Barca eșuează și câștigă 2023

Barca eșuează și câștigă 2023

Compilări de barcă eșuează și câștigă Cel mai bine dacă barca eșuează și câștigă Compilare de barcă eșuează și eșuează Prăbușirile de barcă Accidentele de barca


47 thoughts on “Barca eșuează și câștigă 2023

  1. This his the best video of Fails and wins l had some good laught just watching these people it something a child would do trying to walk for the first time. Great video mate keep them coming inn mate.

  2. Thumbnail click bait alert. And I only read a few comments to conclude the thumbnail isn't part of the video. So I won't watch the video. Thumbs down!

  3. 10:47 if your in this situation and someone on boat. Tell them to crank the boat up throw it in gear chance are your not gonna get them out. But it help keep truck from going all way in

  4. Very sad. I wonder how the construction was. It seems that the breaking of the shaft near the top bearing caused the (probably laminated in) bottom bearing to completely break the hull. How else can the rudderstock move this way?
    Clearly not a skeg hung rudder either.

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