Surub dur Ep132

Surub dur Ep132

Înșurubare tare, șlefuire, colorare; multe proiecte de bricolaj. Am adus mai multe îmbunătățiri la bucătărie pentru a-i îmbunătăți aspectul și funcționalitatea. Mai multe rafturi noi, unul cu alunecare cu închidere automată și altul care se balansează. Karen iubește pur și simplu alunecarea. După o mulțime de înșuruburi în unghiuri dificile, Steve a primit un nou instrument! Pistolul de cuie care funcționează cu baterie face lucrurile mult mai ușor. Noul blat de faianță a modernizat cu adevărat și a ușurat bucătăria. Dansând în bucătărie. Pe măsură ce ne apropiem de un an nou, vrem să le mulțumim abonaților noștri pentru că ne urmăresc și să vă dorim un An Nou foarte fericit!😘🥰 Dacă nu ați făcut-o deja, vă rugăm să vă abonați. Ne puteți urmări și pe: Atribute muzicale Logan Rich – In Good Company JF Gloss – The Happiest Days


32 thoughts on “Surub dur Ep132

  1. I always look forward to your videos. Always interesting and informative. I feel I must advise you Karen not to wear loose fitting clothes when working in tight quarters, also tight fitting clothes can be very restricting. I only have your safety in mind. lol . Love you both and I wish you a very Happy New Year. LG Canada.

  2. nice all these little jobs, and this dress suits you wonderfully, it highlights your pretty body. does not exist within range. and happy birthday to you both. Kisses

  3. Another great video! 2:16, Karen's very bendy and looking good in whatever she wears. Steve's a man with many talents and seems to be a jack of all trades. Wishing you both a Happy New Year!

  4. Great video. As always Karen looks fantastic!! Sorry Steve😂. Just a point of info for you. Strongly recommend you get some grout sealer on the grout lines. Will prevent staining and nasty bacteria from building up on the counter. Have a Happy, Healthy New Year.

  5. Great maintenance episode, the pull out shelving really is a good idea for tight spaces.
    The bench top tiling looks very smart .
    Karen you looked hot 🔥 in your turquoise bikini.
    I wrote another comment but it wouldn't allow me to post 😂

  6. I had a long hard screw yesterday it went right through my boot, I was sweating and panting trying to get it out, it was hard and long, eventually it came out, I was tired and exhausted, I needed a cigarette afterwards.

  7. Karen: loving your striped bikini & green bikini – and, don't even get me started on your stunning pink dress! Answer this: HOW does Steve get ANY work done around there???

  8. Thank you for another great video to go along with all the others this past year. You both make a great team . Happy New Year, and continue to have fun. ❤

  9. Outstanding video. I used to work with drawers and shelves and preferred the glides that you used here. They don't have any complex mechanisms, gravity holds them closed after passing the bevel at the end of the stroke AND they are a lot cheaper. I enjoyed all of your projects here, but not as much as the lovely Karen. 👙❗

  10. Wishing you a happy and safe New Year Karen, Steve, and with so much to compliment you two on, I don't know where to start. I'm thinking the smooth wood onto the fiddle segment has got me distracted, but not nearly as much as that tour guide's dress 🤪 Keep smiling and always keep dancing, it's a highlight of all episodes – Jerry

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