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Refit continuă în Canada! Noi provocări

41 thoughts on “Refit continuă în Canada! Noi provocări”
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Aladino and Maya: The scenery is quite different from your original shed option. Sorry to hear Lowe's is closing, our Sister-in-Law manages one in New Hampshire and she loves her occupation; yet the price was right. Wishing you both great success in launching in 2024 and for this episode and all previously viewed, all outstandingly edited. Thank you again for sharing, I've learned so much from this tremendous rebuild. Happy New Year!
7 years ago i made a tent on a swith shrinkfoil. On a scaffold This was super solid! Wind and snow did nothing with it.
Maya and Aladdin, you are fantastic and deserve the admiration that everyone shows you. From the cold and snowy Swiss Alps, best wishes for a happy new year

Nice music
Van life… that’s funny girl, I didn’t expect that from you!
Good job Aldino I like your videos I’ll tune in next week to see how it’s coming.
How about building your boat shed out of PVC pipe, weighted with sand or soil on the bottom?
Skönt att se att du verkar må bra Maya, var orolig för dig innan när du nästan gick i väggen. Glöm inte att ta rast och andas ibland. Älskar verkligen att följa erat äventyr. Kent i Sverige
Follow your dream.
It is so nice to see how refreshed both of you are after your recent sailing adventure.
I have been soaking up the last few posts from you and I have to say that I respect you both so much , not only for all of your expertise in the new build but Maya you always describe your emotions and your surroundings so beautifully and allow us a window into your soul. I am grateful and am a huge fan of your writing as well as your music and all of those other abilities that keep your channel growing. Aladino, I am so glad that you had Magic Carpet II at the stage where you could leave her briefly during your goodbye sails on Magic Carpet. Time to recoup some of the wonder of your lives to come back refreshed and looking forward. May 2024 bring you both joy and smooth sailing while still on the hard and of course once you have launched. An exciting year ahead. As always thank you for bringing us along on your wonderful journey. Love from CT, US.
i'd be curious to know what you think of dyneema rigging?
For encapsulating your bulwarks: I have been using HDPE board as a mixing board for VE and epoxy resins, and I can tell you that epoxy does not stick to it well but that VE resin is extremely hard to remove (tested across 1 year and all seasons).
When is a boat a Vessel?
Your perseverance is something of an inspiration!
As a suggestion, the Duracell Project weather cover looks like a good simple structure to keep your project relatively dry. And as earlier stated just a suggestion! Being a long time BC West Coaster, I know the game,in both production and quality of the end result, is getting any project into the dry as much as possible. Wishing You All The Best In 2024!
Onward and upward in the New a Year! Launch will soon be upon you and then you can get back to your sailing adventures. Happy New Year!
Could the black coating underneath the gelcoat be coal tar epoxy meant to be the waterproof barrier to the fiberglass beneath?
When you look away from the camera and continue talking it makes me feel weird. Why not set up two camera angles and turn from one camera to the other?
I already follow two sailing channels, and I did not want a third one. Having said that, there is something about wooden boats that brings a pleasant nostalgia about my childhood dreams. Thank you!
Blir veldig bra dette, spennende å se fortsettelsen :9
My goodness, your this boat looks totally different from what I visualised while in the barn, she is beautiful

What happened to having the boat done in six months
Aladino ist ausschließlich am arbeiten, Maya ruht sich aus?
A teak latte cover over the toilet and a shower no sink.. maybe find a old swim platform to make it
Trooper-dad is about to earn himself a cape for that real super-duper-hero he's appearing as, now and then running through Maya's pictures I reckon.
Have yourself a nice New-Years Eve and a healthy, happy 2024, Maya and Dini! Thanks for putting in the effort of filming and sharing.
Please pass on my regards to newly-caped Super-Dad, from Dad to Dad, so to say!
Any chance of you mentioning what you got $ for MC1?
As an amateur mechanic and professional handyman, I know it’s difficult to let others work on your projects.
Billboard signs for top cover and thin ribs parallel boards with blocking made in an arch! Check out Acorn to Arabella used one
Great episode! Thanks especially for all the background information you provided on your chosen method of removing the anti foul and how you are planning on building the shelter.
Thanks Aladino for the explanation of the hull cleaning process!
My boat has a similar black layer just on top of the gelcoat (underwater only). It's very hard, and extremely difficult to remove. I was said it most likely some form of tar. After some reading, I found there is something called coal tar, and/or coat tar epoxy. It's used as a barrier coat.
Ha! Violin practice for hand-saw cutting control (@ 11:32). Loved that line.
Great job with the soda blasting, my sailboat in Vancouver and want to get 20+ coats of antifouling off… Looks like Ladner / Boundary Bay area… What is the yard / business?
Hey Maya & Aladino, I’ve been a long time follower of your channel and always enjoy new episodes. I especially like the refit ones as I’ve been a lifelong DIY guy myself and am constantly doing many of the same things to my 50 year old Grampian 23 cruiser sailboat. I’ve always wished I could help you out with Patreon or in some other way. Well, maybe I can help you this way, when you need to get your engine from Van Isle to the mainland I’d like to offer to bring it over for you in my pickup truck. I’d be more than happy to take the couple days to do that for you. If that sounds good, just get back to me and we can work out the details. Not sure of your schedule but I have to go to Vancouver on Feb 21 anyway so maybe it could be a dual purpose trip. If not, no big deal, I’d be happy to do it anytime.
The dark jellcoat makes air bubles easier to see when laminating the fiberglass.
traces of bubbles that were formed as a result of not very high-quality application of gelcoat – a few boils in places?
I’ve been really enjoying watching your progress. You’re such an inspiration. Looking forward to how things unfold. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!
Ive been watching you guys for years and love your content, but this has been a very interesting project. I just love how you are so flexible in your refit. Keep up the good work. Happy New Year