 they not doing well very poor from a experience sailor
These races were fabulous, Congrats to Emirates Team New Zealand
great racing … NZ next level.
I take my hat of to the old upper hutt bikie, great boat, good venue, great tv coverage and for free
fantastic racing!!! I know it's a team but a big thankyou Grant Dalton
you pulled it of again.
Congratulations to ETNZ and honors to Luna Rossa for a remarkable effort. Fantastic racing all weekend in this regatta!
Good to see sailing in good wind you have to train in all wind conditions
So, When are the Russian and North Korean events?
Far better than SailGP. There's definitely something to be said for just showing the on water shots of the boats with an advantage line as opposed to overlaid lines all over the screen that make it look like a video game. Well done to all involved!
Great racing today. These races were very exciting and expertly done. Can't wait for Barcelona.

Man. What an awesome regatta. Luna Rossa Prada Purelli were amazing. Young crew has a bright future. The final race was just brilliant. Super close the only difference was the Kiwis were just clinical. But they needed to be. Can't wait for the next one.
Maybe its time to stop calling it the America's Cup because its nothing like the first approx 160 years of racing. Its become just another yacht race for the average punter. I guess they always wanted it to be the equivalent of Formula 1 and that's what they're working towards.
An Italian taking a dive, go figure…
That was cool af, thanks guys. Great having Glen in the booth. Tightest racing of any kind. These missiles take up much less space than the cats, makes for tighter turns and crosses. So volatile. Hooked.
Congrats team nz

Hey I especially liked the on-board audio: has the tech taken a step forward? Sounded much clearer and more prominent than in previous events.
Why does that commentator struggle to say "preliminary" so often? Does he have a speech impediment or something?
How is the,full AC racing going to be better? These are one design and the better sailors are winning but its close , but if some team get a, faster boat from design advantages there's no going to be any racing …… Concerned
Cheers warren
So after a hot, hard day’s racing the crews will have built up a huge thirst. So after shower and change they’ll pop into the clubhouse and order a nice cold… ice tea?
It would be much more interesting to see the VMG rather than the speed for each boat.
Can we please listen to boats during tough moment s vs constant blah blah of commentator s???
Congrats NZ
amazing racing… New Zealand is amazing.
did speakers say this triangle-yacht-club-building was magnificent ??
please come to Italy or France to see what magnificent means, and adjust your comment !
Show the Gaza Regatta.
It's a good thing the AC40 underwent extensive testing in Auckland and that the significant collision that resulted in the reinforced bow.