PVB este în Perth pentru lumile windsurferilor și face o mică plimbare în jur… 00:00 începe 0:40 Începe podcast 3:35 PVB prezintă concurenții japonezi în direct de la South Perth Yacht Club 06:05 Trecerea la bordul Windsurfer LT și instalație 09:41 PVB îl întreabă pe Lachlan Vize despre clasă și curse 10:44 PVB îl vânează pe legenda Oz Jessica Crisp 12:30 Discuție cu Lanee Beashel Câștigătoarea slalomului pentru femei 15:30 PVB discută cu echipa Nederland 20:05 PVB se întâlnește cu Craigwood – Spotty Deținătorul recordului de viteză LT! 25:10 Spotty vorbește despre clasele de greutate pentru concurenți 27:08 Discutați cu Tim Lelliot – Vicepreședintele Windurfer LT Worlds despre participare și încotro se îndreaptă clasa? 31:40 Discuție cu Bruce Kendall (Nu Wylie!) – Marinar olimpic din 1984/88/92 37:49 Discuție la bar cu echipajul Ozzie 41:13 Discuție cu Nick Bez, organizatorul evenimentului 51:20 PVB întâlnește evenimentul DJ Adrian – AKA The Techno Butcher 57:20 Întâmpinarea cu Rohan Cudmore 1:03:20 Discuție cu Gus Cody și descoperirea unei platforme mai mici 1:08:14 Întâlnirea cu Josh Baker U19 1:10:35 Încheierea cu Ben
Windsurfer Worlds Perth – Plimbare – Ben & Paul

29 thoughts on “Windsurfer Worlds Perth – Plimbare – Ben & Paul”
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Apologies if I was a bit loud on the microphone sometimes…. I wasn’t sure on the sound levels. First time using the rode mic live!
The good thing about events in OZ , its never too far away from a good bar.. great show Paul
Well I loved that. As an old 80’s windsurfer, it ticks all the boxes. The real challenge will be attracting youth.
Nice update, interesting to see where the LT goes. What happens to all the used equipment?
39:41 Grande Nicola

Looks like a great event. What are we watching at 5:37? Lol
Great Show! Events like this and the Defi Wind are the way forward!
Is that the South Perth Yacht Club?
that's what im talking about… i started in rio de janeiro in 1978 on a windsurfer and a ten cate sail. i will be back sailing again in this class. i was a slalom racer for years but this is real race to me. congratulations paul
Very fun. We need more of this.
Great work Paul

that's the way to get new people to t to he sport. hi tech gear is intimidating for beginners but this is for everyone
People who are skeptical really should jump on one and test it out. It is really a nice board, very versatile and can be used in so many conditions. And if you aren't gonna class race, just buy the board and use your normal windsurf sails! Honestly, this is the way to get people into windsurfing again, It is a board that doesn't get old. If somebody has spent a lot of money on wing stuff and foils they will stick to that.
Foil windsurfing is too expensive, too dangerous and too complicated and also wing foil is killing it. Sorry to say this , but if you are normal person with a normal salary and you want to try to race, windsurfer class is the answer.
Looks epic
bought one a few years ago and I have a blast with it in low wind conditions. I used to mull around on the beach those days, and now I sail even in those conditions,, can't complain!
Scotty was by far the best interview after his 2 (dozen) cold ones and “we’re just Aussies, we love to beat the seppos”….glad to see nothing has changed in the last 30 years then

how much this gear cost?
That was great, well done Paul. Looking forward to seeing some footage of the races. I don't have an LT but do have my old raceboard that I still love to take out some times and sail to all corners of the lake. I have rented an LT a few times when taking a buddy with me who hasn't sailed for decades and struggles quite a bit when on a modern short board (coming from a nineties 60cm slalom board). We have lots of fun racing each other on the LT.
One design is the key. The boards are not high performance but you know when racing the best man or woman will win. A shoutout to Jess, I used to sail with her back in the 80's on the original.
More of this please, the interviews and social side of windsurfing is great to watch, we all love the PWA events because the sailing is so epic to watch, but the only way i would get back into windsurfing after 30 off would be a windsurfer LT, just for the social aspect and fun racing…this is the future of the sport, because without it, its just dwindling numbers participating….
Just watched the whole thing. Awesome job pvb and thanks for hosting Ben. Gonna increase my Beer money.
This vid is EPIC! Love it! Nick's interview is so good! Thanks Paul
Top job Paul on your walking and talking flow – and getting on the dance floor! You nailed it.
I'm super amped on OD boards. Not in terms of racing, but just pure fun, as that's how I started. I bought an old board a while ago and only recently found a fin for it. Definitely sticking the kids on it. 38:36 – Andrew Silver! What a legend mate.
0:40 Podcast starts
3:35 PVB introduces the Japanese competitors live from South Perth Yacht Club
06:05 Walkthrough of the Windsurfer LT board and rig
09:41 PVB asking Lachlan Vize about the class and racing
10:44 PVB hunts down Oz legend Jessica Crisp
12:30 Chat with Lanee Beashel Ladies slalom winner
15:30 PVB talks to team Nederland
20:05 PVB meets Craig Spotty Spottiswood – LT speed record holder!
25:10 Spotty talks about the weight classes for competitors
27:08 Chat with Tim Lelliot – Vice President of Windurfer LT worlds about participation and where is the class heading?
31:40 Chat with Bruce Kendall (Not Wylie!) – Olympic sailor from 1984/88/92
37:49 Bar chat with the Ozzie crew
41:13 Chat with Nick Bez, event organiser
51:20 PVB meets event DJ Adrian – AKA the Techno Butcher
57:20 Catching up with Rohan Cudmore
1:03:20 Chat with Gus Cody and discovering a smaller rig
1:08:14 Meeting Josh Baker U19
1:10:35 Wrap up with Ben
Grass root sailing with a great bunch of people …. well done WCAA!
Fantastic report Paul! Very inspring!