Navigați cu iahtul nostru vechi de 50 de ani printr-un jacuzzi | Crinan către Tobermory

Navigați cu iahtul nostru vechi de 50 de ani printr-un jacuzzi |  Crinan către Tobermory

În acest episod, echipa OYZ navighează Camper & Nicholson de 38 de picioare prin infamul Dorus Mor Whirlpool. În timp ce ocolesc Mull, băieții se opresc și pentru a explora istoria Oban și a vizita orașul emblematic Tobermory. Dacă doriți să susțineți echipa: Cumpărați-mi o cafea: Patreon: Echipamentul nostru: GoPro 11: /3PNnlFU Dronă: DJI Mics: Hydrus SIB: Ca întotdeauna, mulțumiri masive lui Scott Buckley, nu am putea face asta fără tine! Găsiți-l AICI: Muzică de @ScottBuckley – lansată sub CC-BY 4.0.


39 thoughts on “Navigați cu iahtul nostru vechi de 50 de ani printr-un jacuzzi | Crinan către Tobermory

  1. Yes lads! 💪💪🔥 merry xmas when it comes man. Looking forward to 2024s content!! 📹 will be here for every upload! Keep smashing it ⛴️⛴️

  2. What a shout out! Have a Merry Christmas lads!

    Thank you again for sharing your adventures, they're a joy to watch.

    Btw, I have a smaller/older model than the one you spotted, but it's that brand.

  3. Great video as always . That dead seal possibly looked like he was hit by a boat , young seals especially can be very curious . Sad sight , but thats nature ! Cant wait to get out on my own boat in the coming days . Happy Christmas lads . Regards Paul, Ireland 😎

  4. Great video chaps, good Xmas day viewing for a Nobby No Mates like myself lol. Brilliant drone footage and having the rib blasting around adds so much to your content. Not sure if you are aware but if you find any seals or dolphin or whales dead or stranded you should notify the British Divers Marine Life Rescue so they can either help refloat or do analysis of dead marine life to ascertain the reasons. Happy Christmas to you all. Andy UK

  5. Well done lads another enjoyable watch, I wish you lads all the best for the new year adventures that awaits!

    Have you got plans to do a sail around the UK in the new year?

    Keep up the great work!

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