În timpul reamenajării navei noastre de 82 de picioare, am lucrat cu multe materiale periculoase, dar niciuna dintre ele nu este la fel de problematică ca azbestul. În acest videoclip vă împărtășim tot ce ne-am dorit să știm când am început proiectul de restaurare. Ca și cum să te ocupi de materiale periculoase, cum să supraviețuiești unui timp șantier naval și cum să abordezi un astfel de proiect uriaș de refit. Restaurăm nava istorică din oțel Flying Coney, lungă de 82 de picioare. Vrem să o aducem înapoi să trăiască ca frumoasa navă cu pânze care a fost cândva. Când terminăm cu reparația, vrem să navigăm pe ocean împreună cu tine și să învățăm abilitățile tradiționale de navigație. —————————— Faceți cunoștință cu noi: https://youtu.be/9vLaxBgqneA —————————— Deveniți un patron: https://www.patreon.com/SailingFlyingConey Support ne pe PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=BNDZ5GT4GA4ZY Donați instrumente și echipamente: https://www.amazon.nl/hz/wishlist/ls/2VP643PDYV1L1?ref_=wl_share Vrei să ajuți să restabilim Flying Coney? Deveniți voluntar: http://eepurl.com/isvgFU —————————— Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flyingconey/
Acest videoclip vă poate salva viața! Urmăriți asta înainte de a monta o barcă
30 thoughts on “Acest videoclip vă poate salva viața! Urmăriți asta înainte de a monta o barcă”
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Asbestos and lead paint are a nightmare t remove safely. they are OK until you make the smallest amount of dust. Great update 2x👍
I was certified by the state of Michigan in abatement of asbestos. Also bat guano and rat shit are as dangerous wear. PPE and you must have negative airflow at all times.( fans blowing out)
Hi nice video. how old is that engine what make is it old engine's used a lot more fuel than newer ones plus OEM parts can be a big problem. Best of luck Phil
To be fair, regardless of the massive issues you've faced you've done a really good job so far. 🤘👍
Your time carefully researching and planning will pay off. Better than jumping in and ending up with bigger problems and messes. Your winter looks lovely so far.
Dear Barbara and Daniël,
Hope you both are enjoying your stay with your family and friends in Austria. We love your country a lot and have been there many many times. Your lesson about Asbestos is for us not new at all so we were happy to see you both have taken the correct measurements by removing certain parts in Flying Coney. We look forward to your next vlog and send you love from the Netherlands
No I get not snowed away by all this more informative episodes or the tour in the harbour with other sailing vessels..very interesting❤ and..knowing myself on my boat/home..it takes time..all goes step by step..although I also wish sometimes all is finished..😅
l do love your commitment, your zest zeal and drive to get this project going.. It's a monumental task but you both have the right approach..
"langsam aber gründlich und mit gefühl"
Oh my gosh Daniel you look incredible! The haircut and mustache shave looks 100 percent better. You are so handsome! I hope you guys have a great visit and Christmas. Love you both ❤️⚓️
You guys are doing an amazing job. Keep taking your time and using patience to do things right and the result will be worth it. As you know.
Here is a big secret, fiber glass is just as bad!!! Wood dust and smoke are just as bad. Powdered cement is just as bad.
Just take precautions.
Use masks. Nothing more is needed. All the clothes and stuff are overkill legal requirements. Asbestos kills you because it adheres to you lungs causes irritation and cancer. SO DOES FIBER GLASS. So why is fiber glass not illegal or banned? The attorneys are waiting in the margins for the day that class action laws suits take place so that they can leach money.
They do all this with the help of government, especially socialist governments that need to be your mommy and daddy.
As long as you do not inhale asbestos you will be fine. Asbestos dust or fluffed up material are the problems. As long as you know this and how to prevent this then it is not a problem. Too much water drowns you. Too much fire burns you. Inhaling asbestos or FIBER GLASS irritates your lungs and will cause cancer.
No worries. Jim
Look fwd to more of your adventures .
Danny and Barb – I'll second the new look (haircut) – thumbs up. Glad to hear you have plans to keep the project going!
"The idea that 'one fibre will kill' is not supported by scientific evidence as everyone has had some exposure to asbestos fibres. The burden of asbestos fibres in the lungs, resulting from typical background exposure, appears to be tolerated by most people."
asbestos.qld.gov. au
My subscription it seems are taken off. Please make everyone aware. Your channel may be much bigger.
Thanks for the good information.
One thing in your favor is that you live in a place with a great boat culture. To be honest, if some young naive couple bought a boat like Flying Coney in the US, I think it would not be a happy story.
I wish you good luck 😊😊😊
The boat may have a long way to go, but the van is looking very tidy!!
Well done and nice work Barbara and Daniel. Looking forward to the next video. Thank you!
Barbara with the snow around your head hair, and shoulders , it looks like a halo, making you look like an angel standing there Beautiful lady
Still used in brake pads and clutch material today even the "ceramic" ones
Still gotta love the adds tho
Raybestos the bestest asbestos lol
Our old house had siding that was probably sold to the owners in the 60's and when we wanted to remove it of course it turns out to be asbestos. The cost was around $10,00.00 to have it removed and then sent to a waste site that handles it. On advice from some one we had it wrapped and then encapsulated with a stucco product, this would meet our needs. When we sold that house we had to make sure it was in the sale info what we had done so it wasn't hidden that could come back to cost us a lot of many for removal but also legal if pushed. Several companies that made and sold automotive products went bankrupt because of claims with one of the largest was Dana Corporation maker of gaskets.
Is there anyone, anywhere that did not know about asbestos and its dangers?
You have just discovered the tip of the iceberg.