Răspund la toate întrebările tale despre Sailing Doodles și navigație în general. Patronii mei vor să știe dacă vom face o circumnavigație… ce părere aveți? Ar trebui să navigăm în jurul lumii? Doriți să primiți răspuns la întrebările dvs. la următorul podcast, deveniți patron la https://www.patreon.com/sailingdoodles Flotila Doodles Sailing: https://navigare-yachting.com/en/events/other/join-sailing-doodles -on-a-bvi-yacht-charter-with-navigare-in-january-2024 Sailing Doodles Sailing School: https://sailingdoodles.podia.com/zero-to-hero-sailing-101
Ar trebui să navigăm pe o circumnavigație?

39 thoughts on “Ar trebui să navigăm pe o circumnavigație?”
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Thanks for your answer Bobby!!!!!…say hi to Amanda!!
Anywhere close to New Zealand all cats rimrack themselves,you know that.All the rest proved that.
No! Stick to what you do best!
Is you mic a MV7 or SM7?
Nope. I think you should stick to the Caribbean and get Lalalibra back !!!
Hi Bobby. What dates were yo in Key West? We were there Dec 1st till the 6th.
Do you now something of Megan
Yes an I wanna go !
Please keep Amanda and Alina as your crew members! They are the absolute Best!
Nothing Like The Babes

Why ask random viewers? It's your choice and your dream, so do whatever you want because you'll only have yourself to blame if you don't.
You must visit Saint Helena in the South Atlantic Wow epic island nation
Yes. A little more variety and new locations would be great.
sure if you want a life of misery fixing s*#t
Actually like watching some of of your fellow sailors making the circumnavigation but I think with the aviation Doodles and RV doodles you added to Sailing Doodles you have a great trio of great videos. Id like to see you get back in the air with your own set of wings
Hey Bobby, you need something new mate, its getting a bit same same , around the world not sure……the new boat will be good to see……looking foward to that, anyways I know its hard to keep the vids up, you have a lot on your plate….steady as she goes.
Ciao Bobby,
Compliments for the channel, when will be ready your the new boat for next adventures??
Ha! Way to zoom in and cut the TV out of the frame. Bobby, you're a pro.
Can't believe you bought s boat with twin gas engines. Seems like a crazy boat for cruising. Enjoy the videos.
Personally I am missing your old real adventures all about sailing and going places vs what is now, drinking and parties every episode yah girls are sexy however I have different Chanels for very secy and nude girls if you know what I mean
11:44 third less for fuel…
6 or 8 knotts not fast for gettin island to island, BUT ummm if you talkin putt putting around THE GREAT LOOP …… they say that is about perfect sweet size for that IF YOU HAVE ENUF ROOM TO BE WITH YOUR PARTNER CREW and dnt need the extra sq fooootage and that stuff lol
I don't kno but….. keep plan C … if your new boat is still ''WAITIN TO LAUNCH'' for watever reason NEXT SUMMER …. maybe a ''ZOOM THE GREAT LOOP'' in a POWERBOAT LIVE ON THE SKYNET !!! lol well ……peeps SEND SUPERCHATS during the LIVE and you crank up the RPS uhh RPMs those… ;)_ LOL HAHAHAHAHAHHA well hahahahah funn sounding IDEA if you have a coulpa weeks (MONTH or so?) or wtuever in ''some summer''
((at elast THINK ABOUT DOING THE INSIDE before you ditch the boat…. you can take it UP THE RIVER just to be DIFFERENT ??? peeps would have to donate seriously to the fuel fund for that one lol
how far weast into the locks and lakes ….and the missisiisisisisisiippi have you done? any interereir you can ''cut off as done already'' lol so the loop issn't contigigitigious …. well I vote for an BLAST UP the EAST COAST SOON AS IT IS WARM ENUF TO STAND IT pre SUMMER then LOCKS & LAKES and the MISSISSISIPPI get that goin and have one of your friends meet the boat on the missisiippi when your boat is ready…. and they take itback down to fla/carib for sale…
now that I mentions a planC…. your boat will be ready next month!!! GO GO SAILING DOODLES!!
will the new boat have an ELECTRIC PROP OPTION ???
I think HIBRID should be ''generators backups, solar & BATTS run the pusing motors'' pods or wutever ? onboard power…. no plugging into the GRID
teslas are a leech lol a skeeter
it would be VANCOUVER gotta go up there to get to THI ''nonstop''
If you ask the question you ken the answer. But go to places other sailours don't. Like Japan or the Falkland isles. That would be minted.
Well I think it should depend on your wealth and health mostly and if you like dealing with immigration and customs officials and paper work for almost all of your stops to me I am not a tourist kind of guy but at the same time I would like to learn about places that I do visit so my goal would be to stay long enough in each place to get a real feel for the people and the place. I think if you are constantly mentally thinking about a circumnavigation your going to be spending most of your time thinking about just sailing the next leg and when to leave and less on what is around you and the sights and the experiences of the moment when you are in port I think anyway. Honestly if you are just doing it to say you have done it I don't really see that as a good enough reason. I mean if I was going to sail half way around the world from the US to visit the Philippines and Malaysia and Srilanka and Thailand ect … and I have no desire to rush or try and set any kind of records but since you are already half way around the globe then sure you might as well just keep going to get back home that is logical instead of going back the way you came. I even thought of sailing a boat intentionally into the doldrums and staying at sea as long as I can without actually traveling to another country at all and then spend the rest of my time on anchor as a live aboard solution just to save the high cost of marinas and fees instead of country hopping because every time you check into a new country they got to get their fees and all. So if I did this I would only be returning to port when the weather got too bad or food and water became critically low. I guess as long as you are enjoying what you are doing and you can afford to do it that is all that matters really so in the end that decision is a personal one you have to make for you and your family. I wished I was a younger man with more time and had the money I would definitely love to try and country hop my way around the world possibly several times just because there is so many islands and places to explore you can't see but a tiny fraction of what is in the world anyway so take advantage of travel vlogs and try to pick the places that really interest you most to plan your visit ahead of time.
Yes, do a circumnavigation. I think it would provide another dimension to sailing as well as a small crew managing time at sea. The places that you go now are vrery much tied to your shoreside experiences. Literally, there is a whole world out there for you to share more with us. Thanks for the idea. We’re ready to see what develops.
The short answer… is NO!
Don't do it. You 'll have to make movies and people will have to send you money.
Only if you bring me with you!!
With your film format? How will you switch chicks on a weekly basis?
Thai Airways used to do nonstop out of JFK but they don't do that anymore. It was around 17-18 hours. I think you can still get direct flights from LA to BKK now though.
You might have a buyer for the SeaRay in @navigatingnietzels. They want to do the NA Loop and need a motor yacht.
Your Life Bobby, you decide! I do believe though that a very long trip would get boring to watch. Your short trip format to various places seems to make for good video.