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Barcă mare, buget mic, dar aceste pardoseli epoxidate arată MINIMAL!!!

49 thoughts on “Barcă mare, buget mic, dar aceste pardoseli epoxidate arată MINIMAL!!!”
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Thank you for 2023 filming. Hope you have a great new year and start your sailing journey with ocean and steel melody.
Screwfix caernarfon and bangor god send !
If 36:08 further epoxy or painting, wear several pairs of gloves, then if you need to move your camera, remove a glove and have a clean gloved hand
Have a happy new year
Just lovely mate
What a fantastic job with the floors Andy. Whatever you may say you are a good woodworker and have such enthusiasm for what you are all doing. A joy to watch. Keep well and safe. James.
Andy, are you concerned about surface being slippery? Beautiful finish, just wondering how slippery went wet. Happy New Year…
Moin Andy , the wooden floor Looks fantastisch ! Happy new year for y all Familie, Ruud from me Paula at La Palma!

ahh, the balance. i think you are getting it right.. the talking is good also when you explain what and why you are doing. Good Job
Well done, Captain!
Makes my heart warm to see your dreams come true. Blessings in the new year.
Great job mate
Hampshire UK 
I always enjoy the music, especially your original creations, because it balances well with projects. I really got a good laugh with the " I'm no Aladino " shirt. Happy holidays from Montana !
What engine do you have in ocean melody 4 or 6 cylinder?
Andy, what epoxy did you use? Looks great! I assume you will overcoat with varnish, you going gloss or matte / semi gloss?
Andy… ignore the aholes. Seriously, most are bots or basement dwelling trolls who are not worth the recycled electrons they spew on the net.
You are doing amazing work (we know, we just finished a 14 month refit on our boat!). You have so much to be proud of, the obvious love in your family and refitting 2 boats at the same time FFS! You and Melissa are living and making this amazing life with intent and gratitude, and that is something no sad internet troll will ever have.
Always remember, every negative comment is from someone who is jealous of what you have and what you are creating, that is the proof in the pudding… =]
SV Rocinante
currently Hampton, VA
The floors look lovely! Great job!
The irritating promo video was pretty naïf, distracting. Annoying.
If working with paint thinner in confiend spaces please use a resporator. The fumes go straight to your brain and causing the headache. Over time they cause braindamage. A resporator used while applying epoxi isn't neccecery in my opinion. Epoxi is hardening and not drying so it isn't fuming that much. With non professional use the dangers are much deminished.
Learn to love them as you built them! Your feet will not care! Teak & holly floors are almost always about 1 3/4" because that is in scale with the size of the room.
Great job – well done!
They look fantastic Andy, fabulous job, Best wishes to you all
The life of a YouTuber, you will never please everyone! Just keep doing you, dont change for anyone!
Great Job and Happy New Year!
Once again you’re on it mate every day you do work so hard all of you do it’s a team and you do so well don’t be disheartened at the bad or silly comments the rest of us real people love what you’re doing massive effort from you all and we the mass love it I certainly do
I do have a strange question for you , when you sleep do you dream about you’re next job as I’m into motorcycles and cars and I know what I’d like to do and normally dream about fixing them what ever I’m working on
I should say I’ve been watching mark now in Holland from the beginning of his world of boating
Aladino does quality work.
I’m adding this comment now I’ve seen what you have done it’s brilliant you are truly amazing you need a good pat on the back brilliant really you really make things happen be proud as we are of you
Cheers ! Your dedication and resilience is very rare on so many levels. Restoring your boats, maintaining a family, conquering YouTube, helping friends in need. All the best will be yours. Happy New Year
The Floor looks simply magnificent!! It
Keep a container of cheap talcum powder on hand to dust a little on gloves as they get sticky, and on any dabs of epoxy you get on yourself (wrists, hole in glove etc.) The talc absorbs the epoxy making it easier to scrape off afterwards. Use loo paper to clean excess epoxy off gloves etc. during initial cleanup of tools before finishing off with thinners. Saves tossing out a lot of hardened cloths. Happy new year to you all.
Andy, how has the heater worked?
A good way to keep your hands clean is to put several layers of gloves on and peal them off as you need to have clean hands
Andy you have done an amazing job with your boat. I enjoy following along with your journey. Happy New Year to you and all the family. Looking forward to following your sailing journey in the new year.
Andy you have done an amazing job with your boat. I enjoy following along with your journey. Happy New Year to you and all the family. Looking forward to following your sailing journey in the new year.
That looks SO much better, glad you didn't paint yourself into a corner and have to spend the Night
Hope your friend gets better soon and you all have a great New Year.
Let’s get you to 100,000 Subs
Andy… your doing a fantastic job on the deck, it looks brilliant well done.
Enjoy your videos and good luck to you and family . Have been following you , from Carmarthenshire.
The floor looks gorgeous.
Looks AWESOME great job.
Andy? I get differing info regarding Epoxy, It seems you should still varnish? re uv ray protection?? or is it only on outside work??? etc what have you discovered? Regards for you all !
Wow, Andy, you are truly a master of DIY sailing projects! Your epoxy floors look absolutely awesome! It's incredible to see how you're able to achieve such high-quality results on a small budget. You've put so much thought and effort into every detail, and it definitely shows. Cheers!

Andy I loved this video awesome job, But I would like to wish yourself Melissa Jack and Ollie an amazing New Year in 2024, But I would also like to wish your very dear friend a speedy recovery, Sending nothing but good vibes, prayers and much love to you all
Happy New Year to you all. Looking forward to more exciting videos in 2024!
I love the T Shirt, very amusing. You are bringing an old girl back to her former beauty. Well done.
Good stuff Andy you're doing a great job… Beautiful stuff