Alăturați-vă nouă săptămâna aceasta, când Brittni trece pe sub primul ei pod de 65 de picioare pe calea navigabilă Intracoastal și este îngrozită! Sărbătorim, de asemenea, ziua de naștere a lui Brittnis în lux deplin, dând totul, fără cheltuieli scutite anul acesta… Urmăriți-vă pentru a afla mai multe! ––- Suntem Brittni & Ryan, iubitori de animale și marinari care au călătorit peste tot în lume, explorând, salvând și găzduind animalele străzii din întreaga lume de pe barca noastră, un Beneteau Oceanis 46 din 2008, totul în timp ce vlog-ul nostru aventură pe YouTube!” ––- SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https:/ / PATREON: SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook TikTok animalrescueyachtclub
65ft BRIDGE vs. 66ft MAST în Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) | Duminica navigatie | Ep. 227

41 thoughts on “65ft BRIDGE vs. 66ft MAST în Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) | Duminica navigatie | Ep. 227”
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Nice one guys. The ICW reminds me of the Gold Coast Seaway. There's nothing more unnerving than going under a bridge regardless of the distance between the mast and the bridge.
For the bridge swing the boom out with a largish person hanging off the end to tip the boat over a bit. Maybe have water tanks full one side & empty on the other side if possible as well.
Those motor boats speeding by what As***les. Isn't there some sort of Marina policing in these areas. Most likely, some rich college kids in Daddy's boat.
Overall, nice sail and cute kitten. Luckily, you don't follow GBL sailing. As they're raising 10 kittens, they found abandoned. It's on there. Land, not ocean. To many cats around people should nueter. Don't get me wrong kittens as yours are cute. Safe sail. Yes, those bridges were exciting to watch. The bets were on will he or won't he lol
Wow some reckless behaviour from power boaters! Especially in no wake zones. It raises the question of compulsory training and certification. For all boat users and all boat sizes. Sail Safe Guys, Big hugs for jackson. Ant & Cid. xx
Thanks ya'll have a good week bro!!
Happy birthday

Happy birthday

Happy Birthday
Happy birthday!
Happy (belated) 21st birthday Britt….Ryan, a bee's WHAT?
You guys are being too weird….
I use to have a sailboat some years back. I noticed that people that own power boats forget they are responsible for their wake. They really just don’t care, it is a shame.
Murica in a nutshell, freedom, constitution entitlement mentality.
Happy Birthday Brittney
Love your channel
You had us on the edge of our seats for that final bridge scene
Happy belated birthday Brittni
How do you know so much about animals Brittni? 

Cute kitty
kracking on. love u guys (especially beacause Brittney is from BC. Ha Ha)
Happy Birthday Brittni

. A mast-top camera would provide a novel view of the clearance under the bridges, maybe next time
? Cheers and safe travels.
I have seen this on other channels, you get two or three 45 gal drums and put them on one side of the boat and fill them with water, that is enough to tip the mast over a few degrees gives more clearance, you never know when you might need to do that again
My self and my 3 kids all grew up in those waters.
I so wish myself and my wife could have got to hang out with you. There is an island that we named Dylan’s island on masonboro Island.
I could have and will show you around Wilmington when you come back down
As an American that has driven a car in Europe for a few years, it appears the waterways are no different for my fellow Americans, people here act like they are the only ones on the road/water, no common sense give and take, it's just TAKE! I'm not surprised at all to hear we are the worst…
WHY are you even in the the disgustingly polluted eastern poop hole waterways?
I’ve been there so many times.
You need to do a meet up.
Happy Belated Birthday Brittni
It's always a joy watching you both! And great to see that big Australia
flag flying high and proud all the way over there in America is so good! Stay safe guy's.
Thanks guys..
Big fans of you guys. It was super cool to meet you 2 in Annapolis. Going under a bridge is always a scary event. You should have mounted a go pro on the top of the mast to see how close it was. I had the pleasure of sailing around Hatteras 3 years ago on Delos (Ep 315) and while on night watch I decided to look up locations of all the sunken ships we sailed over. We actually sailed over 2 World War 2 German Submarines along with close to 100 other boats. It was hard to sleep after that! Anyway, be safe out there.
Viewers: You need to make sure to subscribe to these guys and take a minute to like the video! It really helps these guys to grow and get the love they deserve!
Your love for animals is brilliant. You are truly special people. Another groovy episode.
I need to apologize for all the idiots on the east coast. The kitten is so beautiful, you're doing a great job with her.
Greetings from Melbourne, happy birthday Brittney, you guys are still my faves, just so real !! Sail safe

Happy birthday Brit… The kitten thinks your mum…Ryan is such a romantic…
happy birthday, great video
There's no seamanship in the U.S. we suck. I try to be respectful. Sometimes, you have to be aggressive. In your case, there was no need for that. People don't slow down. I used to run in boston Harbor, and it's a disaster running threw there.
We traveled the ICW from SWF to Long Island and Wrightsville Beach boaters were the most inconsiderate people on the water.
Happy bday beautiful
Brilliant to watch you guys, thank you.
Another great video! Brittni Happy Belated Birthday! Tulip is living her best life thanks to you guys!

That motor boater was a right knob, happy birthday Brittany
I was raised on the ice on the backside of Wrightsville beach. Lots of good fresh seafood there
50 years a Florida salty now. Just south of St Augustine.good journey my friends.
“root” – you said it right the first time. The other pronunciation is American. Rout means to send them packin’.