Navigare din Hawaii către Polinezia Franceză: 23,5 zile pe mare

Navigare din Hawaii către Polinezia Franceză: 23,5 zile pe mare

Mermen și cu mine navighează de pe Insula Mare din Hawaii până în Polinezia Franceză. Ne ia 23 de zile jumate. Prindem pește, înotăm în mijlocul oceanului cu rechini, suntem loviți de o mulțime de valuri și de un pește zburător, lucrurile se rupe ca întotdeauna, coacem multă pâine și ne distrăm. Inițial au fost 8 ore de filmare, am făcut tot ce am putut să le editez. VIDEO FILMAT DE: Josh Munoz: Sava Bien: Wilderness of Waves: https:// SPRIJINĂ ACEASTA AVENTURĂ: PATREON: PAYPAL: Waves¤cy_code=USD&source=url MUZICA: „DANS MARE” Roy Edwin Williams PEDALE JHS „COWBOY LULLABY” SPGXKoY1OkU „Waikitschy Beat” Rune Dale „The Vibe” Thompson Town Flowers „Pursuing Tikiness” The Fly Guy Five „Slow Surf” OTE „Desert Willow Breeze” Will Harrison track/2XcEdptirY/ „Oahu Stargazing” Joe E. Lee „Travelling” The Big Let Down „Născut în anii 90 (versiunea instrumentală)” Ameryh „Groovy Ganga” Banaras Baba & Kolkata Kid „Waikitschy Beat” Rune Dale „Fresh From Yard” Thompson Town Flowers „Vostok on Fire” Par https://www.epidemicsound .com/track/zotEwNuQ23/ „You Make It Easier (Versiune instrumentală)” OTE „Blue Sky Blues” Peter Crosby /kUYSpdAz4l/ „Thriving Seas (Versiune instrumentală)” Blood Red Sun „Desert Willow Breeze” Will Harrison ” Tu luminezi pe mine” Par #sailing #sailboat #sailboatlife #hawaii #frenchpolynesia #offshore


24 thoughts on “Navigare din Hawaii către Polinezia Franceză: 23,5 zile pe mare

  1. What a gift, Pirate Sassafras- thank you! So many favorite moments, had to watch twice! I am so looking forward to your upcoming GGR video updates! I dig your spirit and creativity!

  2. Love your videos! Beautiful spirit and attitude towards the ocean and life in general. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us!

  3. Very Nice Video. Good Editing. Loved the N 0.00.000 shot,, obviously proved you were at the equator. These were good times that will be remembered forever by all the crew. Today is Dec 30,,,,,,, Happy New Year.

  4. Love watching your show and your cheerful attitude . Taking my first sailing trip with an employee that works for my brother from Sooke BC Canada to Maple Bay BC . Cold weather sailing but we will be dressed for it in March 2024 .When you know some one with a boat make friends . Self teaching myself by watching all thease sailing shows on youtube Take care girl and love your show .

  5. Just had a second look at this: thank you for turning film/video back into an artform again. Vestiges of that Maya Deren influence is still there, I'm expecting doo-wop to blindside me at any segue, the editing is tight and the color grading (are you doing that?) looks good. That NY accent – oh my God – it's not just the accent, it's that detached boredom nuance that only a New Yorker could recognize.

    And, oh yeah, the sailing thing was cool too!

  6. You guys remind me of when i was young. I just found your channel. Glad you are doing it. I just sold my business and all i own and will be adventuring again shortly. I am fortunate to retire at 50. Enjoy it while you are young.

  7. Looks like you were hard on the wind for nearly the entire trip. I thought it was supposed to be a downwind run. You guys are tough. Cheers.

  8. Enjoyed the video though in the beginning it said "destination" Tuamotus… I may have missed/skipped a few minutes of viewing. Did you decide to bypass those atolls or not get quite far enough East to swing by them?
    Back in 1977 I did Hilo to Marquesas, Tuamotus, and Tahiti….
    Where do you go next?
    I'm always wondering, what do you do for navigation if you lose all electrics including radio and GPS? We had neither back then, but cracked open a step by step instruction book with forms to fill in. Plus we had very high quality sextants. Managed to find HIva Oa on the 23rd day. Having no bananas on board probably helped us. But also no cold beer… due to lack of power for a refrigerator.
    That sail was my first time ever on a sail boat…and my last time…but truly one of the best adventures of my life. Puts the oceans in perspective, something you don't get flying over them in jets, while watching a movie.
    Will subscribe to learn of the next destination.

  9. Sassafras – you are a complete and utter JOY to watch (and a pisser to boot!) and mermen – y'all ain't bad yourselves not to mention easy on the eyes – Darcee

  10. I canNOT believe U thru the bananas overboard!! It's ok to believe in something U can't see, but it's ridiculous to act on it. Don't take bananas on a trip if U don't like to eat them. If U want to believe in something spiritual, believe that what U think is going to happen won't, what U don't want to happen, will. There is a difference between reality & fantasy, finding out where to draw the line isn't visible. Having fun is great, but U have to know when U need to be serious. Your video was great (except for the petunia bits). Acting upon something that is fiction is not good (back to the bananas or petunia). The only reason i think U actually believe what you're doing is going to work. Don't make poor decisions based on something you're not sure about. The sooner U get real the better off you'll be. Otherwise you'll stop & wonder why bad things are happening to U, it's not because you're cursed, it's bcuz you're not doing something right.

  11. >>>>> If you feel like you're going crazy it's probably bcuz U are sleep deprived. I would like to see the guys allow U to skip 1 or 2 shifts to make sure U can get enough sleep, otherwise, mistakes can be made, that could cost someone their life.

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