Ultimele zile în șantierul bărcilor! | Sailing Sitka Ep 96

Ultimele zile în șantierul bărcilor!  |  Sailing Sitka Ep 96

Ultimele zile în șantierul bărcilor. În acest episod al navigării sitka, aproape că încheiem această serie de șantiere cu bărci, terminând ultimele noastre proiecte pentru refit. Singurul lucru este să-l facem să terminăm ultimul strat de vopsea de jos și săptămâna viitoare facem SPLASH! Cine e gata!? Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare și vă rugăm să vă abonați dacă v-a plăcut.


10 thoughts on “Ultimele zile în șantierul bărcilor! | Sailing Sitka Ep 96

  1. Happy New Year Jay and Kenna! Or as my French Spanish would translate, Feliz año Nuevo! Sitka’s bottom is lookin FIIIIINE 😮 I’ve got Vanessa Carlton vibes thinking about walking 500 miles to upload a video lol. Did they play it in Canada with kilometer subtitles?? Keep it up you two ❤

  2. Sorry, wrong song reference, it was the Proclaimers. I should rewrite the lyrics in support of two Canuck coconuts down in Mexico 😂

  3. Youtube starlink 12v covertion, it turns it into 12 volts instead of inverting it. Lots of overlanders are doing it. There are also diy flat mounts people are making. May not be worth it if your only using it for uploading. Game changer though for sure! Can't wait to see you guys back at sea!

  4. Congrats on getting to 3k subs, I think you should have many more. Isn't it amazing how your drive, outlook and attitude changes when you see a big light at the end of the tunnel instead of just that pin hole. I agree unless you a going to use it, Starlink is best inside until needed, reduce on deck clutter. Hope your first sails were good, and you are getting south,as quick as "Sitka" will let you. Belated holiday wishes, and prayers for continued good sailing.

  5. Thanks for this week's video. And Happy New Year 🎉.
    Hope to see your sails ⛵️ on the Horizon someday from our lanai.
    So until next time ⏲️, Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii!

    Where it is Summer year round! Cheers 🍻

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