Să mănânc cea mai bună pizza din lume în ITALIA | Valul 94 #extreme #worldsbest Am mâncat cea mai bună pizza din lume în Italia în timp ce navigam către mai multe destinații italiene. Am mâncat la 7 pizzerii diferite pentru a găsi cea mai bună pizza din lume… și credem cu adevărat că am găsit-o!… și am mâncat fiecare mușcătură care ne-a fost dată! Am dezvăluit graficul nostru de punctaj pentru fiecare pizzerie din videoclip, așa că asigurați-vă că rămâneți la curent! Instagram: https://instagram.com/sailingtelaru?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_sailingtelaru?_t=8YaKqrJY9hW&_r=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100089246103498&mibextid=LQQJ4d
Să mănânc cea mai bună pizza din lume în ITALIA | Valul 94

23 thoughts on “Să mănânc cea mai bună pizza din lume în ITALIA | Valul 94”
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We tried 7 different pizzerias in Italy…in search of THE BEST PIZZA IN THE WORLD. We gave each of the 7 a score from 1 to 10… so make sure to stay tuned till the end to see the big winner and the worst pizza on our list… Thanks so much for watching! Have any of ya'll ever been to Italy??? Let us know in the comments!
Yea! Thanks for the update actually all the pzza's look great to me, but of course I'm a little hungry right now! Cheers !!
Another great video guys, however, I’m hungry as hell now, lol. Keep up the good work enjoying yourself. Stay safe and we look forward to your next video.

Making me hungry for Pizza, and I happen to have some frozen Pizza from Costco in freezer, not as good as yours, but will have to do…safe travels
Another great video. Be safe. See you next week.
I am enjoying following your journey, I have seen all your videos.
If I ate like yall I would be big as a barn!!
You are so good at narrating your videos. How do you all eat so much of that pizza and stay so fit and trim. You're such a beautiful couple enjoy your videos immensely God bless stay safe and happy New Year's to you both
When is a good time to eat pizza, any time night or day, pizza goes with everything and any occasion.
I guess Amber didn't find Dalco in Rome for shoes.
In Portoazzurro and Sanremo I had the worst dishes…. I am Italian and modestly, a very good chef!
Damn guys, you are making me hungry for a great pizza. Nice video. Looking forward to the next food tasting. Stay safe! and Happy New Year
I know you two appreciate fine dining and great wine so your pizza quest has been fun to watch! It added a nice twist to your great videography!
I'd be ruined for pizza if I did real pizza from Italy. I don't do the Hut anyway, can't wait to see what's next.
Good Video. I'm hungry!
At 3:05 on the post his plate had more left over than hers.
the original pizzas are from Napoli and you havent been there yet
Best interview I can recall. Thanks Tucker. Jordan offers interesting “real world” insight.
Hmmm. I wonder where our Pizza Hut from last night would rank amongst these giants.
. Awesome episode!
Amber, i see you are using knife and fork to eat pizzas. WRONG !!!!!!!!! You must know than in our country, Greece and our neighbour Italy for FISH, CHICKEN PIZZA AND GIRLS, we use our hands

By the way my best wishes for Happy X'mas and Happy New Year with health, joy and love among with good winds

Gday guys,

Excellent pizza with great wine and beer? OMG yes!
Great to see the subscriber tally climbing. Doing a great job and very well deserved!
All the very best to you and yours for a fantastic 2024.
Happy New Year!
Cheers to you both
Merry Christmas & happy new year
mmm yum,
pizza. Keep up the good work. SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand