Reparații ambarcațiuni de ziua ta? Asta este viața de navigație pentru tine! – Episodul 28

Reparații ambarcațiuni de ziua ta?  Asta este viața de navigație pentru tine!  - Episodul 28

În episodul din această săptămână, încetinim puțin când aruncăm ancora în golful Yeppoon, înainte de a naviga înapoi spre Insula Great Keppel! Îl întâlnim pe Vernon Deck de la Learning by Doing, ajungem din urmă cu munca întârziată cu barca, descoperim de ce alarma noastră de santină de nivel înalt continuă să ne trezească noaptea și sărbătorim cea de-a 25-a naștere a lui Phoebe, punând nivelul zahărului din sânge prin sonerie. Alăturați-vă nouă pentru a arunca o privire asupra momentelor minuscule dintre insula hopping care fac posibile momentele mari! Suntem puțin în urmă cu videoclipurile noastre – pur și simplu ne distrăm prea mult! Deci, pentru a vă conecta cu noi în timp real, ne puteți găsi pe noua noastră pagină FaceBook: Sprijinul dumneavoastră ne permite să continuăm să creăm videoclipuri și să ne întreținem casa, Innerbloom – menținerea vie a aventurii. Mulțumesc!


31 thoughts on “Reparații ambarcațiuni de ziua ta? Asta este viața de navigație pentru tine! – Episodul 28

  1. Great video, remembering what it was like from our circumnavigation in the 1980s, presently sailing the Eastern Atlantic, headed for Brazil. My wife's book is a good one, published by Austin Macauley of New York, and available on Amazon, literally a fictional story of sailing and adventure: "Seychelle and the Cannabis Yachties". It is very entertaining, hoping you will give it a read and review.

  2. Glad you had a happy birthday young lady and was good to see Vern this time last year here in Port Stephens we got to share a beer with him and Marie early next year we will be on our way up stay safe with fair winds and following seas " oh merry xmas "

  3. Great to see you are so excited on your birthday Phoebe and full marks to Josh for setting up the suprise but for this Kiwi it's got to be Tip Top Orange Chocolate Chip full cream ice cream, double scoop in a cone on a hot day – sublime.

  4. Happy Birthday Phoebe!!! Josh, can the old bladder be repaired? If not, can you open the fabric encasing it and use it under the new bladder as a cushion to help reduce friction from the wire ties and other objects in the storage hold it's in?

  5. Enjoyably fee-flowing, carefree and full of character-exposing humour. This is what a good channel is made of… good foundation for a hit in the making. The genuine affection and glee doesn't hurt either.

  6. Hey hey hey kids- great to see you! Don’t let the bastards get you down for living on anchor- you are free!!! Good on ya’ to fix the bladder- that Ute you were driving looks just like my buddies who lived near Melbourne, funny I drove that thing and I’m a yank who had to drive right side. Was fun! Keep it up- love ya’ both- hugs 🤗

  7. Ah yes. One of my favorite sailing channels having fun. Again. Hey Josh, I might have missed it. But what caused the puncture in the bladder? I thought those bladders were bomb proof.??? Anyway keep on rocking guys. Stay safe. Oops edit…Happy birthday Phoebe. You don't look 22.?

  8. Greetings Phoebe and Josh,
    Happy Birthday Phoebe. 25 solar circumnavigations.
    I have a bow tank similar to yours, with no provision for easily checking the water level, then I discovered clear pvc pipe! I built a level gauge by "t" ing into the supply line at the bottom of the tank, and using standard plumbing fittings and potable water tubing, was able to build a sight gauge to allow me to check the level without lifting the mattress in the v berth. Total cost was about $20.00 USD. Might work for you as well.
    Enjoying your hi jinks,

  9. Happy Birthday to Phoebe from the cold north-east US ! Waiting impatiently for the seasons to change here so I can get my fishing boat back in the water and wear shorts again myself 🐟🎣🌞

  10. Happy birthday sweets. Perhaps we have the same birthdate…? I'm a 7/7. Auntie is going to drop another gem. For fresh greens at sea have a micro-green setup…it's best with the small hammocks, stacked so when you water one it saturates the lower hammock/s filled with coco fiber and your seeds…sunflower, mung been, etc. Placement should be over sink or apropreate container to catch water and re-soak with the recycled water. Fresh greens daily. Big hug to you both. Your Hawaiian Auntie.

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