Sunfish navighează în Miami!

Sunfish navighează în Miami!

Lee montes este Sunfish navigând la clubul de navigație Coconut Grove la campionatele mondiale Sunfish. 


4 thoughts on “Sunfish navighează în Miami!

  1. Enjoyed this. Kinda wish you'd held the phone in landscape mode so I could see more. The part I enjoyed most was you and the other guy just rapping as you sailed side-by side, and it gave me the idea that maybe for a future video, you could get another sunfish owner to sail chase and shoot you from their boat this same way, with a wide, stabilized go-pro shot, the wider shot could be more instructive and let you concentrate on handling the boat as you talk, just a thought. You'd keep your phone in your pocket to grab good audio to mix with the other boat's camera. It's the TV producer in me talking, I apologize:-) I'm always glad to see you making more content!

  2. Yeah! Have fun. That’s the site of my first time skippering a race in Nov 2021. And the first time meeting you. It was a great experience and launched our Sunfish adventure. Steve

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