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Construcția catamaranului de performanță explodează – Noul Odisea 48 merge înainte

49 thoughts on “Construcția catamaranului de performanță explodează – Noul Odisea 48 merge înainte”
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Wow so fast
Impressive set up there. Management seem really open and on the ball! Couldn’t be better!

Nice to see the progress n great stuff with the Epoxy also keep it up Jeff the Navy vet
How exciting for you Plucky. Good on ya mate!
WTF , do we care about you half an hour bike ride , please just show us what we want to see with the build , come on mate think before you make the vlog..
I haven’t seen that big of a smile on your face since you were inside that woman’s penitentiary with all those pardons!
Is great video boats looking good
Good on ya mate! Took me a moment to figure out why you would paint it, but if this is to be a boat brand, then a cosmetics compromise will be required for marketing purposes. Stoked for ya and your team
That was great.
Boat is taking shape. Looking forwrd to the next video.
My parents bought a Taiwanese trawler in the late 80’s. It was beautifully finished and built. The woodwork was amazing.
This is awesome! Good luck peter!! Were here to support you
Good on you plucky, great to see you so happy
I am very happy for you! You deserv the best Plukky , I supose the name of your new boat should be maybe =
the company is very professional , can you share the name!? For a future reference
" Sailing with Plukky "
The manufacturing process is always interesting to watch. As an American, it's also fun to shatter ethnocentric perceptions relating to global development. Viet Nam appears to be doing quite well, thank you.
Without any fossil fuels on board the prospects of fire is greatly reduced, but how much epoxy will be on the boat, and does that increase fire potential… again, you are running fossil fuel free, but what about others that are not… and electrical can cause a fire, too. Really cool!!! I've watched this several times now, and will do so again, and again. …can't wait for the t-shirts to come out!
heres here to the 1million subs!
After all the shit you certainly deserve some luck and a great boat.
This is all good stuff, very interesting, and will be awesome to see the build through. Happy to see things are going much better for you now. It should surely have a positive impact on channel viewers and sponsorshop opportunities.
Top stuff!
I really like this building progress videos you’re putting out.
It’s good to see things are working out for you. Finally! You’ve had a few rough goes in the past.
I have a funny little feeling that suddenly you’re going to see an increase in subscribers.
Please keep up all the hard good work you’re doing.
All the best to you, Peter
thank you for another great video!
Top stuff, Peter. Those guys are moving at the speed of "wind"!!!!
Is that a second boat being built along side?
Cant wait to see u out there Sailing the High Seas again
Those cranes are unbelievable. Is that what they call them ? Cranes ? 07:49 Wow, at the diversion now , they feel your asking the right questions !
Good job its coming along great
I love it when a dream comes together !

I am a Vietnam Veteran and I am Impressed with the people there and your video. I hold not grudge from back in the Day but I would give anything to get a patch for my flight jacket from them and I would wear it proudly for their company. Whatever it cost I will do it Plukky. I want a Souvenir and I will pay. Not Kidding.
Making good progress! Lots of builds being held up by supply issues, hopefully you cam avoid that.
Don't take it personally but have you thought of washing and straightenin your hair and have a pony tail You'll still look like a pirate and have your identity.. that's why greece wouldn't let you in as you look scruffy. You will get far more respect all the way round the world.
Love it, Love it, love it!!
Hi Peter!!!!!!Iam so exited about your new ALU boat and happy for you!!!!!!Been watching you for a long time with your experiences and happenings hanging around all those islands with some pretty good looking Birds!!!!!!It surely is something to look forward to!!!!! Are you going to sail home to OZ before you hit all the other countries or islands???The workers in the factory are really pulling fingers to complete the vessel!!!!Wishing you a merry Christmas and great success for the new year!!!!!!!Do you have a rough idea for completion??? and are the Builders going to do a shakedown sail with you on handover??? Greatings from Germany and cant wait to see the new Boat launched !!!!!!!!!!Regards Helmuth.
I think I am not the only person whose favorite country is Vietnam…:)
Its coming together quickly and looks like it will be fast. A good name for the boat would be " Lickety Split ".
Sponsors need to get on it Peter, will you use Ocean Volt for motors and regen or are there better options for your circumnavigation?
I’m not jealous I just may have missed you explaining How you go from (literally) having the ass hanging out of your pants (broke) to having a 48 odd feet of Aluminium performance Cat being built in Communist Vietnam Plucky?
Its quite a journey to a new future!
You are cooking with gas now! If you need a remote business manager let me know
You're making Vietnam look like a very industrious and hard working country. Inthink a lot of us thought that it was a destitute country. Their industry is on point.
Hi Captain. I guess I missed it: What is the name of the ship builder, and who is providing the paint? Thanks.
Hello Plukky, here is hoping all moves forward in good speed
Hey we need all people who watched to coment to do so again we need more support for Peter now let's go Jeff the Navy vet
ON ON !!