Starlink pe o barcă

Starlink pe o barcă

Am încercat să parcurg cât mai multe în acest videoclip cu setarea, montarea, dezactivarea motoarelor și tarifele din acest videoclip și voi adăuga orice lucruri suplimentare pe care le aflăm că ar putea fi utile în descrierea de aici. Deci, orice lucru pe care îl aflăm, îl voi enumera împreună cu informații bune pe care se pare că le primim întotdeauna în comentarii. Desigur, Elon nu pare să lase lucrurile să se oprească mult timp, așa că vom încerca, de asemenea, să reflectăm orice modificări ale politicii, hardware-ului și tarifelor etc. în descrierea de aici. Când devine prea depășit, voi face unul nou, acest film a fost filmat în prima săptămână a lunii decembrie 2023. … și vă rog să vă amintiți ABONAȚI-VĂ! Bine, iată câteva actualizări: în primul rând, din comentarii și din cercetările ulterioare pe care le-am făcut, se pare că cea mai ieftină modalitate de a continua să obțineți date offshore nu este să treceți la Premium Mobile așa cum am făcut noi, ci să apăsați pe butonul de date Premium de pe dvs. tarif mobil standard când sunteți în largul țărm. Veți fi taxat undeva între 2-3 dolari/euro pe Gb, dar acest lucru este mai ieftin decât să plătiți 300 de euro pentru 50 Gb așa cum am făcut noi. Eu nu am încercat încă asta, dar am o bună autoritate că funcționează.


39 thoughts on “Starlink pe o barcă

  1. Download's not much worse than my Vodafone fibre to the property in UK. (242 down – 266 up).
    Sold as 900Mb/s. Of course that is "up to 900Mb/s". Small print again!

  2. As a guess I think it has stepper motors for positioning. Stepper motors have a high ‘holding’ current. When it moves the current drops as it no longer needs to lock its position.

  3. Excellent review and very brave of you to drill a hole in the radar casing! I guess I'm going to have to check back to see if anyone has answered your questions. Thanks for making these videos!

  4. SERIOUSLY, are you complaining about 48 watts? That is less than half the power of a single light bulb and it connect with space satalites yet you complaiin? LOL.. Let's see you do better.

  5. Really informative. Thank you. Good questions – we'll be checking back because I too am curious, especially about the physical address… Maybe one day we will not need physical addresses and there will be no geolocating… Which I had hoped Starlink would offer – but apparently I will still need a VPN…

  6. I've got an eco flow solar generator too and want to let you know that the inverter silently draws about 20w. So don't be surprised if when you've modded it to 24v, the draw on the LCD looks the same. You will have saved 30% on the energy consumption. Thanks for the videos, from a cold and wet Dartmouth

  7. We often have problems getting ours to boot up at sea but we have it mounted in a fishing rod holder, which isn’t a good idea as there is nothing to retain the plug in the dish, whereas the Starlink proprietary mounting arm or ground stand do. So if it hasn’t gained an internet connection within 10 or 15 mins, I know I have to loosen the deck grommet, pull through an armful of cable, lift the dish out of the rod holder, push the lead back in the required extra 1/16th of an inch (<2mm) and it then seems to work.

    So don’t mount it in a fishing rod holder!

  8. Starlink does offer a "pipe adapter", a tubing adapter mount for the Dishy.
    it's over sized like a bell at the bottom, with setscrews to attach to a wide variety of pipe sizes, with the std. Starlink "dishy" mount w/ cable slot up top.
    We just tightened the setscrews onto the stern flag tube on the davits and boom, done.

    We are considering enabling "Mobile Priority Data" which enables "network priority", "ocean access", "in-motion connectivity" and "global use" when on passage.
    But… it is "metered" use @ $2 US per GB… and seeing as we have already used 102 GB in just the first week of Dec, then again maybe not.
    So for now we are just using the RV Plan and only when in port/at anchor to manage costs.

    SV Rocinante

  9. Good morning to both of you.. Was you able to purchase Starlink in Portugal.. We are set to leave Lagos in January and looking to purchase? currently in the Uk so could travel with it but naturally it would be easier to purchase locally. Can get one from Curry’s here un registered.. Many Thanks Wayne

  10. 9-months with Startlink inc cruising Scotland, Norway, Sweden …been fantastic.

    No need for expensive mobile priority subscription offshore! Just pay for standard £85 per month package then select 'priority data' in account section of mobile app to pay-as-you-go at £1.98 per GB offshore when needed. Can select this on/off at anytime without changing subscription. Far cheaper.

    Great video. Thanks Steve.

  11. We tour EU in our Motorhome for 3 months twice per year, considering Starlink but sticking with our SIM Card Router at moment
    Question is, why did you leave the TV Antenna on mast when you could have IPTV via an Amazon Firestick and receive all Channels without being Geo Blocked globally?

  12. The gps issue is confusing.
    This is how it looks to me.
    Starlink doesn't do GPS (but some experimentalists have managed to use Starlink satellites as a gps system).
    The tablet or device on the boat that the Starlink app runs on should carry on doing gps if it has that functionality & a maps app etc should work normally.
    The Starlink router can pickup gps coordinates from devices on the local network on your boat & provide the coordinates to any globally remote devices accessing the local boat network.
    When internetting from the boat some websites will determine the internetters location as being in some country that will be determined by the Starlink system's ground equipment location.

  13. i have seen some commentary that Starlink on mobile platforms (e.g. boats) is discouraged/unsupported – any comment on that? I have heard there is some form of defense against moving, AFAIR the link is curtailed. (see @LadyKSailing).

  14. A big use of power is in the transmitter which at times is continuous rather than the short time a motor runs. A likely reason the power goes down when the motors run is the unit stops all transmissions when physically moving. It would be interesting to try different data rates or length of transmission and check power during these. You can also get increased consumption if your link performance drops down and error rate goes up. This causes a lot of re-transmission…like using power twice or more for the same piece of data. This is a game changer so good luck….

  15. I thought Starlink had a separate (much more expensive) marine antenna and subscription. Am I mistaken that Starlink blocks terrestrial devices used at sea? I seem to remember Parley Revival having to switch systems.

  16. inverter to power SL rather than converting to DC. My thinking was I don’t have to power up the big inverter just to run SL so ‘hoping’ the inverter losses aren’t as great plus it has a power switch making disconnecting easier. Your thoughts?

  17. I just bought the maritime. I am in malaysia but could not buy a starlink without a malay digital id. I had to order through my usa adress and ship to malay.
    To do this you must buy the high performace dish to get the global international waters coverage. Expensive but will be amazing to get internet 1000s of miles off shorr

  18. I bought the RV.package, which worked everywhere. About 6 months ago it stopped working at sea, just entered Tunisia and the software states I can’t only use it where it is registered, ( worked here in March) unless I change my use to global, $200+/ month as opposed to the £85 I am paying now. Biggest problem with Starlink is that you only have internet access when you are with it, so when travelling away from the device it is useless. Sadly, it’s cheaper to buy an Esim. Great shame.

  19. We use the smallest Victron inverter dedicated to the starlink and the losses are about 0.3A. A lot easier than converting the unit to run off DC. Works flawlessly offshore on the regional roam plan if you hit the mobile priority toggle. Elon has made our Iridium go, Pactor modem, wifi booster and 4g mobile booser all redundant 😂

  20. I noticed that you didn’t mention what subscription you are paying for. Starlink has changed the subscriptions many times in the last year. The motion subscription is limited to 10 miles / hr and in shore (up to ~ 10 miles off shore). Off shore you should upgrade at least to the Continental subscription. The GPS on Starlink how fast you are traveling and where you are located. If you violate your subscription Starlink can shutdown your antenna and degrade you system to a fixed system at your registered home address. A world subscription is extremely expensive and is used by and paid for by cruise ships and mega yachts. They haven’t been been aggressive yet but if the use in violation of the subscription increases they may be shutting people like you down and limit your access.

  21. I've got mine connected but have it mounted inside my boat to the top of the deck. The motors report themselves as stuck and never move. I also leave mine running 24/7, and use 1.05kwh per day. I have an electric boat with 3200W of solar, so it's not a big deal, but for everyone else I recommend seeing a timer to turn it off when you're asleep.

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