„Ovation” este un iaht cu motor Hatteras Cockpit din 1991, care este extrem de rar pe piață, deoarece este o versiune completă, cu o lungime de 70 de picioare. Se crede că doar câteva dintre aceste iahturi au fost făcute vreodată, iar acesta beneficiază de o renovare majoră în 2008. Pentru interior, acest iaht are 4 cabine, bucătărie de mărimea casei, cârmă inferioară și mers în sala motoarelor la toată înălțimea. acces. La exterior, aveți un RIB tender așezat pe un lift Freedom pe platforma de baie, cockpit deschis pentru pescuit și scufundări, punte spațioasă la pupa, plimbare completă pe punțile laterale, scaune pe prova și unul dintre cele mai mari flybridge-uri prezentate pe mine. canal până în prezent. Puteți găsi detaliile acestui iaht la https://www.yachtworld.com/yacht/1991-hatteras-cockpit-motor-yacht-9165761/ Sper să vă placă acest videoclip! ******Vă rog
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575.000 USD – (1991/2008) Yacht cu motor Hatteras 70 Cockpit De vânzare

15 thoughts on “575.000 USD – (1991/2008) Yacht cu motor Hatteras 70 Cockpit De vânzare”
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where's the minn kota
Beautiful (not so) little ship. Would make a fabulous liveaboard.
Wow…! This boat seems begging for being placed under charter, given its low asking price and its condition. Charter guests don't care about the older electronics but they'd welcome the stabilizers! Maybe it wouldn't compete with the first tier charter companies in the Eastern Caribbean but it could be priced accordingly. Surely there's an experienced charter couple that could make a go of offering this boat for in-season charters.
I just love coming across an older boat that's been kept up well. This is real gem. Thanks for the walkthrough and thanks for taking it slow with the camera, you go at just the right pace.
Where are the Genenerator/s located..??
My dream ship! If you buy this hit me up in 2 years I'll be ready for it then!!!

Lovey vessel. Cheers. Thanks for another 12 months of solid entertaining videos.
Outstanding Hatteras. Great walk through.
Very beautifully kept boat….but I bet she's a gas hog.
What an amazing variety of accommodations! Even the kids can pick their sleeping quarters!! As always wonderful presentation. Thank You!

What is the GPH use at cruse and max speed as well the range? Did I hear correctly that it has approximately 6000 US gallon capacity? Incredible yacht for its age. It looks well taken care of. Thank you for this video
GREAT renovation. Which yard did the work ??????????????
As always, excellent video/description of the boat. No fluff, no stupid comments, no pointing out the most obvious things that every boat has. Lol. Thank you
Nice boat. Affordable. Well, for some. Not me, mind you. There's a lot of value in this one. It ain't as fancy as some, yet it is equipped as well or better. I wouldn't hesitate a second to take this one anywhere in the Caribbean. It may well make longer passages. Don't know that I'm the guy for that. I'd surely be hoping for good weather the entire length of the adventure. Nonetheless, really great to see vessels like this in this price range and condition. Maybe some day…
No crew quarters…?