Bine ați revenit la un alt episod din WE|Sail, săptămâna aceasta suntem din nou obsedați de Moorea, dar anul acesta este puțin diferit pentru noi și la o scară mult mai mare. Am creat o cultură în comunitatea navigației care depășește orice destinație de vis. Explorăm insula noastră preferată din Pacificul de Sud pentru încă un an și de data aceasta cu o comunitate de oameni drăguți cu care să o împărtășim. Experiențe ca aceasta sunt cel mai bine împărtășite cu alții care au ales să trăiască o viață de aventură. În acest episod, organizăm o petrecere cu barca pentru Kazza din Delos și invităm tot cartierul! Vă mulțumim că ați urmărit Aventurile lui WE! Gândiți-vă la a DEVENI UNUL DINTRE PATREONII NOȘTRI și ȚINE minte… membrii nu plătesc pentru călătoria noastră, ci mai degrabă ne susțin sucurile creative, care echivalează ocazional cu o bere gustoasă! Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! @Patreon ––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––- Partenerul nostru Sail @PrecisionSailLoftVictoria – NOUL nostru partener Highfield Dingy @Highfieldboats Melodiile prezentate în acest episod provin de la @epidemicsound Vrei muzică fără drepturi de autor, clic pe link-ul de mai jos!!! Vrei ceva WE|Sail Merch??? Consultați magazinul WE|Sail $WAG $TORE Obțineți 20% REDUCERE LA TOTA Achiziție folosind codul: WEYOUTUBER Urmărește AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM
Societatea noastră de navigație; Inima culturii navigației | Episodul 233

21 thoughts on “Societatea noastră de navigație; Inima culturii navigației | Episodul 233”
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A very well-written narration recap of Cruiser Culture sooo beautifully delivered…..but in the company of Capt Breeyan, Sierra (Cierra) n Karin you can't help but wax inspirational! Been following SV Delos 12 years. Happy Birthday, Karin! I never heard of Moorea until Riley and Elainer rocked/rafted up on an old Monohull! Thank you so much for sharing!
Some of the best photography but you have to invest in better mic's. It is like a silent movie
First, congrats on surpassing 40K, well deserved!
Love the music and sharing your experiences spending time with all the other cruisers. Looks like Nugget has a fav Uncle Warren. But who could resist Sierra, really! So happy for you guys buddy boating with Delos. I remember when I made a comment back with you were in Belize about how the quality of your videos closing in on Delos…look at you now. Both of you living your best
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video Oh my goodness the color of the water is absolutely beautiful. Your photography and videos are just super top notch Don't listen to the jealous naysayers I enjoyed the music as well everything was just I think perfect it was one of the best sailing videos I've seen today God bless Merry Christmas and Happy New years stay safe and enjoy life
What a great video! Aside from the incredible photography, the fun and joy was so real. Loved it, thank you!
@6:31 No. Not at all! This is the kinda thing we cherish so we know where to go first after buying a boat in 3-6 months!
You all keep doing what you're doing. It seems to suit you. Congrats on 40K!
Watching Kazaa’s party, I couldn’t stop smiling. What fun!
I am in love with Erica… I am asking God to make me 30 years younger..hahah..(the drone shots are killing me.. Awesome)
Excellent video showing the good times a bunch of CRAZY sailors can have. Yea that wooden plank seems like a fun thing. However, as it's wood and you are using it as a diving platform. It wasn't designed for that and the wear and tear on its strength may one day come and bite you in the Backend. Imagine standing at the end of the platform getting ready to dive or jump! and all of a sudden, the board snaps! Could be some serious injuries. I know you wouldn't want to see that nor would I. Extremely fun I agree 100%, but at a price. I you decide to make a permanent thing with it there while anchored in some exotic location. Maybe make something stronger with fiberglass for strength. Sorry for being a downer, but I wouldn't want to see or hear of anyone getting injured.
If Delos reads this and follows you as I am sure they, do I would like to wish Kasza a Happy late Birthday.
Cheers WE SAIL catch you next video
Merry Christmas and Happy New Years
9:58 great recap, you are very lucky, thanks for sharing
Great show as always
And a good time was had by all…Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
All we can say is heaven your videos are spot on with clarity, content and story line!!
Which we could enjoy it in person!
Thats the way to enjoy and live ya life.
Funnnnnnnn times

You guys make the best videos. Just awesome. Keep up the good. I laugh and cry sometimes but always feel like I'm there participating in your journeys. God Bless and Merry Christmas
Love, love, love!!!
I just love the videos. Great job and happy holidays
Tons of fun! Great episode!