Vesti triste.

Vesti triste.

Sprijină TALLY HO; Deveniți un patron; TALLY HO WISHLIST; –- EPISODUL 173 În acest episod am o veste foarte tristă de împărtășit. Mai târziu, rămânem blocați în niște lucrări de lemn interesante și complexe. (reconstruind Tally Ho ep171) —— Pentru a deveni un Patron – Pentru a dona sau a sprijini – Lista mea de dorințe 76y5IZP Pentru previzualizări furtive ale ceea ce se întâmplă între episoade, urmăriți-mi FACEBOOK și INSTAGRAM MULŢUMESC MULT! – Muzica; Crossing Over Water – Wayward Jane A Stone’s Throw – Wayward Jane Hot Hop Rok – Steve Adams Realism – Text Me Records / Grandbankss Lazy Porch Swing Blues – Unicorn Heads (EP173)


25 thoughts on “Vesti triste.

  1. What a shame for the stress induced on American families by medical expenses. I am a Brit, but job placement had me spend extended periods in America. My company provided good health insurance, and it was not an issue. However, there are tens of millions without health insurance, and as every medical issue comes with a bill, this can be a big deal. In the UK it is very difficult to appreciate the horror of having to deal with the tens of thousands of dollars which accompany every medical event. Hats off to Leo for initiating some financial help for the dear lady. May she rest in peace.

  2. What a lovely job you made of the taffrail. You're obviously proud of it, and rightly so! I totally empathise with having to "make your teak", because of the cost of new. I had to do a LOT of that when I was building FanShi!

  3. So sad watching that… what a great thing everyone did to make her last days that bit happier/more at peace. I despise how much hate is driven up by the media, because the reality is there is good in everyone and we saw that all around this situation which is so lovely.

  4. This is my 2 cents. But I think one of the best ways to honor her memory, is to get Tally Ho in the water and under her own power. She had a passion to see this project through. Even if she cant be there in person to see it. I can guarantee that she will be there to see, and she will watch over you as Tally Ho does what she was meant to do. Let your grief and loss fuel your drive.
    In the words of one of my favorite army chaplains "Shes not heavy, shes my sister." What was meant by that is even though shes gone, let her memory be a comfort.

  5. Eternal rest grant unto Darlene , O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  6. wow the power of boat building – sad news indeed of Darleen's passing, i think while we didn't know them so much in the videos, we knew of them and how so instrumental they were in the beginning of the Tally Ho story, they will be remembered here in these videos – god bless both Darleen and Rahul, i wish Rahul all the best at this time of year, stay cheerful my friend and never be sad
    as ever your craftsmanship shines producing those complex corner rails, so so satisfying to see them come together faultlessly, but i often sit back and think of the out takes, there must be a few things that don't go so well and need remaking, but all you guys are so professional at you do, keeps me smiling

  7. Who would of thought that rebuilding a boat would build so much community and friendship. May Darleen RIP, the world needs people like you and Rahul.

  8. It's always sad to lose friends, but those who are big-hearted, encompassing a love of animals, too – well that's even sadder for me. RIP Darleen and best wishes to Rahul.

  9. This must have been a difficult video to make. Hearing the sad news of Darlene’s passing, alongside the music really had me choked . RIP Darlene .

  10. Fair winds and following seas indeed Leo. We all appreciate what they did for you to start this project. You will be smiling and remembering them both every place you put your hands on your boat.

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