FOTOGRAFIE PĂSTRATE DE VOI ÎN TOT ANUL | Valul 95 #sailingvideo #sailingvideo Navigam prin lume de 10 luni acum… și suntem încântați să vă împărtășim acest videoclip șocant de navigație… șocant pentru că acestea sunt imagini NICIODATĂ VĂZUTE pe canalul nostru… Imagini de navigație din culisele pasajelor și călătoriilor noastre în 10 țări, de la navigarea peste Oceanul Atlantic și de la navigarea pe 3 continente, toate în 10 luni. Sperăm să vă aducă un zâmbet pe buze și poate chiar și un râs! Nu uitați să accesați instagramul nostru, să atingeți poveștile și să ne lăsați o întrebare în căsuța de întrebări și răspunsuri! Căutați sailingtelaru pe IG sau faceți clic pe acest link: Instagram: TikTok: Facebook: https:/ /



  1. What a hoot! Very funny. Thanks for sharing that…. makes you realize the time spent editing. Been following y'all since you bought Tela Ru. Can't wait to see your adventure ahead. Happy New Year!

  2. That was good – lol had me lmao quite a few times! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Looking forward to your future sailing adventures. (These were so funny, I'd almost recommend you save a few bloopers for the end of each video where you have them. ? just an idea. ) Enjoy! -Garth

  3. what a way to start 2024 fantastic you guys are so funny i can't wait for the next video keep the smile on your face and keep safe I laugh till i cried what a way to start the day off happy new year too you both .🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Happy New Year!! Polished vids are great and you guys do a wonderful job with those, but raw and real are especially great and hope you'll bless us with more of those at least once in a while. Excellent video, looooved it!!

  5. Well, the secret is out. I always wondered how your videos were so perfect. Now I know. A whole bunch of editing. This video was great, funny, and transparent. Now we all know that you are human. You screw up just like the rest of us. So many funny parts I don't know which is the best one. But I was a little shocked when Amber didn't know the difference between a bus and a train!$%^! Just kidding Amber. The entire video was a hoot. Have fun guys. I'm sure we will see you soon. Take us to the next wonder of the world. I'm pretty sure you will be riding camels one day.

  6. Happy New Year!
    Ok Thank You for this week's video. Hope to see your sails ⛵️ on the Horizon someday from our lanai.
    Ok until next time ⏲️,
    Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii! Cheers 🍻

  7. I love it this has to be your best video. You should leave some of the mistakes in your regular videos it gives the human touch. I know why you stutter so much every time she leans down to talk to the camera I stutter and I’m not even talking. What a beautiful lady. Need the bloopers more than once a year.

  8. Gday guys,
    You both are too funny!
    I initially came for the sailing, stuck around for the travel vlog and definitely sticking around for the food now!
    Maybe consider putting some bloopers at the end of your usual vids? Or not 🤷‍♂️.
    You guys are good people. Stay happy, safe and well. All the very best in 2024.
    (Remember Shawn, “Diplomatico” when shopping for a nice spiced rum sipper 😁)
    Cheers to you both 🥃

  9. Cut.. strike. Literally I was pissing my pants.. I love when channels do the end of the year bloopers..
    Thank you I really needed this❤. Happy new year

  10. That was fun! I was going to suggest a bloopers reel 5 or so episodes ago but some people are comfortable laughing at themselves and some aren't. The fact that you are comfortable probably means you are mastering content creation and videography in general. Your content is fantastic so thanks for sharing!

  11. That was great..!! Too polished comes across as a fake acting job, nobody gets it right ALL the time. This video brings a realness to your videos and even a bigger interest in your content. Looking forward to your next video!!!

  12. 👍🏽 That was quality. Give a bit of thought to putting that type of content at the end of each VLOG instead of end of year. You two are brilliant together. All the best.

  13. I was beginning to wonder if you guys have more than 1 take. One day when I’m out in blue water life I’m sure I’ll have cut a video so many times I’ll just go with the best of the worse

  14. As an old man in west Texas I at first thought y'all were just some rich folks livin our dreams. This shows y'all as real!! Yep ya don't gotta bleep thit Shit, or accidentally fuck words. Got a new respect for y'all 👍🇺🇸

  15. I love the unedited, uncut versions…raw and vulnerable…I understand cutting some of it to keep the videos within a target length but I say…stop editing so much…easier for you, entertaining and funny for all and best of all…AUTHENTIC

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