PERICOL: CABLUL CĂRAT în instalația în picioare pe Oyster 485 (pt.2/2)

PERICOL: CABLUL CĂRAT în instalația în picioare pe Oyster 485 (pt.2/2)

Vino la NAVIGARE cu noi! Acest videoclip conține TONE de informații pentru marinarii de toate nivelurile: de la legarea unui nod de driză, instalarea pânzelor, biciuirea, îndepărtarea uneltei de înfășurare, rularea tachelajului, tachelajul în picioare, fitingurile fără șuruburi Blue Wave și MULTE MULTE! Acesta va fi unul pe care veți dori să îl salvați și la care veți reveni mai târziu! Echipament folosit: Precision Sails: Linii Staset: Fitinguri Blue Wave fără strângere: Scaunul lui Harken bosun: Instrument de oscilare Milwakee: ❤️ Sprijină-ne: vino la navigație cu noi! Patreon: Tricouri: 👇 Social: Site: https://sailingzingaro. com/ Facebook: Instagram: 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Companii pe care le iubim: OC Tenders: .nz/ Seawater Pro Watermakers: Garnitură de etanșare fără picurare Lasdrop: Cutter pentru arbore Spurs: Sonar orientat spre înainte: https :// 🎶: Epidemic Sound 00:00-1:14 Îndepărtarea suportului din spate 2:38 Cum se instalează fitinguri fără șuruburi Blue Wave 6:28 Cum se leagă un cârlig de rulare 7:38 Truc pentru a instala știfturi 9:15 Reglarea suportului pentru bebeluș 9:41 Reglarea garniturii de pădure 10:04 Cum să fixați o cătușă 13:42 Mergeți pe catarg/inspecția împrăștiatorului 15:00 Pregătirea capetelor împrăștiatorului 16:00 Înlocuirea carcasei intermediare 16:54 INSPECȚIE SWAGE principal crăpat 16:54 Înlocuirea liniei de înfășurare 22:03 Cizme de împrăștiere


45 thoughts on “PERICOL: CABLUL CĂRAT în instalația în picioare pe Oyster 485 (pt.2/2)

  1. Since they are having trouble learning and retaining all of the proper sailing nomenclature they need to attach gay terminology to easily remember the proper nomenclature. For example the back stay can be called the bare back stay.

  2. Here I was thinking I was going to see an actual set of lock wire pliers (you know the whole Navy Nuke MM1(SS) flashback happening when I saw "Lockwire". 🙂

  3. i think you are just plain wrong about HF, HF cant be turned off by people 7000 miles away… HF doesn't require an account HF gear is typically user serviceable

    you think starlink cant be turned off you should talk to the folks near gaza, they would assure you that is can be turned off from afar.

    dont get me wrong i like starlink i think its great, and i understand not wanting HF on your boat but HF is the safe reliable option

  4. Excellent tutorial video – I have +50 years of sailing experience and I learned a few things by watching your very detailed video. Carry on Captain James❤

  5. Nice rigging job. Yes, I really like the new style pieces for rigging better than the old style. I've had a few failures on the old style on smaller racing boats.

  6. Brother, I'm not saying Russia is going to do anything, But you been at sea too long. WW3 is somewhat merging as a Sunami soon. Crash of our System has started and world tormoil is defiantly happening. Lets all hope for the best.

  7. Great mini series James, one question (that will vary boat to boat) How do you know what tension the stays and shrouds should be? ❤

  8. A benefit to HF is you can have a net with several people/boats and have conversations running about weather, gear, fishing, mechanical or whatever is on your mind. Think of old fashion "party lines" for the phone. Cannot do that with Starlink. Oh, use white electrical tape to cover safety wire and cotter pins, to prevent snagging on sails/clothing/skin, lines or anything else.

  9. I hope this standing rigging holds up better then that Warhammer. I'm seeing a lot of cringe worthy stuff. Even the cotter pin install was wrong.

  10. Your videos are great as always but I miss the intro with ana saying ahoy that was classic.. Maybe I'm the only one anyway the key to spanish pronunciation as in saying ana is to learn how to correctly say the vowels in spanish, once you get that you are literally 80% there as spanish reads as you see it with just a few differences such as the h is silent and a j sounds like an american h.. Cheers

  11. Thank you very much Captain James, for these clear and informative videos pt.1/2 and pt.2/2. They are in fact perfect tutorials for diy riggers like me. On my trailer sailor 23ft boat, I have to lay down the mast every time I take her home on the trailer. I use the aft lower shrouds and the forestay when lifting and lowering the mast. For the upper shrouds, back stay and a second forestay I use dyneema in the way you have desribed earlier (works perfectly!). Next I will replace the old steel (lower) shrouds and the steel forestay. Very helpful is your advice to use screwed trminals for steel 1×19 wire! Thank you so much!

  12. Next time you undo something and there’s a possibility it might fall onto the deck or someone’s foot you can put a restraining rope onto it to allow it to fall be suspended of the deck!

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