Consultați NOUL nostru marfă Atticus II: Aflați mai multe despre Ferma Perivoli Naxian: De fiecare dată când punem ancora, ridicăm pânzele și îndreptăm arcul nostru spre orizontul gol pe care alegem să ne luptăm cu natura. Pur și simplu, ne folosim cunoștințele și abilitățile pentru a valorifica vântul și energia acestuia pentru a ne muta casa. Dar nu este întotdeauna atât de simplu și adesea natura pare să aibă alte planuri. Și presupunând că suntem capabili să depășim aceste provocări, mai avem nevoie pentru a menține toate sistemele bărcilor în funcțiune; de la gestionarea deșeurilor la instrumente de navigație, filtrarea apei și generarea de energie. Și doar odată ce depășim toate aceste provocări putem să ne îndreptăm către casa noastră plutitoare către destinații îndepărtate. Acum, unul dintre motivele pentru care facem toate acestea este ca să putem învăța despre diferitele moduri în care trăiesc oamenii din întreaga lume. Și săptămâna aceasta am întâlnit pe cineva care a ales și el o viață plină de provocări din partea mamei natură. A trăi pe pământul unei insule grecești îndepărtate este o viață plină de greutăți. Dar este și plin de frumusețe și sens. Este o viață trăită aproape de natură. Cu tot binele și răul care vine cu el. Dar ce ar determina pe cineva să aleagă să-și lase viața modernă în urmă și să-și creeze o familie într-o fermă de pe o insulă îndepărtată?
Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri.
Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:
Sunete epidemic
Seeing life in Greece through your eyes is so nice. I feel proud being Greek seeing how hospital people are. Enjoy your travels ! You are amazing!
that was beautiful!! the food!!! wow! blessings u guys.
Excellent video presentation 😊. We'll see you on the next one 😀.
"You gonna change our course?" "Why, yes I am, dad. Profoundly."
You both make such a good job of your videos, imagination is always interesting ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Thank you for sharing your adventure. I would be tempted to stay on the farm as life style for life. Fair winds!!❤❤❤
With each episode, your travels and adventures enlightens you with new insights; always learning and growing. Thank you so much for sharing those insights and your journey with us. Just brilliant, guys.
Nice episode. I visited Naxos and Paros with my GF 40 years ago (5-day bus trip to Athens each way) and this brought back a couple of memories.
: )
Can you ask your sponsor Babbel why they don’t teach Greek? Well you’re going to Turkey so at least your sponsor Babbel teaches Turkish. What’s up with Babbel.
You two are doing a fantastic job with baby . What a beautiful life she has and with you both always.
This was an exceptional episode, well done all of you. Just a pleasure to have a glimpse into your life.
Great Greek documentation!
Love it
Thanks very much
Fantastic episode guys! Thank you for sharing your lives and adventures. Isa is one lucky baby ❤️❤️❤️
Speaking from own experience – sailing with a baby till she starts moving around is supper easy. Tough times starts when they start crawling, walking, climbing till cca 3-4 years. You'll need to prepare the boat for a toddler: Safety netting is a must, as well as safe place to leave your kid unattended – when you need 2 pairs of hand and can't afford to have an eye on her 100%. For great solution check Ran sailing where Johann installed a bicycle baby chair in the cockpit. Similar solution you also need to install inside, safe place to prevent getting her hurt when the boat is moving or when you're cooking. So a fixed baby chair inside is also a must. Delos had 2 good solution for Sierra. One to fix on flat surface, like countertop, the other one to attach to the table in saloon. You will also need to find a solution to safeguard her when she is sleeping. Again, a fixed small tent in which Sierra from Delos was sleeping is a smart solution. She was safe in rough seas and parents were in peace that she won't wake in the night, climb out and fall overboard.
Issa is the happiest baby I have ever seen.
Delos, Zatara, Nahoa and many more sailors have kids onboard for years. it wont be a hassle. Becasue if you constantly seeing boundaries, then your inveitable blocking your point of view of opportunities. Nuggets on Delos is constantly growing.
Theres planes, boats and cars. And your boat is just a flight away if you need to visit hometown for a week or a month.
Btw, your videos express adventure, it shows a different way of lifestyle, which many have dreams. Be joyful what life can show you, all around the world.
You as parents showing her the world, very few children gets this opportunity. Its a gift.
So keep up the pace. /Fair winds.
PS! you might want to get a lifeline netting set up around boat, so she wont fall overboard. Price is around 3dollar a ft.
Awesome episode! I envy your friend on the island for realizing early-on in his life what was important to him. Hard work won't hurt you when it's satisfying, it's only when you toil away at an unfulfilling job that life starts to lose some meaning. Life was meant for living! Well done!
Great video, can’t believe how much Izzy is changing, she is so beautiful Desiree! Stunning to see the night sky- 😘
Oh man, what an episode! I could hear the crunch of the honey drizzled pastry…sigh. Amazing. 😎🥰😎🥰😎
What, No Ouzo Night????
My absolute favorite videos of yalls are ones like these that you totally embrace local culture and seemingly befriend people from the area you are in. Then you get to see and show us first hand what their lives are like. Absolutely love it! 😊
Great edit! Great narration!
I never thought of a culture that has olive oil at the center would fry so many dishes but I guess it makes sense. The fries in everything greek always threw me but I get it .
It's like that in a big city after awhile & peace and quiet is nice . I would only live in Chicago if I lived in Willis Tower lol
Another amazing video guys! What an awesome experience you all had on that farm. Now I want to go there just for the food 😋🤗💞
Guys! Don't worry about having your little lady onboard. It's been happening for thousands of years. It's been a pleasure to watch your shows these years. Your shows have grown into a professional production and today's was a perfect example of how far you've come. Go back and watch your first show then, sit back and really enjoy this one. Thanks again 4 sharing. 🙂
For some of us the physical life style is much more satisfying than a boring office life style.
Your baby is getting so big. Y’all are great parents for sharing your adventures with her.
What an amazing family! Have you done an episode about tips, tricks, lessons learned about sailng, caring, and generally having a baby on a boat?! I'm about to take my 1 year old daughter on a 14 day charter. I'm sure many people could benefit from your experience.