Fanul lui Conan, Hannah, este bucătar pe un iaht charter privat și crede că Conan ar putea să nu ajungă într-o călătorie de mai multe zile peste Atlantic. Ascultă „Conan O’Brien Needs A Fan” @ Abonează-te pentru a viziona mai multe videoclipuri Team Coco Ascultă la podcastul complet URMĂȚI PODCASTELE ECHIPEI COCO PE SOCIAL Conan O’Brien pe Twitter Podcasturile echipei Coco pe Instagram https://www.instagram. com/teamcocopodcasts/ URMARĂ TEAM COCO PE SOCIAL Team Coco pe Facebook Team Coco pe Twitter Team Coco pe Instagram /teamcoco/ DESPRE CONAN O’BRIEN ARE NEVOIE DE UN FAN În ultimii ani, Conan O’Brien a căutat prieteni în toată lumea plină de stele a celebrităților – iar acum, Conan le duce aceeași căutare oamenilor pe care îi iubește. majoritatea: fanii lui! Conan O’Brien Needs a Fan este cea mai nouă adăugare la universul podcastului Team Coco, în care Conan, Sona și Matt răspund direct de la întrebări de la fani în fiecare săptămână. Niciun subiect nu este interzis, deoarece Conan se scufundă în fiecare săptămână cu diferiți ascultători din întreaga țară și din lume. Conan O’Brien Needs a Fan drops joi. Urmărește pe Apple Podcasturi, Spotify, Stitcher sau oriunde îți iei podcasturile. DESPRE TEAM COCO Team Coco este casa YouTube pentru toate lucrurile Conan O’Brien și rețeaua de podcast Team Coco. Team Coco prezintă peste 25 de ani de schițe de comedie, interviuri cu celebrități și seturi de stand-up comedy de la CONAN pe TBS și Late Night with Conan O’Brien, precum și videoclipuri exclusive din podcasturi precum Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend, Literally! cu Rob Lowe, De ce nu te întâlnești cu mine? cu Nicole Byer, The Three Questions with Andy Richter, May I Elaborate? cu JB Smoove și Scam Goddess cu Laci Mosley. Echipa Coco
Cum s-ar descurca Conan pe un iaht într-o traversare lungă | Conan O’Brien are nevoie de un ventilator
38 thoughts on “Cum s-ar descurca Conan pe un iaht într-o traversare lungă | Conan O’Brien are nevoie de un ventilator”
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علي موحان💫💌💌💫💌😘💌💌😘💌😘🖤😘🖤😘🖤💓😘💛💫🎁💫🎁🎁💫🤎💫👍👍💫👍💫👍👍💫👍💫👍👍💫👍💫👍💫😘💌😘💌😘💌💌😘💌😘💌😘💌😘😘😘😘❤
Some Canadians say, “Get your thumb out of your ass” when they apologize
I feel like Conan is going to start smoking a pipe and regaling us with stories of the tides and barnacles.
I can just see Conan working as a chef on a boat and his attitude towards the passengers would lead them to keelhaul him.
Because of the implication…
Damn that closing line about the parrot made me legit laugh out loud. Damn you Conesy, you've been making me laugh like this for over 20 years now. It's honestly amazing
Conan should glue a stuffed parrot on his shoulder and continue on with life as though it's a normal style choice.
Culinary: cull ah nary Conan. Not cool a nary.
Gorley would be the best listener! I’m jealous of Conan’s wife.
I was wondering that why they skipped her
I was in love from her first response. A great sense of humor is just a treasure
I would love Conan to try to be a chef on a boat on his travel show.😂😂😂
Sona Lol
Gorley on point with the quips this episode
She’s gorgeous.
Just an Idea. Tape a Clueless Gamer episode from the Las Vegas Dome!
Love to see Conan low-key stealing Matt’s jokes. “That’s redundant…” Conan processing “… exactly, which I thought was ridiculous.”
Hannah is cute 😍
Writer's strike's over, so when the heck are we getting "CONAN MUST GO"?
When she made a joke about Florida, Matt laughed i think, but it shouldve gotten more, then Conan went "well we're not gonna get into politics" I HOPE Conan was joking with that. Cuz it had nothing to do with Politics, it was your classic Floridians are crazy mofo's with the aligators and the hurricanes and everyting. I feel like he was half kidding, amd the fact he didnt just laugh, is classic Conan trying to not rock the boat, playing politics himself. LAUGH CONAN, or are you afraid of getting canceled by Florida. Dont want to lose that Florida vote?
Sona with the question we were thinking 6:58
she's really pretty
Ok. Now I definitely need to see tall ass Conan in a tiny boat mess wisecracking and playing with the seafood while the chef just glares at him.
How on earth did Team Coco get YouTube to remove the "includes paid promotion" notification??
We need a Conan Must Go episode, with Hannah as chef, on an Atlantic crossing yacht!
Killed by everyone. OH Conzey
"Der Conan muss weg" – for the bucket list
6:54 I love that Sona thought that if she added "…on boats" to "ppl be f'cking", it would make what she said less inappropriate 🤣
She was so lovely and kind. Dying laughing at the beginning (also love the Dennis Rodman shirt).
i saw fula borg in a pottery making place shop window in Los Feliz, and he knew I saw him
Sona’s mouth needs to be washed with liquid Tide !
Been a huge fan since the beginning. I literally wouldn't have my son if not for Conan. A story I've always wished I could share with him but it's impossible to contact his people.
Conan needs to cross with Jordan
oh man Ive been waiting for the video for this
Omg she looks like Chelsea's women's team Kirby!! ❤
Before I saw the video I was like wow!! He might be a fan😂