Reflecții Cinci: Pelican la Sitka

Reflecții Cinci: Pelican la Sitka

Luăm strâmtoarea Lisianski până la sălbatic Oceanul Pacific și urmăm coasta de vest expusă a insulei Chichagof până în orașul istoric Sitka – cândva capitala Alaska.


45 thoughts on “Reflecții Cinci: Pelican la Sitka

  1. The introduction of drone photography recently has really changed the way we look at, and percieve the world we live in. I thank you for all your videos, commentary and lovely accompaning music.

  2. Tony thank you. I thought I had lost you for a minute. I am glad I found u again. Although I am a Nordhavn fan, you have brought me around to the Flemming.

  3. Hey Tony, I was wondering something have you considered ever taking venture on the Great Lakes all five lakes I think that would be a fascinating trip. What do you think?

  4. Thank you Sir for bringing us these magnificent videos. Once again your calm voice and the footage compliment each other and I sit in awe and watch. Please keep up the brilliant exploration of these isolated nature scenes. I think I can speak for all watching that it's a pleasure to explore with you

  5. I dare say the boat anchored next to you in sitka couldn't get to some of those spots the Fleming made it to. I'll repeat what others have already stated that your videography is indeed splendid. Always a joy to watch. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Thank you again.

  6. My wife and I just sat down to watch your latest video and we want to thank you for bringing us along on your ad"venture". The scenery is truly breathtaking in majestic beauty.

  7. Wonderful presentation of the sailing trip around many islands. It is so soothing and it reduce daily stress we have in everyday life of ordinary people. Thank you. Everything is so nice. Please reduce color-brightness. Video seemed too red. Anyway – we thank you for good videos.

  8. So calm and relaxing , I love every one of your videos, I am already looking forward to the next one. Please keep on cruising and documenting as you go.

  9. One theory suggests Chirikov's men were lost at 58 N, which would put them at the broad opening of Surge Bay. In a big westerly swell breakers can roll across the entire entrance… I suspect it was farther south though, at 57N 50', the entrance to Lisianski Strait. The ebb is usually more treacherous than the flood. It would be good to have meteorologica data for those dates. What was the tide doing? Was there a westerly swell? Bigger vessels than the St. Paul's longboats have foundered at Surge Bay as well as the entrance to the Straits. I suppose we will never know.

  10. As always… great video!! Quick question, though. What type of unseen hazards would Chris and Christine be looking for? (minute 2 or so of the video)

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