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Well, maybe that's why Chrisean didn't want her sister on the show
Can’t no grown man grab my neck like that lmao
It's all straight up demonic degeneracy for worldly gain. Make no mistake, this life is not all that there is but the impact you have on others & the moral or immoral things that you do leaves a mark on your soul & gets carried into what comes after but the $, cars & private jets don't…
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
Matthew 16:26
Babyyyyyy I found youuuu!!!! Tiktok was NOT ENOUGH

See Miami was living everything she rapped on even though she made it, JT on another note was like b*** I’m not with it I’m good
Ahna was laughing a little too loud when Tee asked about her sleeping with her boss. & the way Tee looked at her said it all

I had to share because this makes so much sense to me!!
& Natalie keeps her relationship with stunna so they don’t get exposed
this NEEDS more views!!!
I feel real bad for JT bcuz she looks so lost & wants to cringe so bad 9:46
I lowkey felt like he was trying to be like diddy too after all the allegations came out
“zeus” is also another name for satan, i think. or the lightning bolt associated w Zeus is somehow symbolism for satan. i forget the correlation but there’s a link between the two. that’s scary to think about considering what the network promotes
Omg i always wondered why i keep seeing random post of certain baddies on boats like they're promoting themselves for sale. And scotty seems to travel alot !! Like how she get that money . And i heard scotty sleeping with someones boss . Scott tissue seems to have the most dirt on her name like damn.
If this is true I wonder if woah Vickey leaving early was Jesus way of getting her up out of there ? Maybe she knew she wasn’t suppose to be there from the get go but she still went so Jesus allowed her to get beat up to knock some sense into her

but maybe I’m thinking to hard
imagine selling your morals and self dignity for money and a show like this
you are smart.
Zues is gonna get exposed real soon. It’s no way that they barely drop shows and make as much money they do. The lifestyles, parties etc it’s not correlating
I fucks with you. You ain't acting delusional like most commentators.
Baddies definitely give me Taz Angels vibes for sure
Y’all remember they said the pussy cat dolls was 304s so yeah I can believe zues got something going on
Great video! Thank you for connecting the dots. Zeus Network is despicable.
Baddies the new Taz’s Angels?
I was very surprised that Tee was on baddies she was very out of place imo. Red Rubi would’ve been a bad mix
It makes soooo much sense now. I vividly remember that odd interview of Tee & the City girls circulating twitter and we all thought she was just mad unprofessional. Whole time, the interaction was weird irl bc they actually had some (maybe small) history.
Your handsome bro.
Watching the way he was looking and talking to him when responding to having a piece of Zues, it looked more like he wanted a piece of him to give him some "man love" and not just the network.
but think of the name wake up zeus everything has a meaning and a back story and that sorry still goes on just in modern time
sad n sick is fuck right in front of our faces everything that’s a sin an against the law is becoming to be a norm and legal like who are these people are we even protected or safe they trying to push their lifestyle on to us so the whole world will be eventually up under this one world government of wicked ppl they all in it no matter which side we pick they all on the same team. that’s the scary part
3:07 freaking kiss already omg lol
Explains why they keeping Rollie because she gon tell it all
They the new taz angels