Cum transformă Starlink televiziunea prin satelit pe superyacht-uri | Podcast Raport iaht

Cum transformă Starlink televiziunea prin satelit pe superyacht-uri |  Podcast Raport iaht

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22 thoughts on “Cum transformă Starlink televiziunea prin satelit pe superyacht-uri | Podcast Raport iaht

  1. I've got Starlink on my 20 meter… it's great, internet for streaming is the way to go, plus if you have a Samsung TV with Samsung TV Plus, you'll get 300 channels and movies FREE. In the US, add an HDTV over the air antenna for local channels. I dropped Direct TV, and my KVH is gathering dust… plus with WiFi enabled TV, every Stateroom can do their own thing.

  2. Happy New Year! The only issue with it is when there is a large concentration of users in the same area- the speed drops, and at times you can’t connect. I’d love to be able to do a survey of all the yacht owners currently in St Barts, and see what service is like there right now with the huge concentration of yachts.

  3. Im guessing most big money guys have a delima. Now that the US Government doesn't like truth tellers and wish to destroy Musk at any cost. Knowing most Neckties align perfectly with what DC tells them to think maybe they should look elsewhere for service. That would probably suit Elon just fine. Using Starlink to bomb people kinda violates the contract. For those of us that gotta pay attention to such small details like contracts.

  4. Really interesting video. It's so good to learn of these systems etc from such a naturally renerous experienced person as your good self. And you tell it so well.
    Thankyou, trusting you had a great Christmas, and a very Happy New 2024. 🙂

  5. In US: half and half, half use traditional Cable (Copper or Fiber) and half use some sort of Dish/Wireless solution. Stream via Dish (couple main choices of dish) and stream via Wireless from Phone, etc. to Apple TV, Roku, or some other box.

  6. Technology is crazy these days! Its too complex and overwhelming for me to even try keeping up with. Where things will be 10 years from now will be insane! Great video and Happy New Year 🙂

  7. Amused to hear eSysman that "traditionally" tv viewers in the UK watched via a SKY dish. You youngsters eh?

    Also, bear in mind that while we have about 6000 large items in space (half are active) at the moment, Starlink needs 42,000 to be complete with currently a 3% failure rate to add to that number. However Starlink is on record as saying that these low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellites will have an expected shelf-life of ONLY 5 years.

    The necessary regular and complete replacement will produce enough junk to risk a 'Kessler' (from the NASA scientist prediction in 1978) syndrome. This suggested that a collision between two objects would risk a cascading effect and the destruction into smaller pieces of ultimately every object in LEO. This would jeopardise ISS, GPS, Hubble and communication satellites and prevent any other satellite being launched. A worry.

  8. Sorry, I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at this being exactly the same conversation I’ve had with owners and charter clients for over 30 years! We understand it and it makes perfect sense to us. But there’s no way to explain this to a land-dweller without it sounding like a bitcoin scam. Seriously, coming into a potential Caribbean anchorage there’s this tiny voice asking ‘but which way is Manaus?’ 🤙🏾😎

  9. Even the cable and satellite companies have moved away from the idea of the “cable”. Now no longer wired, they now use internet service for that.

  10. what is going to happen with ships like it has done with RV's here in the US is congestion ships in port all want data, and the more users in one place the less quality, in addition Starlink rates have doubled once they suck you into their model when the KVH system still works well for internet and TV..and KVH systems are world wide like starlink I have one and a starlink

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