UPDATE din 15 decembrie. Mistress este proiectat de unul dintre arhitecții navali olandezi foarte respectați, EG Van de Stadt, un design caraibian, lungime 40ft/12m, lărgimea 13ft/3.9m, pescaj 5ft/1.5m. Coca și punțile ei sunt construite din oțel moale și am construit-o pe cont propriu și, de asemenea, o amenajez pe cont propriu. Nu am construit niciun tip de barcă înainte de Mistress. Au fost multe motive pentru care, dar munca s-a oprit,… Cu toate acestea, munca a reînceput, din fericire, și sunt într-o călătorie interesantă pentru a o termin pe Mistress și apoi a merge în aventurile mele navigabile,… Sper că tu se poate alătura cu mine! @BuildingSYMistress https://www.youtube.com/user/bmwfreedom https://www.symistress.com https://www.patreon.com/symistress https://www.paypal.me/symistress bmwfreedom@gmail. com https://www.facebook.com/bruce.wilson.1481 Muzica multumesc www.bensound.com Creative Minds
SE MULTE! Îmi construiesc iahtul cu vele din oțel

20 thoughts on “SE MULTE! Îmi construiesc iahtul cu vele din oțel”
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Great update Bruce – now get back to work!
Can almost hear the wind whistling in the rigging. Nice dodger.
Nice update Bruce, keep up the great work and we will watch when you do post!!
Busy, getting jobs done.
Thanks for the update, Bruce! Do what you gotta do. We're not going anywhere.
Thanks for the update. Nice to be considered part of the equation/big picture. Love seeing the go around on your hard dodger progress. All the best.
But those that support you , would truly like to see what your doing and not just get a two min update , you’ve been gone for far too long long
As a one man band I think you have done remarkably well there's got a be times when you must concentrate on the work no short cuts just to get a video out remember you are to sailing oceans safe building is paramount good luck Bruce steady steady as she grows

Getting yourself on the water is the goal mate, bringing us along is just a bonus. Do what you have to and we'll see you when we see you
Thanks for the update.
Onya Bruce, thanks mate, back to work haha. Seeya Rob
Hej Bruce

Håber du når det hele
Hilsen fra Danmark og Michael
I just don't get why you are in a hurry. But I'm happy that you are happy. Best of luck moving forward. The videos is going to be worth the wait. If we don't see you before Christmas id like to wish you a good one. Best regards from Jarle
Cheers Bruce
Why do u always talk whid your hands ?????
Hi Bruce, as long as you have some footage you can edit videos later! Set a few cameras and just let them roll.
we have been thinking about a hard dodger on our VdS 34 and I like the way yours look very much!
Thanks for keeping us "in the loop"
The power of a deadline. Awesome. Enjoy the adventure.
Keep up what you are doing, always enjoy your content. Happy Holidays. Enjoy.
@00:34 don't you worry about the video timings. us true viewers watch when you produce. good luck.