În 2014, echipa Volvo Ocean Race, Vestas Wind s-a izbit de un recif cartografiat în mijlocul Oceanului Indian. Accidentul le-a distrus barca și a lăsat lumea navigației să se întrebe cum s-ar putea întâmpla asta unei echipe de marinari profesioniști cu cel mai bun echipament disponibil. Exact asta vom afla în acest videoclip. Disclaimer: – Acest conținut este oferit exclusiv pentru educația și divertismentul dvs. – Nu există garanții, exprese sau implicite, cu privire la orice conținut sau potrivirea acestuia pentru un anumit scop. – Există riscuri de rănire, deces, beție și dificultăți financiare implicate în navigație. – Comandantul este întotdeauna responsabil pentru siguranța navei și a echipajului său. – Sailing Tips nu este responsabil sau răspunzător în niciun fel pentru orice se întâmplă pe sau oriunde în apropierea ambarcațiunii dvs. sau a oricărei ambarcațiuni pe care nu suntem în comandă. #sailing #VolvoOceanRace #VolvoOcean65 #howtosail #learntosail #sailingtips
Cum a lovit echipa profesionistă de la Vestas Wind o insulă cartografică?!?!?
14 thoughts on “Cum a lovit echipa profesionistă de la Vestas Wind o insulă cartografică?!?!?”
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Lame Dongle hobbled Nav software and a navigator failure is why they crashed. Open source software would be safer.
Terrible wreck, I'm glad no one got hurt. But I had to laugh when I heard you say that they were using Cmap. That's what I have in the Sea of Cortez and if I trusted it I would be on the rocks long ago. I use it to get to and from, but many times It shows that I'm anchoring up on land. At least half the time it's off by a 1/4 – 1/2 mile.
The same way some dude jumps out of his airplane and intentionally crashes it. It sells commercials and stuff.
Wasn't there a lighthouse?
Never actually seen the inboard footage. That's so scary, getting throw around like the whilst stuck
I am wondering about the aftermath procedure in these pro structures. What happens to the navigator after this kinda event? gets sacked or keep going with him for the rest of the race & never invite him again?
. that race upsets me .. too many lives have been lost in that race.. and until now the safety measures taken by officials to insure all skippers and crew to be safe has failed
Nice explanation, nice footage, terrifying… they were lucky and unlucky…
Crazy how they managed to salvage it, ship it back, fix it and get back to the race in 4 months!
I was just telling guys sailing on my boat about this. Mistakes are easy to make. Even professionals make them. Learn from their mistakes. Also if professionals can run into a whole island, you shouldn't feel bad about your little mistake bumping that shoal or stump.
A good reminder to look at the physical charts as well and not rely solely on software. Glad everyone was okay!
Probably RYA trained from a superyacht crew 🤣🤣😂
very informative, what a nightmare it must have been