Navigați pe Atlantic cu o barcă cu pânze de 35 de picioare din 1978

Navigați pe Atlantic cu o barcă cu pânze de 35 de picioare din 1978

În noiembrie 2023, am traversat Oceanul Atlantic cu prietenul meu Stephen într-un „Telemachus” Nicholson 35 din 1978. Această traversare a Atlanticului trebuia, de asemenea, să strângă fonduri pentru Alzheimer’s Research UK. Vă rugăm să luați în considerare susținerea cauzei sale demne:


29 thoughts on “Navigați pe Atlantic cu o barcă cu pânze de 35 de picioare din 1978

  1. Great video. I can't wait to see the next one. ….. remember to offer Neptune a glass of rum, he is very touchy…😉😉😉.. fair wind and stay safe

  2. Hey Ed, new subscriber here. An entrepreneur and now armchair sailor retired in the Philippines. Hope you’ll produce more content as your style is easy going and a pleasure to watch. Advance happy New Year.

  3. So that's how it's dun! Just drag the biguns behind the boat til it's worn out, then reel ut in & filet! Cool! Thanx 4 the fishing tip! Great video guys! Fair winds! ❤👍

  4. I’m super honored as much as I’m surprised to be, only, the 185th one to 👍 enjoy such an awesome video.
    This is great material, super entertaining, very informative and amazingly filmed/edited.
    Thanks for these joyful minutes.

  5. Hi Ed! Great trip and adventure! Looks like Your Nic was plowing through the atlantic just nicely. Assuming You had the same budget and want to cross again, would You buy a Nic 35 again or choose another sailboat?

  6. Kudos to you and your friend for a beautiful crossing. Its been a dream of mine to do the same one day. I sail Lake St. Claire, Michigan and working my way to the atlantic. Thank you for sharing your experience. Great Video.

  7. You guys start by abusing and certainly killing a Barracuda , then you catch and keep a LESS than yearling baby Mahi
    Off to a great life of Seamanship eh ?
    Well when your keel falls off or your mast snaps , at least you'll know why.
    ** oh , well maybe the spilled Kraken was Poseidons penalty for those faux pas.
    Careful out there boys , You don't want to meet an Orca.

  8. I have a 1974 camper Nicholson aluminium 35 feet 1 tonner . Not everyone’s cup of tea because it’s very small below . But I feel safe on it . I live on it with my dog . But any long passages I use others to help . You have a lot of good equipment. I used just my iPhone to navigate.I have a windvane to . But she is so basic .

  9. I wouldn't take a boat out without an American band CB radio. No FM. I'll keep lead batteries alone or in series, but never wired in parallel. Even on land, my solar panels are a maximum 100 watts, stubby 4 X 3, and not long and fragile like yours. Aircraft ADF's automatic direction finder, are common and cheap, and you are not stuck with the tiny rare airplane antenna. The receive wattage is extremely low. I never run a 12 volt chest freezer on MAX. Always on ECO mode. Your huge boat freezer is good, unplugged, for cameras, film, and binoculars. Things you want perfectly dry. Don't turn the beast on unless you do a gigantic voyage. Lotsa limes, aye? The new kid on the block is the Chinese 168F diesel. 44 LBS of air cooled 12 volts and maybe propulsion. I like my TK144FC four cycle outboard, modified to troll properly. Ignition set back and clutch springs changed.

  10. Do you intend to leave your boat in the Caribbean once you have crossed the Atlantic? What is your strategy to get it back to the UK?

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