Viața după navigarea în jurul lumii

Viața după navigarea în jurul lumii

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22 thoughts on “Viața după navigarea în jurul lumii

  1. Just live in the moment and chill, enjoy each day with your kids to the fullest and let life reveal the next leg of your journey.

  2. New Year's Thought
    When I started wandering when I was 19 I realized you take yourself with you wherever you go, there is no escape, no other you out there waiting for you – there is no past, no future you're always in the present moment – to some who are afraid of the quiet moments and see life as a series of distractions and goals this can be challenging /for others it's calming & peaceful

    As a recovering wanderer

    who also had the dream of building a boat and living on it with my wife and first if two kids back in the 1970's

    that life had its storms and twists and shouts and never happened / for better or worse

    I started watching lots of blue water cruisers like yourselves, some with families too /

    And maybe there is some food for thought as you look inside and outside and at your beautiful family and your floating life on the island called earth

    Love watching you guys and your vulnerability and insights into life

    Food for thought

  3. A portion of angst is measured out to everyone who is introspective, regardless of life’s circumstances. You call it Summit syndrome. It is also known as midlife crisis, job dissatisfaction, and first world problems. In the West and especially America we have a problem with the lamentations of others. Heaven forbid someone answer honestly when they are greeted with “how are you doing?”. Keep a stiff upper lip, the power of positive thinking and fake it until you make it, is what is expected. We are uncomfortable with people that have extreme reasons for lamentations such as major illnesses, death and poverty. We haven’t been taught how to just be with someone who is lamenting. Life’s angsts combines sufferers avoidance with unrelatability. Don’t struggle or be apologetic in your explanation. Thank you for your authenticity. Let negative comments roll off like the water on the duck’s back. Your lamentations serve many purposes. They opened the door for others to be authentic. They help you to manage an intentional life. You can’t deal with lamentations suppressed. May God be with you as you sail through life.

  4. We are a new channel and love your videos! We bareboat as much as we can until we can get our own boat. your videos provide great info! Keep up the good work!

  5. The journey is filled with seeking direction. Answers will come as long as you look. I have learned the less that I force, the more that comes to me. Allow and follow, through it all enjoy the present moment. Also, meditation silences the mind…and opens it to the answers that will come.

  6. You are facing exactly the same 'what next' conundrum faced by recent retirees. Try looking at some of the self help books aimed at those close to retirement.

  7. Happy New Year! Whichever turn you take, you will be great, Nahoa people. Raising family on board is not an easy task. Goals are coming in all shapes and colors. Cheers!

  8. You two are fedup of sailing around the world. Sell your boat. Close this channel and keep on with your life as land rats! I can feel your negativity against boat life.

  9. Still watching you two amazing people! Since the beginning and I'll always be here. Thanks for the journey around the world and what's next!😊

  10. Happy New Year! It seems like your goals are pretty obvious. If you’re going to get a new boat that kind of drives your actions for the next two years. It will drive when you sell your current boat. I assume you want to sell it in a place that gets you a good price. You need to move the boat to that location.

  11. The bigger the accomplishment the bigger the “depression” typically. I have experienced this same problem many times after accomplishing major goals. The cure is finding another goal to accomplish. This funk will immediately go away and you will be off to the races once again.

    Now I expect this depression after accomplishing major goals and try to have a plan for what is next before I finish the original goal. It helps with the transition.

    Just got to Bonaire today from Grenada. Saw you guys at LPB a few times. Please feel free to join us. We are going through the canal and going to Galapagos.

  12. Happy New Year guys! Thank you for your honesty! I know you will work this all out, make decisions and start preparations for the next chapter. Maybe visiting friends and family for a month or so would be a change of scenery and make the choices more clear. Take care and much love from a cold Arizona. ❤️

  13. Shut up. My last contract ended 17th Dec. My next one is 20th Jan. Both were for 300 a day and last 2 to 3 weeks.
    Between times I worked on my Sister's house up to 23rd Dec and since then working on my daughter's small place because her husband abandoned her and the kids. So that is physical construction work every day. Yes every single day to date for nothing. How can I charge her. Basically I am bailing out the selfish f☆£&er that left her so he is up on the deal.
    My son is dying slowly of Leukemia and my wife's parents are both still around making daily demands about shopping or hair dressers or taking out their trash.
    I give a like and view till the end and try to let the ads run. But I want go enjoy what you are doing and planning but you get zero sympathy. If you keep moaning I'll watch someone else.
    And here you are looking for sympathy. Get stuffed, your life is not hard and you are not working harder than me and your life is more like the holiday I will never have. I am 65 and I have €367.00 that is 3 hundred and sixty seven euros in savings.

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