Alăturați-vă mie într-un tur al acestui Burger SuperYacht de 127’! Acest iaht construit american este accesibil cu scaunul cu rotile și are, de asemenea, un lift la bord. Burger este cunoscut drept „Rolls Royce” al constructorilor americani de iahturi. Spune-mi ce părere ai despre acest vas frumos în secțiunea de comentarii! Acest iaht este prezentat de Merle Wood & Associates și Gilman Yachts din Ft Lauderdale: -yachts/2003-burger-tri-deck-motor-yacht-impetuous/2797195/3/ Acest canal nu ar fi posibil fara VOI! Fiecare comentariu, like și distribuire ajută canalul să se dezvolte. Aboneaza-te daca iti place si te prindem data viitoare! Urmăriți în continuare: Extra Yachts X99 FAST SuperYacht Tour: 36.000.000 € Baglietto T52 Hybrid SuperYacht : 143′ Canados Oceanic 143 Tri Deck SuperYacht: 143′ Canados Oceanic 143 Tri Deck SuperYacht. be/s100tdNGG7U Despre dependența de iahturi: Hei, eu sunt Tony. Vă mulțumim că ați verificat Yacht Addiction pe Youtube! Dacă îți plac iahturile, acesta este locul potrivit pentru tine! Noi tururi cu iahturi sunt disponibile în fiecare miercuri. Nu lucrez în industria de iahturi și nu am experiență în navigație. Sunt doar un tip obsedat de iahturi. Alăturați-vă în această călătorie în timp ce explorez cât mai multe bărci. Croaziere, traulere, superyacht-uri, pescuit sportiv și bărci cu pânze.. Vreau să le fac tur pe toate! Urmărește-mă pe instagram: My Gear: Camera – Backup Camera – Microfon – https://amzn. to/3CTkWkA Backup Mic – Gimbal – Card SD – Unele linkuri din descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs cu link-urile pe care le furnizez, s-ar putea să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Acest lucru mă ajută să continui canalul Yacht Addiction cu noi tururi în fiecare săptămână! SPECIFICAȚII: Preț: 8.500.000 USD Lungime: 127′ sau 38,71 m Lungime: 27′ 4″ sau 8,31 m Pescaj: 7′ 2″ sau 2,18 m An: 2003 Refit: 2022 Constructor: Burger Model: 127 Motor: (A2) CAT 3508B Diesel Viteză maximă: 15 kt Viteză de croazieră: 12 kt Raza de acțiune: 3700nm Cabine: 5 Oaspeți: 10 Echipaj: 7 #SuperYacht #SuperyachtTour #YachtTour
Turism un superyacht american accesibil cu scaunul cu rotile 8.500.000 USD | 127′ Iahtul cu motor Burger

30 thoughts on “Turism un superyacht american accesibil cu scaunul cu rotile 8.500.000 USD | 127′ Iahtul cu motor Burger”
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A Burger…my second favorite brand. And they are the Rolls-Royce of yacht builders
I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday season! I have a bunch of upcoming tours you won't want to miss including new builds from Heesen, Majesty, Princess, and Ocean Alexander. Make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications so you don't miss any of the action! Also, please me know if there any yachts brands or models you'd like me to try and tour this year.
It has got it all a real beauty! six months ago the price made complete sense, today, yacht prices falling like stone!
Burger is well known for their excellent boat building quality. Tony, you did a great job showing us around this stunning yacht and pointing out the fabulous woodwork throughout this yacht. Hope you and your family had a great Christmas and a joyous start to the New Year.
Ok, I wouldn't consider this one a Rolls-Royce. I would consider it a Porsche Panamera Turbo S or a Bentley Continental GT
BTW , it is nice to see a person take polite critic's advice! Thanks for slowing down!! Much , much better!!
It must cost a fortune to run a yacht of that size never mind maintenance. It its a beautiful yacht though. Thank you Tony.
Is the G pronounced like a J? Lovely yachts either way
Looks like 1980 style very Dated
First of all Tony a Happy New Year and all the best for 2024 to you and yours
. Between American and European yachts of this period it would always be an European yacht if I had plenty of money and the purchase of the yacht didn't affect me much,but if money was tighter but able to buy a yacht it would be to live on full time. The difference of these two for me is simply the outside look of the yachts, American yachts swim platforms and forward decks seem very bland and they tend to not make much of those areas,but where they peak my interest is their interiors especially for living abroad full time . Like this Burger,I love the interior,the wood work the layout as well as furnishings and fittings,the galley looks great very spacious, I'd be very happy to live on this yacht and be content. All the best from Cornwall 

While very nice, but certainly misleading title. Certainly not wheelchair accessibility. Lift yes but not to rooms.
Thanks for a delightful video. Really enjoyed the classic Burger. So much elbow room everywhere, very gracious cabins and living spaces. It looks like the crew mess is located in the galley – so much nicer than being in a windowless nook below decks. Are the crew cabins comfortable? Yachts with all dark woodwork are out of style now but to me the woodwork on Impetuous looks beautifully done and rich.
Ifg you like Burger Yachts, Check out the NADAN! She's an absolute work of art.
One of the main considerations for me is accessibility. I have a spinal injury causing mobility problems, the lift, and wide passerelle would be big plus points.
I'm not a fan of dark woods everywhere, so that may go against it.
Another plus is the high standard of maintenance. The sun deck is absolutely stunning.
On the whole, this would definitely be on the viewing list.
Thanks for the tour, Tony, and best wishes for 2014.
Well, it's nice that it has an elevator, but how does the person in the wheelchair get down to the bedrooms
I know that boat pretty well… she is gorgeous stem to stern.. The galley and crew mess are exceptional.. I think she is worth the listed price… there is no perfect boat though, so the drawbacks are.. If you dont value the accessability then the elevator program eats up a bunch of real estate in prime spots with no benefit.. Not much room for water toys.. that beautifull davit needs about twice as much space to work with.. That said, anyone should be proud to own a boat like that..
So where does the crew sleep?
Under the stars?
Nothing much has changed in style for at least 20 years.
Awesome walkthrough Tony! Thank you for this one. It’s a gorgeous vessel and rare in its accessibility. Once again thanks.
Did you skip the crew quarters?
I do love the look of classic yachts, they just ooze comfort, character and charm. Love the range on this one too.
Is it just me, but there is no sound.
Such a beautiful floating mansion.Well done to the owners,and the crew that maintain her.I hope this year,and all that follow are full of joy,good health,and happiness for you Tony,and your kin.
WOW ! Almost like a floating resort ! Beautiful !! Did I miss the crew quarters ? I'll rewatch. Thank you Tony !
I absolutely love classic interiors, the more wood there is the more I love it!
Another awesome video. Thanks, Tony!
+Please stop saying "so" all the time. I've stopped watching your videos because it's so annoying. Also, I'm not an idiot or am I blind, stop stating the absolute obvious. like " here we have seating and the ships bell" WTF? Rather comment on the different materials or even how strong the boat is. I understand that you have never worked professionally on yachts, it shows as you have no idea what things are really called, but stop treating the rest of us like blind morons. I must say though, your camera work has improved tremendously, well done. Why don't you go and spend a fortune on all the courses that will enable you to work on one of these yachts, get some experience, and then not only know what you are talking about but appreciate it as well, instead of taking the short cut, as you are doing, and pretending you are something you most definitely are not. A professional.
Beautiful craftsmanship. Any LOI is going to be 1/3 this price. There are too many surfaces to refurbish so it isn’t such a dark creepy man cave. Sorry to the owner