#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats 00:00 Superyacht-ul va fi vândut la licitație 03:39 Nord depistat într-o nouă locație 05:03 Yotspot – Liva O 06:07 Superyacht-ul anului 2023 06:40 Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon! 07:29 Contactați-ne cu noutăți Votați în sondajul nostru aici https://youtube.com/@eSysmanSuperYachts?si=l-meIVOJDoZbhThU Link către histutton.com (pentru decupajul Nord) http://www.hisutton.com/Russian- Oligarch-Yacht-Nord.html Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/esysman Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXuvvrj1tZ5oFYMRrFXhwFw Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1dJufuBCnn0H8h_PEJoDQ Aboneaza-te acum! https://youtube.com/esysmansuperyachts Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – http://instagram.com/esysman_superyachts Twitter – https://twitter.com/eSysman Facebook – www.facebook.com/eSysman NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/arptj5/
SuperYacht confiscat în caz de spălare de bani va fi scos la licitație ianuarie | SY News Ep283
41 thoughts on “SuperYacht confiscat în caz de spălare de bani va fi scos la licitație ianuarie | SY News Ep283”
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This show needs better writers
Happy Christmas to you and yours and all the viewers! Not so much if you're an oligarch but grinches get grinched.
Great channel very interesting news
Happy Holy Days ❤
Link not working to vote
Did I miss the words convicted or conviction regarding the boat being auctioned? I did hear accused.
I always like seeing MY Nord, she seems nord tour I us… not notorious though? But don't think the AIS destinations are fooling anybody. Not even sure why they bother.
Very interesting that the auction is expected to be at such low value. I wonder if the reasons are because of possible claims against the vessel, or due to something structurally amiss, or whatever might be the reason. You too enjoy the holidays, have a joyous time and may you be healthy and prosperous.
I wonder what business make’s enough money to use super yachts as a way to launder money. 🤯
That was fast depreciation in a year. Electric cars usually take 2 years or so to hit 50% depreciation and lux cars can take up to 5 years to hit 50%/60% depreciation.
Who knows what the real of value of something is until it is sold. Cost and value are two different things.
Beautiful Milk getter. Very beautiful boat and at Auction? A true bargain.
Normal people can only dream owning a destroyer sized yacht.
Some of those insane Russian yachts are more like merchant yacht equipped with missiles & guns.
If only I could win the lotto already, would be a great deal to buy a boat like that.
I spent a Christmas Party on one of these M/V ships. Our business owner was friends of the M/V owner. I have never felt like such a VIP before. I give all the credit to the crew even though we were staff.
As an American, I can assure anyone around the world that the former stigma of being "criminally indicted" has now become nearly meaningless. It's now only a badge of honor that you are a threat to an oligarch or the deep state.
Crime does not pay, but it sure looks like you can finance it.
Who cares who the previous owner was,i had plans for Epstein's ranch, but unfortunately it sold before i won the lottery…Moto-Ranch New Mexico is on hold…maybe Omaze should buy it? 😂
L'Agence de gestion et de recouvrement des avoirs saisis et confisqués. Yup! It just rolls right off the tongue!
JEAN-JACQUES, garçon de maison veuille regarder la télévision.
Jean-Jacques: Maman! Peux-je regarder la télé ce soir? J'ai fini mes devoirs, et j'ai mangé en tout mon assiette.
Maman: O Jean-Jacques! Le plus aimé de tous mes enfants, Oui! Oui, tu peux regarder la télé ce soir. Qu'est-ce que tu veux regarder?
Jean Jacques: Je voudrais regarder l'Agence de gestion et de recouvrement des avoirs saisis et confisqués, Maman. C'est mon émission préférée!
Maman: Impossible! C'est jeudi, donc! L'Agence de gestion et de recouvrement des avoirs saisis et confisqués se diffuse le samedi soir! Ah, mon petit!
Thanks for another great year of your reports. Keep an eye out in the South Pacific. There are large (30m+) vessels with AIS switched off and names covered over berthing in New Zealand. (Wellington was the last I saw. Trying to get a photo so you can ID this particular vessel.
It's not the €8-10 million purchase price that will get you, its the €1milion per year in running costs. The 2.5 and 5th years will come with additional costs of haul-outs and major surveys by Class and Flag. Year 7.5 may require a paint job and year 15 will have a Special Survey, possibly a mid-life update and another paint job. There is a reason why ships are called She…
If AIS is a legal requirement, why has NORD not been detained anywhere for "switching off" AIS repeatedly?
always good videos.
can if you get time do a new year special of all you goofs of 2023
keep up the good word who needs AIS on Nord when we got this channel
Thank you for reporting on real world yachting experiences.
Where do you go dark with a SuperYacht? Wherever you want!
Another fascinationg video . Thank you.,
May i take this opportunity to wish you all a very merry Christmas and happy New Year, Heres to more videos next year
Might have a bid on that bargain. 😂. 🇬🇧
enjoy your vlogs mate thank you and a merry christmas to you 😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤
Great chance to snag a deal on a boat
Who owns Liva O ??
Happy Holidays, eSysman.
Love this channel!!!
eSysman S Y, hi from Alberta, Canada great channel. Seems strange being so interested in a super yacht channel from a landlocked location where the largest body of water is my bathtub 😂. However none the less really interesting presented by someone who's actually been there. Looking forward to another action packed year of seemingly endless tracking, confiscation and auction of Russian aircraft carriers 😪.
Merry Xmas and great new year to you.
On about buying a super yacht with a "Pedigree", Seen there is a 2008 73m Feadship "Predator" for sale that is supposedly linked to Iskander Makhmudov who is sanctioned by UK and USA .
Taking people’s property just because some country says so is wrong yes some of them might be doing something wrong but that should be answered by the people of that country not another
M/Y Scheherazade update?
Love it!
Give the money 2 Ukraine 🇺🇦
I got $20 after Bidenomics that I can put up.
I think the Stephanie is really gorgeous….if I was a guy that wore 3 Rolex watches at the same time. Yes, that is sarcasm but I do think it is a lux gorgeous looking yacht.
I guess AGRASC is not striving to become a media star, but the acronym is pronounced in one word. Furthermore, I dare say that they have been exceptionally professional over the years and contributed a lot to the management of criminally obtained assets that have been seized or confiscated.