Sail Life – Oh glorios lac-palooza și capac congelator

Sail Life - Oh glorios lac-palooza și capac congelator

Cui nu-i place un pic de lac? 🙂 În acest videoclip, încerc câteva produse noi pentru lemnul care stăpânește. Alertă spoiler: încă nu am găsit produse sau procese mai bune decât cel pe care l-am folosit în Danemarca. Pentru lăcuirea ușoară a ornamentelor interioare, vă recomand cu căldură să încercați Clear wood sealer (produsul din două părți!) și apoi să îl terminați cu câteva straturi de GoldSpar.


21 thoughts on “Sail Life – Oh glorios lac-palooza și capac congelator

  1. I think the best way to build up a film thickness is with West System epoxy and their special clear hardener. After that, three coats of varnish and you have a thick, luxurious and durable finish. That said, it's not as quick as your fast dry sealer.

  2. Wood sealer generally is meant to seal the grain so that you get a better top coat finish. If the grain isn't sealed in some species it can absorb the varnish/stain at different rates leaving you with discoloration or splotchiness in the final product. For extremely hard woods like Teak or the type you've chosen to use (I can't remember the species, it's been so long since you were in that dope wood shop!) the grain is tight enough that the sealer generally won't have much of an effect. If you were to use it on something like Doug Fir, Mahogany or Red Cedar though it would definitely help get you an more even finish.

  3. Could you fit a latch to hold the freezer door up when open? It’s a heavy door to fall on a hand when at sea and you would have hold it open otherwise. Having two hands free would make getting something out of the freezer much easier.

  4. Mads we used Cetal on our Teak rub rail and companionway . We found the Cetal to be very durable , it held up for years without the annoying striping and multicoating of exterior coated varnish . Satin varnish for interior Yes that looks great ! Happy New Year Skipper & Eva

  5. Hey Ava, I´m so glad you´ve got mads on your side. He´s a real, sometimes even quirky, but absolutely unique and adorable personality. Honor his nooks and crannies with every fiber of your heart, even if theres maybe somewhere hidden dust and grime… 😉

    Hey Mads, I bet you already know, it´s always beauty which captures our attention, but only personality can conquer a heart. Ava got both, for sure, so take good care of her, ma´dude! – I love your journey so far, take care and wish you both an extraordinary happy new years eve, you lovebirds. 😉

  6. I'm sure the poor little neglected corner of the nav station is overjoyed to hear your going to give it some well deserved attention soon.

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